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Everything posted by Copita

  1. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Have A Great Trip And An Awesome Wedding!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Monique Egyptians at the time of the pharoahs considered 13 lucky, because they believed life unfolded in 12 stages, and that there was a 13th stage-the afterlife-beyond...so it can't be all bad...13 is a lucky number in a lot of cultures... Thank you SO much for posting this! As of late, I have been seriously thinking that 13 is k ind of like my lucky #. I see it everywhere I go and it is always popping up in strange ways! I def think there is nothing wrong with this # and it is def considered lucky by many.
  3. All so very gorgeous! I love how the dress materials flow together! And I love your ring. It's very unique
  4. I do feel like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders! Another cool thing was we got 20% off for booking our photog and videographer ahead of time. I always love a discount! Yay! It's coming up fast, ladies!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura nicole, i dont think getting the legal stuff done before you go takes away from the wedding at all. my FI said he views the civil ceremony as just a formality... he said its "not real" (even though legally it is) until we have god's blessing. ITA with your FI here. The blessing is what makes it "special" to me. Hooray! I still need to -burn a CD for in between our band's sets of music -get shoes for my dress, and have the length altered -favor bags & gold ribbon. I will order those today. Sweet. I thi nk that is the most of it. Yay!
  6. You have to be there a couple days before if you're getting legally married there. We are doing the civil ceremony here so we don't have to deal with all of that (and also the wedding package is about $630 cheaper, can you believe it!?) I would just recommend taht you get travel insurance so they can't keep changing/cancelling flights. Good luck!
  7. I had them RSVP to me but included all the travel agent info in our save the dates.
  8. ^^ No I get what you're saying. Everyone is different. We just decided to do it that way since it's less work/expenses. Plus the blessing and the legal part are different to me. LOL Either way, your wedding will be super Thanks about the pics!
  9. ^^ We stayed at LTI but are getting married at Iberostar PC. I can't wait to go baaack!
  10. I agree with most here who say to mail them. Because email can easily be deleted or put in a 'bulk/spam' folder, so they may not even get it. We sent out magnets for people to stick on their refrigerators as a reminder.
  11. I love these invitations! And I especially love the calendar you put on them! Very creative!
  12. Lil, did you get travel insurance? If you did, it should cover the cost for a flight cancellation. If not, just look into it with the airlines. SOrry to hear this happened to you.
  13. We did ours for 3 weeks before. For the stragglers, late-bookers. believe it or not, out of the 40 that have booked, I have only gotten two reply cards back!!!!!
  14. Hi guys! I just got back from DR and am very glad to say that we have everything set for our wedding. We got there and our wedding coordinator was waiting for us with drinks and the chefs that will be cooking the day of our dinner. She was really nice and we spent good amount of time going over everything.. So we picked out the the ceremony site (on the beach) and reception (open-air restaurant), some h'ors deurves & cocktails for in between cerem & recep, the menu, the cake, the photographer, videographer, the decorations, flowers (red roses), and the band that will play. I feel so much better now & much less stressed out knowing that we have finalized all our plans. I just ordered some last minute wedding favors yesterday and dinner mints to stuff in tulle bags. Just have to get my dress length altered this week and that's it! Hooray! Here are some pics from my trip. I'm getting so excited for the Big Day!!!
  15. ^^ Cole, that is what we are doing. Civil ceremony here so we don't have to deal with the extra paperwork, translation and costs that go with getting married there... Also, the wedding package (vow renewal) is about $630 cheaper! So I just got back from Punta Cana and we met with our w.c. and picked out the band, flowers, menu, reception & ceremony site, etc. I feel so much better after meeting with her. Some pics are attached (I also posted this in the DR section)
  16. Foxy! Welcome back! thanks for the funr eview and pictures! That is crazy that they charged for stuff not previously mentioned but great that you held your own! HOoray for weddings!
  17. ^^ Will definitely do! I'll have a full report for you guys!
  18. ^^ I feel you! My wedding is just 6 days before you. The pressure is on! Do you get there a few days before the wedding? if you do, then you could pick out the ceremony/reception site then if you change your mind from the initial pick. It's normal at this point to be freaking out! But at the same time... you're almost there! yay!
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