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Everything posted by Copita

  1. Sorry, I don't know of anyone... Did you contact the hotel already?
  2. I, too, get pimples! IT IS SO FRACKING annoying! Hello, I'm not 14 anymore!!! I work out regularly and eat well all zee time and fo rme, the one area I wish I could perfect to a tee and seem to struggle the most with is my abs. I guess I can't complain but at the same time, if I slack off at all, it takes me some time to get it back. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Exciting!!!!! Are you all set? what do you still have left to do? This is my little to do list! Sand for the ceremony Pick up Dress Get bobby pins/hair clip Take my ring in for a final cleaning/gold dip Music – burn CD for in-between band sets Get a final head count Place cards – print Yay! Quote: Originally Posted by amym567 Congratulations!!! You're getting married on my 1-year anniversary!!!! Sounds like we got engaged around the same time too~ it was Christmas Day 2006 for us! Enjoy every minute!! Amy No way!!! Amy, we got engaged on Christmas 2006, too! How cool is that?!We are date twins, the whole way! I love it!
  4. Congrats to you! That is very exciting!
  5. This is pretty accurate for me: Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations. You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you. Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans. You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot. Your strength: Your ability to gain respect Your weakness: Caring too much what others think Your power color: Orange-red Your power symbol: Letter X Your power month: October
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride KWIM...Know what I mean? That took me forever to find out what it meant and if it wasn't for Tammy B. I still wouldn't know. LOL. LOL I am SO clueless when it comes to those internet abbreviations! LOL is pretty much the extent of my knowledge! Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Your WC may have something for you to fill out. I'd ask him how he would prefer you relay the information. My resort gave us one of these and it was really helpful. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura there will be photos of each person in the family and the bridal party so she doesnt forget who is who so she knows them by the time they arrive LOL, Maura! I love that you're printing everyone's pics! Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa i have actually been thinking of cutting it about 4 inches before the wedding b/c it is kind of amazon long right now LOL Lucky you! My hair takes foreeeever to grow!
  7. Hey Carly, I'm doing this at my wedding. All red but different. Not my dresses but some ideas: http://www.weddingbee.com/wp-content...e-05fall-b.jpg Shows a lot of them: Wedding Dress Styles & Cuts - Style & Fashion Guide | David's Bridal
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa yeah, i have been emailing and all that but my WC and i just did a bunch of emails this week and he seems to have left out or forgot some of the details. i am trying to think of a way i can organize all the info for him for the day of that is not too psychotic or control freak but i want everything right KWIM? ^^ What is KWIM? I am so lost! LOL. Hmm... maybe a spreadsheet/word doc is the best way to go so you can give it to him and then def go over it with him when you get there so he is clear on exactly what it is that you want. It will be perfect. You have lovely hair, btw.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride You could stand on a chair and yell really loudly through a bullhorn. LOL. Maybe that is a way to give good, clear instructions to the WC. Just yell the commands and end it with "Don't screw this up, or heads are going to roll!" LOL! All throughout, I've emailed her, called her, sent her pics, pdf pics, etc. We had two site visits so I even brought stuff with me to show her what I liked and how I wanted th set up to be. She has a good idea of what I want. The day of I think she knows what I'm going for and if not I will tell her straight up, That is great/not so good/etc!
  10. Flygirl, Thank you for posting this question because I have absolutely NO idea about the order of things!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Otis, welcome back! It sounds like you had a lovely time!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by sgrimm1 Tell her to stick her med school books up her ass, and let her go!!!!! This made me laugh! And it's so true. This is what I call a "toxic friendship." B* is totally out of line and undeserving of even being invited to your wedding! Cut her out! Grr. Everytime I read this thread it gets me mad! LOL
  13. LOVELY dress! It's reallly reallly romantic! I love the lace and embroidery on it!!! You will make a gorgeous bride!
  14. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong.
  15. HOLY CANNOLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! December 2006, my FI proposed to me and I remember saying, when we set our date, summer 2008 is SO far away. July 5, 2008 is So far away, and today my ticker says that I am only ONE MONTH away from my wedding and I am happily freaking out! This is so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting soooooooooooooooooooo excited/happy/panicky/jumpy!!!! I feel like I have so much to do still! AHHH! YAY! MY WEDDING IS IN A MONTH! :smile 159:
  16. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh (my seamstress is pissing me off though telling them all that they are going to look preggo in their dresses) Prepare CD's for band breaks Wow. Your seamstress has some nerve. Tell her to frog off! LOL. How rude! I am sure your BMs will look lovely! I've gotta do that CD for the band-break thing, too. Your wedding is a day before mine! Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride I just found out that my Aunt isnt coming to the wedding. I now have NO ONE from my side at the wedding.Just FI's parents. Sucks! Aw, I'm sorry. But no worries. You guys will still have a lovely time. Its about the union of you guys and it will be a wonderful day, no matter who is there!
  18. Don't worry! I will post pics at the final fitting for you guys! I know they know what they're doing, I guess it's just crunch time so I'm panicking! AH! Thanks for the words of calmness/kindness!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lagen She said, "I'm hurt that you weren't excited for me". So, now the drama continues......I was called manipulative in attempting to get her to go shopping. She also called me a bully and verbally abusive. And, instead of calling me to tell me this she IMed my fiance and told all of this to him - she's met him 3 times. So, now I'm pissed that she was so socially inapprorpaite as to say negative things about me to him and cause triangulation. UGH! And after I told her it would be very inappropriate to contact Todd again like that she said she would anyways because it made her fel better, despite irritating me. DRAMA!!! Perhaps because she said yeseterday she was going to terminate the friendship if it weren't for my fiance........I'm not sure why his words are so powerful to her?!?! Oh my word. Please re-read everything that you wrote, and I highlighted, what were to me, the parts that showcase that woman as a complete psycho. She seriously sounds like a sociopath. Me, Me, Me. First, It's not ABOUT her. It's YOUR wedding so she is the one who's supposed to be excited FOR YOU, not the other way around. And how on EARTH were you manipulating her when all you asked was for her to go and find a dress that fit, after she threw a temper tantrum a million times before? Seriously, I do not know this chick and really really really want to throw a stapler at her foot. LOL. Her IMing YOUR FI to talk smack about you IS completely inappropriate and furthermore, THREATENING YOU that the only reason she didn't terminate her friendship with you was over something that you FI said, is the bottom line/dealbreaker for me. I wouldn't have let her say another word past that. Tell her, You know, I thought a lot about what you said, about terminating our friendship, and it may just be the best thing at this point. She sounds like a ungrateful, self-absorbed, impertinent dumbass. Sorry, but it's true. She will try to ruin your wedding day, I bet. Cut her off now!
  20. My wedding is coming up really soon... I'm getting really stressed. AH! It's 7/5/08 and I just talked to my seamstress who said she'll be doing the final fitting on 6/21/08, to see if I've gained/lost weight, etc. Is that cutting it too close I'm just panicking at this point. I'm just worried that what if that's not enough time to fix the dress if I need more alterations. AH! I always am the same weight but still, I guess I'm just worried. Please advise.
  21. ^^ LOL, Coles! That is happening to me, too! At least 2-3 times a week now, I dream of my wedding! What are you doing for your bachelorette party? Have fun in California! Left to do for me: -Pick up my dress -Ring dipped/cleaned -Sand for the ceremony -Burn CD music for reception -Final head count; make place cards... Yay!
  22. JustMartha, Mine is a sweetheart. I originally thought I'd get just a normal strapless dress but when I saw my dress, that was it for me. YOu may really love it, too!
  23. I was originally going to wear my hair up, but when I got my veil, I tried it on with my hair half-up and decided that is how I like it the best
  24. Saraha, that is awesome! And so funny about George Bush the iguana and penthouse! YAY! Have an awesome time and wedding!
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