I've been engaged for 1.5 year and since the beginning we decided on a DW. Since the begining, I have had a girlfriend (for years now), who said she was going to come, no matter what, would talk about it every single day.
Well, ever since I sent out the save the date, months ago, she has been seemingly avoiding me. It's the weirdest thing. I will call her or invite her out and she won't even respond to me. It's SO bizarre. Then I of course, sent her the invitation to the wedding, and no RSVP, nada. Two weeks ago I emailed her, asking her to please give me a heads up cause I need a final head count, now that I'm just days away and need to get a list to my wedding coordinator, and she HASN'T EVEN RESPONDED.
I guess I'm just upset that she's completely blown me off. I can understand if she can't come, but why the blow off. I have other friends that told me straight up they're not coming. I appreciate honesty. But why this fuckery? This avoiding people? I absolutely abhor when people blow me off. It is so beyond rude!
Why do you guys these this is/why she's doing this?
I would never do this to her.