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Posts posted by Copita

  1. Twinkle,


    Can you forward the new sales person a copy of your old packages that stated the prices you were promised? They shouldn't be able to just change things when they want!

    Also, can you get in touch with teh general manager of the hotel and find out what's going on with so many wedding coordinators and tell her/him you are putting your foot down... that they need to keep the pricing they told you THE FIRST TIME. Keep all your emails and tell her/him you are bringing a lot of business to their hotel.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
    Are you f'in kidding me! Is this chick trying to tell me my wedding has not been confirmed!!!! This would be the 3rd wedding coordinator I would have to deal with. And how about the prices of the wedding packages increased AGAIN!!!!! :
    I am SOOO sorry!!!!!!!!
    When it rains, it pours, it seems!!
    First, I am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I do believe everything happens for a reason, for whatever it is worth, and you are def in my thoughts & prayers!
    About your job, maybe you get some sort of 'severence' pay or go to an unemployment office in the interim while you try to find a new job and send our your resume.
    As for the wedding, do you have all the emails savedhuh.gif I would FORWARD ALL of the emails to the new WC, or better, call and ask to speak with the GENERAL MANAGER of the hotel, tell him yu've been jerked around long enough, with a difference WC three times now, and that you were promised such and such date and such and such time (they can't backtrack on that) and that you were promised XX price for the wedding. DO NOT let them try to eff you over on the pricing, girl! They will do that! When I had my site visit, they tried to say somethign increased and I say, OH HELL NO, you said last year to me that it was XX amount of dollars... And they couldn't back out of what they'd promised me.
    Don't sweat the ex-MOH. She sounds like a complete wanker anyway!
    Moving forward, I know it will all work out for you. I am sending you a HUGE smile03.gif your way and hoping for all the best!
  3. We were first going to go to a different resort but then decided against it.

    We're gonna stay at our resort, and plan on staying a little longer than most guests anyway.

    I love the resort where the wedding is, so I'm happy.

    Plus this is truly one of the only times in our lives that all of our family and good friends will be together. And especially in an exotic place. Makes it that much more cool! :) I think it will be neat. Weddingmoon!

    We plan on going to Europe later this year, just us two.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
    You should have put your new phone # 1-800-go-Fuckyourslef

    LOL. True. She's still my cousin though. I wrote her an email because there iS NO way I could have conveyed politeness via the phone! I wanted to be like, ARE YoU FUCKING CRAZYhuh.gif!!!!

    Originally Posted by becks View Post
    Dear me! Call the scientific community because we have found a woman with a set!

    I think your next step is to just let her know that if they won't be attending the wedding, would she please send the FG dress back to you because so-and-so are booked and bringing their lovely daughter with them and you're going to reassign the FG duties to her.
    Luckily, I have the FG dress & accessories and was going to take it with me to the wedding to give it to her there. So no loss there except I spent money that I won't get back cause I can't return it. I bought it so long ago. sad.gif
    Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
    My advice bin the flower girl and tell her to piss off!!! girl_werewolf.gifsmile117.gif
    I will have to find a new flower girl. It's not the FG's fault, it's the mom acting like a ding dong
    Who knows if they'll even come to my wedding, but again, totally presumptious on the mom's part! ICK!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    how fucking RUDE!
    My feeling exactly. Maura, love how you tell it like it is!

    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    I'm sorry but she is acting like the flower girl is some service she can charge for.
    Exactly! INSANE!

    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    Your cousin must of smoked some good stuff that day. .
    I know!!!

    Originally Posted by carly View Post
    From the way that you wrote it, it appears that you asked the FG AFTER your cousin assured you they were coming. So why would that be on you?
    I asked her to be a flower girl about NINE months after she said she would FOR SURE be at the wedding.

    Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
    And, I am sorry, but I can maybe see paying for a small portion for your FG, but not for everyone! Hell to the NO!
    FIve. Count it on your hands.. FIVE people. FOUR adults, ONE flower girl!

    Originally Posted by monicaswave View Post
    Your cousin is crazy.
    Straight and to the point. Couldn't agree more!

    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    sometimes you just have to look at people and say WTF is wrong with youhuh.gif KWIM?
    Weddings do bring out the worst in everyone!!!!

    First of all, let me say how ALL of you guys just made me LOL and almost pee my pants reading your comments! I LOVE BDW! You guys are great!!!
    I was SO pissed off when I read my cousin's email that I swear, my heart was beating faster. LOL. Now I'm better but, I just could not believe anyone would say that to anyone!

  6. My cousin assured me she would be coming to my wedding last summer. Her, her daughter, her sis, my aunt, etc.

    I made her daughter my flower girl.

    About one week ago, she emails, saying, please provide us with more info on the resort, etc, so we can make reservations and get everything together (I'd already sent them an invitation).

    So we talked and I gave her all the info. No problem.

    Last week, she emails, and I quote, "Since my daughter is a flower girl in your wedding, it's only logical that you pay for our hotel stay, it would make complete sense to me that way." And said some things about how she's got a lot of bills lately, etc.




    HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL no. I can't believe she was so rude. WTF. You don't TELL someone they have to PAY for your hotel stay (her and FIVE other people) when it's THEIR wedding!!!! I had to wait a couple days to respond because I was so pissed, guys!

    I bought the flower girl her dress and all of her accessories already, too.

    So I emailed her back and told her, I dont want to create a burden for you by any means to come to my wedding but I am sorry, I cannot pay for your hotel stay since I am paying for my wedding and as you can imagine, a wedding can be costly.


    No response.



    So infuriating to me that people can be so presumptious and just expect things!

  7. Oh, wow. I am sorry to hear this.

    They have known for awhile now that you are getting married, right?

    I would just explain to them that you have to be in Mexico a couple of days before, as required by the country, in order to make it legal. I think you will be fine, honestly, but can understand your stress.

    If they still don't budge, worse case scenario, maybe you can do your legal wedding in th states, and then do the symbolic one in Mexico, like a lot of us do. (I am also doing this) and we will only arrive 2 days before the big day.

    Good luck & keep us posted!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by manda0812 View Post
    I still cannot work out how to insert more than one quote into my response...
    Go to the bottom of whoever has posted that you want to quote and click on "MQ" and then to the following post and click "MQ" (as many different people/quotes you want), then his 'POST REPLY' like you normally would, and voila, MULTI-QUOTE :)

    I also keep having cahrazy dreams almost nightly about my wedding. AHH! So exciting!
    I didn't know they had pre-pregnancy vitamins! I am so out of the loop!
  9. Saraece,

    I know exactly what you mean. When I started the quest for my dress, I would look at other girls in these insanely elaborate dresses and think, WHY? LOL.

    If you don't want something super bride-ish, then don't get it. Find the one that suits you, screams you, IS you. You will find it. Don't give up.

    And when you put it on and find yourself smiling in that mirror, you will know it's the one, just like you knew he was the one. There is definitely a moment with a wedding dress.

    I can't wait til you experience it! :)



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