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Everything posted by vale

  1. We are actually only going to send out invitations, we are going to do this quite soon so that if anyone does want to join us they have enough time to plan and save. Valerie
  2. vale


    Welcome Valerie
  3. Congratulations and welcome. It won't be long before you know exactly what you want, so much info on this site. Valerie
  4. vale


    congratulations, I am also getting married in July 08. No better place to start. Valerie
  5. vale


    Welcome, i'm sure there will be lots of info and ideas Regards Valerie
  6. Welcome and happy planning Valerie
  7. vale

    Just a Newbie

    Quote: Originally Posted by Doeeyes Hi, I would not say that I am or not a vols fan!I lived in Atlanta for most of my life and moved up to TN , about 2 years ago come Oct. My Hubby kind of got me stuck on Nascar!!! How funny right!!! Any ways I am excited about renewing our vals. I almost ant it to come now, I really need a brake with my hubby!!! I have a 3 year old little boy!! He is a handful, we would like to have another 1, Well I do my husband said he wants 3 more and I said, I do not think so.... I love kids!! But 4 kids would be alot.. Well when ever you get a chance right me back.. Lisa Welcom and congrats. We always said we wanted 4 and settled for three wonderful girls, after the last one I knew my family was complete, and now after 20 years together, finally getting married next year.
  8. vale


    Welcome, lots of good info in here. Valerie
  9. They are beautiful. With your invitations as wonderful as that, your wedding will be perfect. Regards Valerie
  10. Hi I'm also 10 months out, all I have done is confirm the date with the hotel wedding planner, booked the air travel and hotel, started making a invitation list and looked for invitations. Looked on various websites for my dress and my bridesmaid dresses, sort of done one of these free wedding website thingys but now my other half is trying to do one on our own website, so not sure which one to use now but other than that nothing else except join this web forum to talk to everyone about it. Thankyou all for your advice and suggestiosn so far! Valerie
  11. Hi Our three children will be my bridesmaids (18, 17 and 7). I always wanted our two older children to be our witnesses but cannot as you are not allowed to have blood relatives as witnesses but they are more than happy to be bridesmaids. I have to agree with everthing Dragonfly has said, a wise woman. Dragonfly, I also think your family photograph is absolutely wonderful, you all look very happy and contented. Regards Valerie
  12. Hi Does anyone know what the lake or the gardens are like at OB/OS, I'm thinking of the Gardens or the lake. I like the idea of being surrounded by flowers.
  13. Quote: I am a member on a UK forum but it's lovely to be on a worldwide one!!! What UK forum is it? Regards Valerie
  14. vale

    Newbie Here

    Welcome and happy planning
  15. vale


    Happy planning, lots of good info in the different threads. Valerie
  16. We have just booked for 10th July 2008 at the Ocean Blue/Sands Golf & Beach Resort. A long way off but still really excited. Valerie
  17. Our date has to be either 7,10 or 17. All of our birthdates are one of those numbers. Mine and our yougest daughter's bday is on 10th, Richard,my other half, and our oldest daughter is on 17th and our middle daughter is the 7th. The first house Richard and I lived together in was 71 (change them round and you get 17) , the first house we bought together was no 7, we started seeing each other on 17th. The list is endless. So I really would like to get married on any of those dates. Incidently the latest 'numbers' are flying out to the Dominican Repulic on the 7th and getting married on the 10th and if you add those together you get 17 so it should work!! A bit long winded but thats how i have come to my dates. Also we want to get married in July (7th month!!)
  18. vale

    Punta Cana Bride

    Hi April I'm also planning on getting marriedin Punta Cana, hopefully July 08. I think anywhere that you decide will be lovely as Punta Cana the most wonderful beaches around. Any help or info, let me know Valerie
  19. vale

    new newbie

    you'll find lots of info and help Valerie
  20. Hi Welcome to the site, I'm from the UK, was planning on July 09 but looks like may be changed to July 08, other half doesn't want to wait, so its just as well I found this site cos i think i'm going to need it!! :-)
  21. Congratulations and welcome, this site is a mine of information
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