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Everything posted by vale

  1. Hi I've just come across this website that has some beachy type OOT items based in the UK, I think does ship out internationally. Place Card Holders Valerie
  2. My mum won't be able to come shopping with me, she's 81, very frail and lives 200 miles away. When I told her I was getting married at long last (been together for 20 years), she said, if i wanted she would make mine for me. She hand stitched my sisters for her 33 years ago and said she would do the same for me. I said thanks but no thanks, too much for her now, and her eyes aren't as good as they used to be. She was okay with this. As she wouldn't be going to the wedding, I said when I got home I, my husband and my bridesmaids would come to see her, we would put our wedding clothes on and have photos taken with her for the album. She was very pleased with this. Even if she had gone with me shopping, I don't think she would have cried though, not a very teary person but she would have said what she thought looked nice on me and what didn't. Valerie
  3. So far we have 7 people going including us (us being Bride, groom, three children), but we haven't sent out any actual invitations yet, but if we don't get any more, i'll be more than happy. obviously if we do get more, i will be as equally happy I'll keep udating as i get replies
  4. Hi Dragonfly (Kelly) Would you say the second photographer was better, would she be able to take good pictures of the actual wedding do you think? If so, do you know her name. Thanks for your help. Valerie
  5. I'm hoping I will be okay with July in the Dominican Republic, they seem to arrive august/sept time. Valerie
  6. I've got to admit, Richard's sister is getting married in Dominican Republic in November, and at first we said 'no' as we had only been to the Dominican Repulic in March/April for my 40th birthday and wouldn't be able to afford it and my oldest two are doing their 'A levels' at school, so they definitely wouldn't be able to attend but after thinking about it, I decided I it would be nice for Richard to go to his sister's wedding so we just booked us and my youngest for one week (the older two are old enough now to stay at home on their own now) and was going to surprise her. She does know now but unfortunately we may not be there for the actual wedding as for a long time she didn't know the date and I only had one week I could book and it was the wrong week, but we will be there for the build up and she is trying to get the date changed so you never know. From my point of view it would have been nice to surprise her but maybe not from her. Now that I'm getting married in the Dominican Republic in July, I don't mind if people turn up that haven't told me, as it would be a nice surprise for me as well. Once everyone is there, i'm hoping then the numbers will be finalised and it won't be too stressful but I can see where everyone is coming from and you ask me this question again in 6 months time, maybe i will feel different. (i hope that all made sense and sorry for the length of it)
  7. vale


    Welcome, not long to go, i bet your excited.
  8. vale


    Welcome and congratulations, plenty of useful info for wherever you decide to get married. Valerie
  9. Maybe you could try letting people know what you are wearing ie formal wedding gown, full wedding dress or tell them what you are 'not' wearing so that they will have some idea what they should wear. Does that make sense?
  10. Quote: I'm sorry, I am a little burned out today - if you are asking if I have a set date for when I want these out, then not really... the STD's are going out this week and I emailed all of my friends to remind them to book their flights.. I feel comfortable with aiming for the invitations to be out by December Thats great then, you have plenty of time to do them and to incorporate any other suggestion for them that you want. I think you should do it, I would love to get one through the post from someone I know, very unique and something people can watch for years to come.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sheaa One "personal" suggestion is to have a theme song, or perhaps your first dance song in the background rather than the wedding/church bells. I think I probably would, but that was Richard's choice so i let him keep it (but i will mention what you have said to him though) Quote: Under the time, diod you really mean 12am I think it looks great. No, he just put that as we haven't got the actual time yet, I'm just in the process of contacting Julissa to get a specific time, were hoping for around about 3.30pm. Once again thank you all very much for your comments
  12. With the RSVP and Guest page, it sends us an e-mail an email of what they have said and also if they rsvp 'yes' its says attend = yes if they say no attend = no and the other option is attend = tbc so it hasn't got confusing so far but i will keep and eye on it as more people send messages and reply Thanks for the feedback Valerie
  13. No we have to print them and we have bought 50, heres the link Wedding Invitation Kit Scalloped Shell Valerie
  14. I think its a great idea, I originally wanted to invite everyone by e-mail but then thought probably had better send invites. Go for it Valerie
  15. We have spent approx $42.99 on ours, we have had to get them from the states so with the exchange rate being so good, it probably works out to roughly £22-£23. very cheap but we have yet to see what they look like and what we need to do to send them out. Valerie
  16. Hi We have now told most members of our family and most friends. We sent an e-mail to them to say that we had updated our website and sent them a link and asked them what they thought. I thought I would share our website with you all here if that okay. its Our Wedding Let me know what you think of the site, my other half did it all. Regards Valerie
  17. I wasn't planning on looking until after Christmas, maybe I should bring it forward a month or two :-)
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