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Everything posted by vale

  1. Hi I am actually using this at the moment, its quite good, so far its letting me know what needs doing, how many invitations i've written and how many still to do and all sorts of other things. I'm quite enjoying using it. Valerie
  2. I've got to admit, Richard did all of our website (with input from me like 'that isn't spelt right', 'need another space here', 'another space there' etc etc ) and he's told me the style of clothes that he wants to wear (I'm not letting him loose on any of the colours though ). But his favourite line is 'whatever you want my dear'. Valerie
  3. I really liked the first and second on you, although all looked really great. The first one, as has already been mentioned, really shows off your figure well. So glad you enjoyed it this time.
  4. I too think you should send STD and invitation. If you didn't, if he was that way inclined, he could use it as ammunition for future arguments. Its your day do what you two want and enjoy it. I have said, for my wedding, as long as husband to be, and our three children are there, anyone else would be a bonus. Valerie
  5. They are lovely pictures, you all look so wonderful and happy. After seeing them It just confirmed why I chose a DW wedding
  6. I think half up/half down or you could have it all up with tendrils hanging down to frame your face (tendrils, i think that the right word ). I think there should be curls as well
  7. Quote: I am just so hard on myself and I'm so afraid too that fiance won't like it.... I think your fiance will love whatever you wear because your wearing it
  8. We're at the Ocean blue from 7th to 21st july, we get married on the 10th. We can't really go anywhere else as we have three children, youngest being (or will be) 7. I can fully understand why you want to go somewhere else though. Valerie
  9. Congratulations, you both look lovely and I can see you were enjoying yourselves soooooo much
  10. Good luck with your shopping for tomorrow, hope you see something you like. Valerie
  11. I quite agree, if you quoted $100, then perhaps a little more but not more than double. What would have happened if you had decided to pay cash and took the money out of the bank before going there? Valerie
  12. and if it really doesn't fit, you could always sell it on Valerie
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by wade2893 Hello Ladies, but since I know exactly what I'm looking for (drop waist/fit & flare, strapless, with some beadazzlement) So, my search continues. If you have any ideas, please feel free to provide desginer and style numbers! Hi this might be what you are looking for Raylia Designs or this Raylia Designs Valerie
  14. vale

    Cancun Wedding

    Welcome and congratulations. I'm sure you'll find the perfect place for your wedding.
  15. Welcome, I bet you can't wait until the 26th
  16. vale


    Welcome to the forum
  17. Welcome, I'm sure everything will be wonderful on the day
  18. Welcome, if you look through the many threads, i'ms sure you'll see that you haven't too much left still to do
  19. vale


    Welcome, lots of help her to plan you wedding if you need it.
  20. vale

    Riu bride

    Welcome to the forum, and you get married a day before my birthday
  21. vale


    Welcome and happy planning
  22. vale

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to the forum, theres so much info and good advice, hopefully your family will come round
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