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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. What is your first name? Jennifer How Old are you? 29, turning 30 in three weeks Where are you from? All over, I was a military brat growing up What is your occupation? Librarian Do you have any pets? no, allergies are too bad Where is/was your destination wedding? Coco Reef Resort, Bermuda via Cruiseship What is your FH/Husbands name? Timm What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries, bananas What is your favorite movie? Footloose, The Star Wars Saga (all six) What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive, but we own a Pontiac Sunfire What is your favorite book? I can't pick just one, is top five okay? Twilight Series; Swan Song by Robert McCammon; Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden; The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold; The Stand by Stephen King What is your favorite season? Fall What kind of music do you like? a little bit of everything Any siblings? one older brother, two brothers-in-law and three sisters-in-law Where is your favorite place to travel? Bermuda, Hawaii and Disneyworld What year did you graduate highschool? 1997 What do you do for fun? read, travel (when there is time and money), watch movies, have dinner parties When is/was your wedding? May 10, 2007
  2. Wow, there are a lot of us!! Hi, I'm Jenn, and I currently live in Ottawa. My father was in the military while was growing up, so I've been around a bit: Born in Trenton, Ontario; moved to Inuvik, Nortwest Territories for 4 years when I was two; moved to Bermuda; moved to Ottawa; moved back to Bermuda; and moved back to Ottawa where I've been now for fourteen years. We also did a cross country trek from Inuvik to Newfoundland just before the move to Bermuda. Can you tell I like to travel?? So hello and all the best to everyone!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by carly - he apparently doesn't know how to close a cabinet door I cannot believe I forgot this one! It's probably the thing that drives me the most nutty! Cabinets, drawers, it's like he thinks little elves are going to close them for him...elves or me Oh, and when he opens a drawer to take out a knife or a fork while I'm in the kitchen with him, I'll always bump into it and end up with a bruise because he doesn't close it...you'd think I'd learn, but then again, you'd think he'd learn! Good thing I love him as much as I do!
  4. Hi fellow Ottawan! It's always a shame when people who are supposed to care about you and your well being make you feel bad about your personal decisions. I never once tried to justify what my husband and I were doing for our wedding. It was what I had wanted to do since I was six years old, and as much as I love my extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins, I have way too many of them! I'm not good in front of crowds, and I'm not made of money either. A small, intimate wedding on the beach was what I wanted and no amount of guilt tripping was going to change my mind. I'm really sorry that you are going through this with your soon to be extended family but about the only wisdom I can think of to give you is this: will you look back on an at home wedding with regret, even with all of the people you "should" invite there? If so, then don't give it another thought. Your wedding should be a happy day, full of wonderful memories for you and your husband. Anybody who wants to hold a grudge or be petty after the fact really isn't someone you want in your life. I'm rambling, so I'll stop now. Good luck with your planning, good luck with the family situation, and I hope whatever you choose, you have an amazing wedding and life with your hubby to be.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Hi ladies! I thought I'd pop in here and give you all a quick update - I'm pregnant!!! Woohoo! Our due date is January 21, 2010 - which means I'm only days away from entering the 2nd trimester. I'm SUPER excited and can't wait to meet this little one! Hope you're all doing well! Ohmigod, congrats to you and Reggie!!!
  6. I'm nowhere near being a mommy-to-be yet, but I had something I wanted to post for all you mommies and almost mommies. I babysat my niece and nephew overnight for the first time this past weekend, and we were having some trouble getting Jack (who's one and a half) to sleep. I was given these two lullabye cds at my wedding shower (someone was a little too eager to see me pregnant, haha), and finally got the chance to try them out. Let me tell you, they work like a charm! They are called Rocakbye Baby, Lullabye Renditions of Popular artists (Music - ROCKABYE BABY! - Online Store ), and they are amazing. I have the Bob Marley and the U2 ones right now, but want to get the Beatles and the Beach Boys eventually. Just wanted to share with those who could use them right now! Congrats to all of you!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by azulskies and either leaves the used up roll or he'll take a new roll out but won't put it on the holder itself...lol, drives me crazy! my husband does this too...I really don't understand it...he went to the trouble to take the new roll out, but he can't put it on the holder Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze I am sure it annoys him whe I re-do things that he has just done (ie.....re-stacking the dishes in the dishwasher). haha, I do this...and it may annoy him, but he is the worst dishwasher stacker in the world. I can fit four glasses in a space where he puts two. For some reason, he doesn't think the dishes should touch. If I leftthe dishwasher his way, we'd have to run it every six hours! There are a few other things he does that drive me crazy, no matter how much I love him -he'll leave his dirty clothes ON TOP of the hamper, rather than put them inside. Why? I don't know, but it drives me bananas -he has the worst memory, and I have become the personal datebook for EVERYTHING...family dinners, outings with friends, doctor's appointments, anything. -crumbs on the counter. Whether he uses a plate, or a cutting board, or whatever, he always leaves crumbs on the counter and doesn't wipe them up. I'm far from perfect myself though -I can't make a decision to save my life, mostly because I really am fairly easy going and will pretty much go along with whatever anyone else wants to do, but it drives him crazy when we're trying to plan an evening out together. -I'm a tad bit fussy (aka, neat freak) and tend to put things away before he's finished with them. I don't mean to, it's just habit...I see a utensil left on the counter, or an empty glass on the table, I put it in the dishwasher. - I fold t-shirts "wrong". He likes them folded so that the collar is fully visible, but I just can't do it. So he now folds his t-shirts, and I fold mine...when he remembers. Otherwise he has a pile of t-shirts sitting in the basket waiting for him.
  8. We spent about $3000 for 8 days in Disneyworld, that's including food and souvenirs. It was an amazing trip!
  9. The closest I came was when my brother and his girlfriend refused to give me a straight answer whether they were coming to the wedding or not, and actually told me that they might decide at the last minute and just show up...um, no, not cool, there is money that needs to be paid ahead of time. I don't think people actually get it until they plan a wedding of their own.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis Here are mine! But before I post, can I get your opinion? So many people have told me(starting from when I was in my aunt's wedding at 13) to not get a tattoo that would show wearing your wedding dress, or to cover it up...etc. Am I the only one that doesn't want to cover mine up at all? Right now I only have one that would actually show but the thing is, I'm proud of my tattoos. It's not something I want to hide or cover up. Maybe its just the stigma of tattoos but I don't think it is "inappropriate" to show your tattoo at a wedding. Just my opinion. You're definitely not the only one who feels this way, and since you're the bride, your opinion should be the only one that matters. I had my shoulder tattoo showing at my wedding and wouldn't have had it any other way. It's got special meaning to me and is part of who I am. I think yours are absolutely beautiful, show them with pride!
  11. I'm a bit late to this, but welcome and congrats! I was married at Coco Reef in May of 2007, and also cruised to Bermuda from Boston. One thing I would reccommend more than anything else is to not use the cruise line's planning company. We did, and while everything turned out fine in the end, there were a lot of communication issues throughout the planning. It might sound scary, but try researching some onside planning companies (if you haven't already) and book with one of them. It will save a lot of worry! In regards to the Reefs, it is absolutely beautiful there, but I believe you have to be a guest of the resort to have a wedding there. They may have changed the rules since my wedding so check it out all the same. I have links to my review and my pictures in my signature if you want to take a look. It's been two years, but if you have any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them. Happy planning!!
  12. So sorry I missed this! Happy Belated Big Fat Anniversary, and Happy Early Cabo Anniversary! You should celebrate the Cabo Anniversary by going to see Harry Potter! haha, kidding... All the best to you and Doug!!!
  13. at my cousin's shower a few weeks ago we played Wedding Pictionary. The bridesmaids split us up into groups and had us pick wedding-themed items (walking the aisle, first dance, something blue, the garter, cutting the cake, etc.) to draw, it was pretty fun.
  14. no way could I pick one, his music has pretty much been the soundtrack for my life. Top Five though, in no particular order Torture (one of the last with his brothers) Liberian Girl Give In To Me The Way You Make Me Feel Say, Say, Say (with Paul McCartney)
  15. I'm not sure if you Sophie Kinsella fans know, but she also writes under the name Madeleine Wickham. I haven't read any yet, but there are about seven she has written under this name and they sound pretty good. Not as fluffy as the Shopaholic books, but still chick lit with a bit more serious undertones. Just wanted to share, I know how excited I get when I find out a favourite author has even more that I wasn't aware of.
  16. Here are a few, I'll try not to get carried away! All dolled up and ready to go!! Getting ready to head down the aisle I love this one of Timm and his boys, the minister wouldn't let him peek! Sharing a laugh as we sign the paperwork Finally announced husband and wife Really can't remember why we're laughing! I'm a Holmes!!! Married, at last!
  17. Let's see if I can remember, it's been a while! 1. Registry: The Bay & Home Outfitters 2. OOT bags: Dollarama 3. Wedding Attire: My Dress, Bridal Creations in Kingston, ON; my shoes, Payless; Menswear, pants and sandals from Marks Work Warehouse, shirts from a random going out of business sale in the mall (can't remember the store name); Flower girl dress, MIL made herself from a pattern and material I picked out at Fabricland 4. Rings: Bands: Magpie at Rideau Centre, Ottawa; Engagement ring from Tang Jewellers at Rideau Centre, Ottawa (recently went out of business) 5. Invitations: printed our own, cardstock from Michael's 6. Flowers: Bride bouquet was included with the wedding package, bridesmaids I made myself with flowers I found at Bowrings 7. Decor: n/a 8. Travel Arrangements: Cruise Ship Centres, Orleans (Expedia CruiseShipCenters - Your cruise vacation specialists!) 9. Are you active on any other Canadian Forums? (if yes which ones): no 10. Other: Cake Topper, part of the Charming Tails figures collection; Signature frame, Chapters Bookstore; Bridesmaids' gifts, I really can't remember, it might have been weddingfavours.ca
  18. I hadn't originally planned on changing, but we were going to an Italian restaurant for our wedding dinner, and I really didn't want to spill anything on my dress...I'm known to be a tad clumsy. I ended up changing into a white and blue sundress and it worked great
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB One other question...and I know someone will have the answer. Is HBO or Showtime, etc. going to pick up the movie? It was such a big hit I would think it would be on by now. It was just on Pay Per View less than a month ago, so it really should be on the movie channels any day now. I'd say by July it should be showing. My mom is actually keeping her eyes on them, even though she has the dvd (I created a monster with her! She's almost worse than I am!). She loves the idea of flicking through the channels and just happening upon Twilight.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Thanks Jenn! I knew you'd be my go to girl! Anytime!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Does anyone know if they will make the other books into movies? I thought I read somewhere that they were going to film them back to back, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings because of ages, etc. They are starting filming on Eclipse in August, but no word on Breaking Dawn yet. Members of the cast have said they are going to film it, but there are no set in stone plans for directors or timelines yet. The tentative release date right now for Eclipse in theatres is June 2010...I'm keeping my fingers crossed that is true!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by spazycat6454 Thanks so much for the replies. So I was wondering if you experienced ladies feel a WC is a must for Bermuda. My mom is a caterer in upstate NY so we have done many weddings ourselves but I was panicking for a minute the other day about all the long distance planning. So I emailed some WC's and got some quotes and they seem quite high. Apparently when I became an accountant I went into the wrong field. We will be having a dinner reception on the ship and we are bringing our own photographer and flowers so there won't be a ton of planning to do. We do want some lite refreshments at the ceremony site while we take pictures but the lowest I was quoted was $1000 plus any vendor costs. Just seems high to me! We are trying to keep costs down because we are helping some family members with the cruise costs. Thanks for listening ladies and for all the great help! It's probably not necessary, but it does make things a lot easier from your end. The WC will make sure all the proper paperwork gets done and will have a better knowledge of island vendors and what they have to offer. But if you really don't have a problem doing all the footwork by phone and email, then it shouldn't be too difficult. Take a look at this site here Bermuda Weddings, Vacations, Meetings, Guide, History & Culture | Bermudatourism.com - Feel the Love for the legal requirements and links to vendors. You mentioned bringing your own photographer...bear in mind Bermuda has strict rules about outside vendors, so if it's not just a friend taking pictures for you, find a way to make sure he/she appears to be. I don't want you to get into trouble. Hope this helps a bit! Happy planning!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride The sex is a non-issue to me; they are married and over the legal age of consent. If, by the time a kid is CAPABLE of getting through the fourth book, by all means...they should know that married people have sex. lol Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride o my!!! thats so funny!!.. thanks for that... as for the sex in the novel and appropriateness for children I think that If you can get through them then they should be allowed to read them... i agree with Savannah about the whole married part and the fact that there is never any detail about their encounters which is alot less than you see from music videos and the like.... IMO, if we 'censor' books for children we are asking for trouble because they will feel like they need to read it more and if they feel some sort of restraint in their behaviours then we are pretty much just asking for them to get into trouble... I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I don't like to make waves when I post (far too shy for my own good), but I am so passionate about not censoring reading material, I can sometimes get carried away. You two both said exactly what I feel, and I didn't need to get myself into trouble to do it. I'm a librarian so encouraging reading is a big thing for me, especially with children. They have so many distractions coming at them these days (tv, video games, the internet), when they show an interest in a book the least that adults can do is read along with them if they aren't sure of the subject matter. This way it opens up discussions rather than hiding so-called inappropriateness and making the kids more curious. And we all know what kids do when they are too curious...they find ways to get what they aren't supposed to have. I know, I read Flowers in the Attic when I was nine behind my mom's back (shhh!!) in my aunt's basement. Loved the book, understood it perfectly, but I would have rather read it with my mom's blessing than having to be sneaky about it. I stumbled upon this blog a while back, and thought you guys might get as much of a kick out of it as I did: TWITARDED: Edward Mini Makes Me Eat My Own Words And this is by far the funniest Twilight recap I've ever seen. m15m: Twilight in Fifteen Minutes
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