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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Maggie Smith
  2. Wow, that must be a TA specific thing, because we went through Cruise Ship Centers and were not only told about the incentive program up front, but were given the choice of how to disperse the points. To be honest I don't remember if we had a card given with the wine (what we decided on), so I can't help you there. Our rep was also really good with keeping us in the loop in regards to who had booked, who owed what, when due dates were coming up. I'm so sorry you're dealing with these problems, your TA definitely seems to be in it for herself. I know it's not easy when she's in control of your travel plans right now, but I'd seriously have a talk with her about how unhappy you are with how things are going. If she wants repeat business she should be catering to what you and your group wants, not what she wants. good luck!
  3. Natalie Portman: Revenge of the Sith
  4. Lord of the Rings: Hugo Weaving
  5. Have a look at some of the real brides on the Maggie site (if you haven't already), there are a few brides on there with coloured dresses and they look amazing. Plus, as jerseykitten said, the pink goes with the princess theme of Disneyworld! That dress is so pretty, there is no way anything but "bride" could go along with it.
  6. Alan Rickman: Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
  7. I went to a wedding where the bride got so drunk she threw up on her dress. I swore then and there I would never have an open bar at my wedding. Don't care if it makes me look tacky or cheap, I just find that kind of drunkenness cheapens a wedding even more. Of course it depends on the crowd you're inviting, but I know it my case (another family full of newfies), it wouldn't be pretty.
  8. I recently turned the big 3-0, and the hubby went all out with sneaky surprises that I totally didn't expect. He booked British High tea at a local hotel with my girlfriends, and even attended himself; he put together a clever drinking game (because I never drink) that was designed to get me to let loose a bit without going overboard (had a blast); he designed a recipe scrapbook with recipes supplied by friends and family; but the best part was the cake that he made by himself: As you can probably guess, I'm a huge Twilight fan, and Timm definitely puts up with a lot of craziness from me because of it. The fact that he went to so much trouble to put this together for me was the perfect touch.
  9. Christopher Walken: Sleepy Hollow
  10. Phoebe Cates: Fast Times at Ridgemont High
  11. Scarlett Johanssen: The Horse Whisperer
  12. another fan, out of the closet. When I first started watching season 1 I wasn't sure what the heck to expect, and wasn't totally sold on it at all. I read the first book in the series but probably won't read the rest, I wasn't a fan of the writing style. I'll just try to follow along with all the book comments left here Then about three episodes in I just got hooked. But, as much as I love all things vampire, I just LOVE Sam. He's cute and cuddly and loveable. I was thrilled that his character had a bit more air time this year, and that he got to kick Maryanne's ass...she just irked me in every way possible. Also LOVE Lafayette. He steals the scene whenever he's in one. FYI, the actor who plays him is in The Soloist, and is pretty damn good in that too. Looking forward to season 3!
  13. It's funny, I recently found out that two of my closest friends do the same thing I do every time we hear "Time of My Life" on the radio, the Johnny head bob whenever the "..and I owe it all to you" lyric comes up near the end of the song He'll definitely be missed. I think Dirty Dancing is a rite of passage for young girls, we all love it!
  14. Extended trailer is out and about! Hope this link still works, Summit has been crazy for taking things down from YouTube YouTube - Extended Trailer!!! The Twilight saga: ''New Moon'' (VMA's 2009) Can you say, ohmigod I want November here right now??
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 I have this same fear. I just got my G2 for the second time this year and learned to drive standard. I shake like a leaf, breath all crazy and sometimes even cry when I'm driving our standard car. The silver lining is that, now when I drive and automatic I'm not as afraid as I was before. At least you drive, that's a big step. I've driven TWICE and only in parking lots. I'm just the biggest chicken
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride 5. I don't want to work...ever. I would love to be a stay at home mom! I feel the same way! Probably not going to happen but a girl can dream My turn to play! 1. For seven of my school years I was a visible minority 2. I have never dyed my hair 3. I have this crazy fear I won't be able to have children naturally (but will adopt if it doesn't work out) 4. I don't have my full driver's license and am terrified to drive 5. Star Wars and Twilight are my big obsessions, and I think they're getting "worse"
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ I think the problem they're going to run in to with the BD movie is the (small) sex scene and the birth-giving scene. I mean they want to market this to teens and tweens so they're probably going to want to tread very carefully around those two things, which I think it's a shame since it's part of the book and I think it should be accurate in the movie as well. Just my humble opinion though. See this is where Stephenie was smart...her sex scenes are very subtle, with some fierce kissing then a sensual fade to black, leaving the imagination to run away with itself (which mine did, haha). So there shouldn't be a problem there. The birth scene, no way around it, it has to be bloody to be accurate. I think teens today can deal with far more than adults give them credit for, and a bloody birth scene should be okay. We'll have to wait and see. They could always do some clever camera angles focusing on faces and not on what's going on south of the abdomen, in an attempt to not traumatize the overly sensitive. I know my brain probably went way further with the blood factor than anyone aside from Rob Zombie could go. I just want Isle Esme and the wedding filmed, anthing else is icing on the cake.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Ugh...I don't re-read books either! Maybe I just don't like anything the second time around, not matter the form! lol haha, don't feel bad. You're not alone there, I know a lot of people who don't re-read books. It's not something to be concerned about.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Jen, what do you think about the controversy over Breaking Dawn? I've read that Setphenie Meyer thinks it needs to be 2 movies to cover everything but the studio will only approve 1. I think the studio should listen to Stephenie. If the last Harry Potter can get split into two, I don't see why it's so hard to do the same for Breaking Dawn. HOWEVER... There is a lot that can kinda be skimmed over in Breaking Dawn...not necessarily cut out, but do we really need to have the entire Jacob section filmed? Don't get me wrong, I laughed so hard reading from Jacob's point of view, but a lot of it is just his thoughts, his wonderings, and that can't really be filmed. In a perfect world, the first part of Breaking Dawn would be a movie, and then the second and third parts would be a second movie. If that doesn't happen, well, we can cross our fingers that whatever screenwriter gets the job (likely Melissa Rosenberg since she's done the other three) will be able to condense Breaking Dawn properly. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. There's no word on whether Breaking Dawn will be done yet, which concerns me since we knew about Eclipse very shortly after New Moon was made official.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Hmmmm....not overly impressed I must say. But like I said before, I dont usually like the movie after I've read the book. The movie is a tough sell for a lot of people. I'll admit there are parts I roll my eyes at, but there are enough parts that still make me get all excited (cafeteria scene; baseball; pretty much anytime Charlie is on the screen, he's so funny; fight with James) that overall I really enjoyed the movie. I still prefer the book to the movie by far, but I loved getting some visuals to go along with the written. That way, I can work them around to suit my purposes when I go back and re-read for the sixth time. Now if New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn could just hurry up and be released in theatre I'd be a happy camper.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jennierin Austin Powers - Goldmember : Seth Green oops, you beat me! Seth Green: Can't Buy Me Love
  22. Austin Powers: Goldmember - Steven Spielberg (he had a cameo at the beginning, always makes me laugh!)
  23. Since you can't find any pictures of bouquets online, you might want to try going to a craft store that sells fake flowers and try putting a bouquet together yourself, just so you can get an idea of what they would look like together. That way, you can put flowers in or take them out as you go. I'm definitely partial to the idea of orchids, peonies and roses, but that's just because I'm not much of a lily fan. Good luck with your choice!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha I think you and I could compile an eclectic list. I totally agree. Whenever people ask me what type of books I read I think I scare them a bit, because I really do read a bit of everything, I can't be tied down to one genre. Fiction, non-fiction, biography, romance, horror, you name it, I've read it. I even find myself in the children's section on a regular basis, because the books coming out are just fascinating. About the only type I haven't tackled is Western, but I haven't crossed it off the possibilities list, you just never know.
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