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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. Sorry about the double thread post! It was only meant to be added once. Oops!
  2. Hey everyone a friend of ours just gave us the cutest wedding gift, and I just had to share since I know there are a few coffee addicts out there: I saw them myself a few months ago at Hallmark and fell in love with them, but had no idea my friend remembered!
  3. Here's mine! I have to agree with all the comments on here, that the real brides look way better than the models!
  4. Although I'm not partial to Callas myself, I do like the look of the second one better. I like smaller bouquets that don't overpower the bride, that and the added colour just seems to make it stand out more. But they are both really beautiful bouquets.
  5. Julie The pictures on Facebook are beautiful, what an amazing setting. Hang in there, I remember how impatient I was for my pictures to be ready. I still have to look at them at least once a day, just to get my fix!
  6. You both look very happy, I love how your smile is ear to ear in every picture! All the best to you both!
  7. you guys look like you had a blast, congratulations! The pictures are amazing.
  8. We gave out mini bottles of Black Seal Bermudian Rum and pink Bermuda sand, each with blue and pink ribbon tied around the neck. My maid of honour, who lives on the island, was able to put these together for us, and even went so far as to add tags with our names and wedding date. As an added surprise, she and her mother made up sachets of Bermuda cedar shavings, again with the tags attached. There is no nicer smell.
  9. I was on an Hawaiian cruise with family in August of 2006, and I'd have to say it's a toss up between Oahu and The Big Island. We swam with the dolphins in Oahu, and saw some BEAUTIFUL coastline and beaches, while in Kona (on the Big Island) we went kayaking, and I have never seen water so clear or so blue. We also stopped at Kona airport on our way home, and it was the nicest airport I had seen...grass huts for waiting areas, and there were no tunnel like walkways to the plane, you walked right on the tarmac. I really hope I get a chance to go back and explore both islands a little more in depth, one day in port for each was nowhere near enough.
  10. Have a great wedding day, and enjoy your time in the sun! Best wishes to you both!
  11. When I was looking for shoes I fell in love with these: (Bridal, Dyeable, Evening and Prom Shoes from Special Occasions by Saugus Shoe) But ended up wearing these: I loved my wedges, they were really comfortable, and I didn't have any problem walking in the sand.
  12. My husband's band is this one: It's stainless steel, 6mm with ceramic inlay, seen here: TeNo Stainless Steel Ring w/ ceramic inlay, 6mm
  13. Hello pamk14 This was actually how we did our wedding. We chose Bermuda as our port, and planned our wedding through the cruise line's wedding company. A word of advice, look into coordinator's at your port, rather than use the cruiseline's company. Their customer service isn't always up to par, and I know I'm only one bride out of thousands, but it can feel at times like they don't really care. At least that was my experience with the woman we worked with. If you want a good resource, Cruise reviews, message boards, bargains, cruise information - CruiseCritic.com has a Honeymoon & Weddings forum that you can browse through for more information. (Honeymoon & Wedding Cruises - Cruise Critic Message Boards) We did have an amazing wedding, but this was due to an island company called The Bermuda Wedding Salon. The cruise company subcontracts out to them due to Bermuda law, and they are the reason our wedding turned out as well as it did. The woman in charge (Barbara Whitecross) is extremely professional, and gets right down to the details. She wants your wedding to turn out well, and she wants you to get what you pay for. I have a review of my wedding here on these boards, but if you have any other questions please let me know, I'll answer them as best I can. Good luck with your planning!
  14. I know it's not quite October yet, but I always like to get things done early! A little background on my pic: friends of ours do up their house every Halloween, to the effect that tv crews usually stop by at some point throughout the night. We were part of the "scaring crew" inside their haunted maze, and Timm's costume was so effective that one woman fell back on her butt. He felt bad, but she insisted she had a blast.
  15. The dress looks so good on you! And I don't think I've ever seen a happier face! Congrats and looking forward to seeing the final product at the wedding.
  16. We found a great shell trinket box when we were in Hawaii that we used for our rings. We didn't have a ring bearer, so the best man was in charge of keeping them safe.
  17. I kept changing my mind on how I wanted my hair: up or down? half up or shaved off? I finally just sent a whole bunch of pictures to my maid of honour, and left it in her hands. I love what she ended up doing with my hair. It was windy the day of the wedding, and there is no way I would have been able to deal with my hair blowing in my face.
  18. My wedding band His wedding band and a couple of them all together...
  19. We went very casual for both the groom and the groomsmen. They all got their pants and sandals at Mark's Work Wearhouse, and the shirts at a store that was going out of business in our local mall. I believe they spent just under $100 for the entire outfit
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