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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. 1.How's your heart lately? Happy but concerned 2. Do you find these surveys silly but take them anyway? Nah, I enjoy the randomness 3. What was the last movie you saw? Ratatouille 4. The last place you went? The Metropolitan downtown 5. Miss someone? Yes 6. What made you laugh today? Text messages from my hubby 7. Are you scared to fall in love? No, I revel in it 8. You get in the car and drive 2 hours in any direction you want - where did you go? Montreal 9. Have you ever peed in a pool? Yes, but shhhh, don’t tell anyone! Besides, I was really young 10. Ever have someone bring you breakfast in bed? Yes 11. Did you dream last night? Probably, I don’t remember though 12. What were you doing yesterday at 7 am? Taking a shower 13. What were you doing yesterday at 10 am? Getting in to work 14. What were you doing yesterday at 12 p.m.? Having a lunch meeting 15. Name a country you want to visit: Italy 16. How many piercings do you have? 3 (two ears and my navel) 17. Are all of your piercings visible? No 18. Do you have a tatoo? Actually I have two 19. What was the last thing you drank? Tea 20. Favorite author? I don’t know if I have just one favourite; I love Alice Sebold, Dean Koontz, Diana Gabaldon and Stephen King, just to name a few…I’m a bit of a book-a-holic 21. Do you have a nick name? Jenn, Jennie, J-Hill 22. Which do you prefer - a sunny day and popcorn at the zoo or a rainy day and movies on the couch? Rainy and movies on the couch 23. Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt? Sadly yes 24. The last person who called you? Husband 25. What beauty product could you not live without? My Vichy face cream and my hair brush 26. Anything exciting happen yesterday? My secret valentine got her gifts! 27. What color is your underwear right now? Black 28. Do you ever lie about your age? No 29. How many things in your past do you regret? None I can think of 30. Do you have a best friend? Yes 31. What do you want to be when you grow up? A mommy 32. Who was the last person you hugged? My husband 33. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes 34. Whos the last person you called? My mom 35. Do you like your life? Yes I do 36. White or wheat? White 37. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Yes, more than one 38. Did you forgive them? Yes and no…I don’t harbour any ill-will but neither do I want to be friends anymore 39. Would you ever join the military? No 40. Do you regret the last person you kissed? No 41. Have you ever slapped a girl in the face? Not in the face, and not for many years 42. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? Yes 43. You just won a cruise for 4....who do you bring? My husband, and our two mothers 44. Are you supposed to be doing something else right now? Maybe?
  2. Happy wedding to you and your hubby to be! All the best!
  3. We had a pretty even split. There were 17 guests total, 10 family and 7 friends.
  4. My mother-in-law actually made my flower girl's dress. I couldn't find anything I liked on any of the websites or in any fancy stores, so we found a pattern and some beautiful material and she had it finished in a week. She used to make dance costumes for her daughter and is an amazing seamstress.
  5. lalaseapea The practical side of me is telling me to go ahead and make a little money, but the sentimental side of me is just not willing to let it go. I don't know what you've looked at online yet, but I found a few sites you might want to take a look at in your search: MAGGIE SOTTERO COLBY New Wedding Gown 2-16 - eBay (item 270203003652 end time Feb-11-08 08:44:06 PST) WEDDING DRESS - Maggie Sottero Maggie Sottero Strapless, one-piece, slim A-line, Toman chiffon gown, with corset back. Maggie Sottero Wedding Dresses and Bridal Gowns Collection, Spring, 2008 from The Bridal Shop, thebridalshop.com colby Search Results : Wedding Dresses, Prom Dresses, Wedding Accessories at BestBridalPrices.com Good luck in your search! I'm sorry I'm weak and sentimental!
  6. We had decided fairly early on that we wouldn't spend the night together or see each other at all before the wedding. It actually worked out pretty well, considering we were on a cruise ship and the chances of bumping into each other were pretty high. Timm had a cigar and whiskey evening with his brothers and two guy friends who were along on the trip...apparently only two of them were able to actually smoke the cigar and stomach the whiskey. After that he spent the night in his brother's room, while his sister moved over to our room to stay with me. It was really cute because in the morning, I heard this voice across the room as I was waking up say "you're getting married today". Leading up to the wedding we had a system set up so that we wouldn't be in the room at the same time: post-its on the door saying whether I was in the room or whether he was in the room. There was too much stuff to remember for both of us so trying to move everything to a different room was just not going to happen. It worked great. I headed off the ship at 8 to get my hair done, so Timm had the room to himself until I returned. When I did (around 11:30), he was gone and I was able to get in and get dressed. I wouldn't have done this any differently at all, I loved the anticipation leading up to walking down the aisle, and hearing the stories after of how everything worked out.
  7. starchild you lucky thing! have a great time at the concert! I doubt he'll come to Canada anytime soon, if he's smart he'll stay where it's warm and sunny.
  8. I'm not sure how easy he'll be to find, but Collie Buddz is a newer artist who has some great, danceable music. I've had him on my mp3 player for over a month now and still haven't gotten sick of hearing his songs
  9. 1.Do you still have pictures of you and your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? somewhere 2. Who's the last person you had a sleepover with? three girlfriends this past Saturday 3. Who was the last person to disappoint you? not sure, it’s been a while 4. When was the last time you swam? sometime in August at my in-laws 5. Do you use lyrics to express how you feel? sometimes I write out different song lyrics to calm myself down…I know, it’s weird, but strangely it works 6. Are you ashamed of your past? no 7. Where does your grandma live? one lives in Newfoundland, the other is in heaven 8. Who's always been there for you unconditionally? my mom 9. Who was the last person you yelled at? the hubby 10. What's for dinner? not sure yet 12. Do you ride roller coasters? for the most part, but Top Gun at Wonderland is a never again experience 13. When was the last time you saw your best friend? in May 14. Do you like to sing? when I’m alone 15. Do you give spare change when asked? depends on the situation 16. Are you happy right now? for the most part 17. Do you regret anything that you have done? regret, no…wish I had done differently, yes 18. Do you trust people? sometimes too much 19. What is something you say when you are mad? apparently my eyes say everything, I get quiet 20. Have you ever cried from being so mad? yes 21. Do you like messages or comments better? messages 23. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? you know what, I don’t think so…she’s probably the happiest person I know 24. Are most of your friends guys or girls? girls 25. Last piercing you got? my belly button a heck of a long time ago…still have it too 27. Have you ever tee-peed someone’s house? no 28. What’s your favorite snack? homemade chicken nachos 29. Do you have any enemies? not that I know of 30. Would your parents be mad if you got suspended? my dad would have been…he’s ex-military so his temper is a slight bit over the top 31. What does your 5th message in the inbox say? I don’t have five messages in the inbox! 34. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks? yes 35. Miss someone? always 37. Is there someone you want to fight? real fight, no…play fight, well, heehee… 38. Do you know what you want to do with your life? I want to see the world 39. What are you doing tomorrow? work 40. What will you do Sunday? spend a quiet day with hubby, maybe go to Ikea 41. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? about an hour 42. Do you have any tattoos? two: a rose on my ankle and the Chinese symbol for Angel on my shoulder 43. Where's the closest hoodie to you right now? on my back 44. What restaurant do you think has the best French Fries? The Works 45. When's the last time you played the board game Clue? I played the DS Version last week 46. When was the last time you kissed someone? this morning before I left for work 47. Who did you last get in an argument with? the hubby 48. Do you think you could live without your cell phone? yes, but I would feel very cut off 49. Where is your dad right now? at work about half an hour from here 50. How many people do you know of named Adam? 5 that I can think of 51. How about Stephanie's? 1 52. Do you do your homework? up until two years ago yes, then I graduated 53. Are any of your friends cheerleaders? no 54. What was the last thing you burnt? a tea-light 55. Have you ever gone on a date with someone for their looks alone? no 56. Who was the last person you texted? my friend Mike 57. Who’s the last person you added on MySpace? I don’t have MySpace 58. What was the last picture you took? the other night our windows in the living room got foggy, and hubby wrote our names in a heart…it looked cool so I took a picture of it 59. Would you ever dye your hair red? Don’t think so 60. What career would you wish to be in? does stay at home mom/house wife count? 61. Do you want a well paying job or a job you enjoy? a combo of the two 62. What did you wear today? brown dress pants, multi-coloured blouse, and a long, beige hooded sweater 63. When were you last on your phone? about half an hour ago 64. What were the shoes you wore today? winter boots 65. Do you like math? not at all
  10. There were only a few must haves (aside from the standard family and bridal party shots): -Groom holding bride in the water (turned out as one of my favourites) -Bride and groom walking on beach (we have one where I'm leaning over slightly and laughing, but I can't remember what at) -a shot of the bride and groom from behind (this ended up as our absolute favourite shot) Other than that we just let the photographer do his thing
  11. A friend of mine used Sweet Child O Mine by Guns n Roses at her wedding in October. Both she and her dad were singing along to the entire song. They had a lot of fun with it.
  12. have a great trip Jenn! enjoy the sunshine and your wedding!
  13. Maggie Sottero has some really nice dresses, including a destinations line. A number of their regular collection are fairly light weight and travel well, I know because I wore one mself! ( www.maggiesottero.com ) Venus and Eden Bridals are also good to take a look at. ( Venus Bridals ) ( EdenBridals: Wedding Dresses, Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaid Dresses, Wedding Gowns ) Good luck!
  14. It relates to Cinderella's Castle, and while I'm not sure if they do this for all newlyweds (but I would hope they do), this is what happened to us: We had meant to book our breakfast at Cinderella's Castle within the reccommended time (90 days ahead of time), but we completely forgot and when we finally got around to it about a month before, there were no openings. I was disappointed, but wasn't going to let it ruin my time there, so I pretty much forgot about it. Fast forward and we're finally on our honeymoon, and I've already reverted to my five year-old self and having a blast. We'd been there for about two days when Timm decided to try calling again to see if anyone had cancelled at Cinderella's Castle. It was a long shot, but he figured he should at least try. As luck would have it, someone had cancelled for the next morning. I was so shocked and excited, I believe I may have started jumping on the bed (I told you I had reverted to my five year-old self!). So the next morning we were up nice and early, and let me tell you, the Magic Kingdom at 8:30 in the morning is quite surreal, the place is EMPTY, and so peaceful! We made it in for our breakfast, and man, is it worth all the hassle. You get your picture taken with Cindrella in the lobby (the price of which is included in the cost of your meal, a nice touch since every other picture that gets taken around the park can cost you a pretty penny), then you walk up a windy stone staircase into the eating area. The breakfast is your standard breakfast fare, but tastes really really good. As we were preparing to leave however, the final surprise came our way. A waiter came towards our table with a box (about the size of a shoebox), looked at us, and said "Newlyweds?" We nodded, he placed the box on the table, said "Congratulations", and walked away. We opened the box, and inside were two champagne flutes with Cinderella's Royal Table printed on them. Needless to say, I highly reccommend doing whatever you can to get in to Cindrealla's Royal Table, they really do treat you like royalty! flutes.doc
  15. My husband loves wine, so I got him a nice wine caraffe, two wine glasses, and two wine stoppers with shells on the top. As for me, Timm bought a brass compass set in a wooden box (think the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean, only it does point North), and had the words "I Will Follow" engraved on a small plate on the top of the box. I absolutely love it.
  16. kiki: no, I didn't go to Sinders, I actually went to a store in Kingston (Bridal Creations, they are awesome there btw)while on a girls' road trip...fell in love and couldn't wait to get back to Ottawa to buy it!
  17. I bought Maggie's Colby, and the price (before tax) was $750. After taxes were added it came up to an even $900, and I was lucky enough to not need alterations.
  18. I was convinced white would look terrible on me (I too am extremely pale)and was set on finding an ivory dress. However, when I went to try on dresses, the white actually looked the best. So I ended up wearing a white dress, and since I was stupid enough to get sunburned right before the wedding, it looked even better than I thought it would.
  19. Hi there! I was married last May in Bermuda, here is a link to my review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t8592 Please feel free to ask any questions, and I will answer them if I can. Happy planning! Jenn
  20. It may be cliche, but Forever Young by Rod Stewart might be cute for the growing up pictures. Young Hearts Run Free by Kim Mazelle (from the Romeo + Juliet soudntrack) could be fun too. But my top pick would have to be Wouldn't it Be Nice by the Beach Boys. It's just such a fun song!
  21. We tried to keep our Christmas really small this year, and between the two of us I think we managed, but our parents went out and spoiled the heck out of us. From DH I got a great new jewellery box in a dark wood, Slash's biography, a miniature die cast metal Sandcrawler (I'm a teensy bit of a Star Wars nut), The Star Wars Christmas Special on DVD (homemade by DH), fleece pjs with penguins on them (love penguins!), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End on DVD, and a pile of chocolate in my stocking (dark chocolate Lindor balls would have to be my favourite). From MIL/FIL/SIL/BIL1 and BIL2 I got The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold (if you haven't read her first book The Lovely Bones, please do, it's amazing!), a battery powered cookie press (I absolutely LOVE this thing! makes cookie baking soooo much easier!), a McFarlane Slash figure, $50 gift certificate for Smart Set, a homemade R2D2 keychain, and a compilation cd/dvd of pictures from our family Hawaii trip in 2006 (it took a while to get everyone's pictures together). Finally, from my mom/dad and brother I got a salad bowl set, a spice rack, the book True Evil by Greg Iles, a cupcake/cake carrier, Godiva chocolate, and a set of gingerbread spreading knives. Definitely a great Christmas, not just because of the gifts but because of how great our families have been to us.
  22. I'm a little late getting this in, but I think I might just make it (11:53pm my time!) Merry Christmas to all you lovely ladies! Hope it was wonderful!
  23. This could actually go in any of the cruise folders, but since most of the girls on here are planning tropical weddings, I thought this would be a safe bet! I just wanted to post all the links for the different packages the cruiselines offer, in an effort to make it easier for searching! NCL - Wedding and Romance Packages Wedding Cruises, Cruise Ship Wedding - Royal Caribbean International Weddings : Princess Cruises Carnival Cruise Lines - "Fun Ship" Weddings One thing to remember when dealing with the cruiselines is that they all contract out to the same company, The Wedding Experience (TWE). Royal Carribbean calls them Royal Romance, but they are all still the same company. Be sure to do a LOT of shopping around before settling on them. Often cruiselines charge more for an on shore wedding than if you were to go through on onsite coordinator. I personally was married through NCL's branch of TWE. I have a review here on the boards (http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t8592 ). Happy planning!
  24. Looks like you had an amazing wedding! Your pictures are wonderful! All the best to you and your new husband!
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