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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 LOVE Santa Baby too! Is it really by Madonna or did I just hear a remake last night?? Madonna's version is a remake, Eartha Kitt (the original Cat Woman on the Batman TV show) did the original in 1953. It's slower and more sultry, but both are pretty good versions. I like how Madonna's is Betty Boop-ish
  2. Silent Night is my favourite classic Christmas Carol, it's not really Christmas until I've heard it about fifty times. Silver Bells is up there in the classics as well. I also really love Baby It's Cold Outside, by Dean Martin. A bunch of people have done it, but no-one better than Dean in my opinion.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jenninjamaica I was also very excited to see how many of you like Vampire novels! Sometimes when I tell people I read them, I get funny looks!! Has anyone read The Vampire Huntress Series by LA Banks? Its 14 books long, and I loved them all! I have read Twilight and New Moon, and took a break to start the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamiliton, which is kinda starting off slow for me, but its a long series, so I'll stay with it for awhile. And I will get back to the Twilight books too! Please keep sharing ladies! I love getting new ideas!! Yay, another vampire lover! I've had a thing for vampires for as long as I can remember, and even wrote a [bad] short story about one when I was nine. Read Bram Stoker's Dracula when I was twelve, and never looked back. And yet, I've never read an Anne Rice book...saw the movie for INterview With a Vampire, but never read it. It's been on my to read list for longer than I care to admit. If you enjoy the Twilight books, check out this link here once you've at least read the first, you won't be sorry.
  4. I went for the second time tonight with my mom Loved it just as much! And while our theatre was full, there was no crazy line to speak of. So if anyone is thinking of going, weeknights seem to be the way to go...except for Tuesdays if your theatre does cheap nights, then it will likely be a madhouse.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Jenn, what did you think of the fight scene? I wasn't really a big fan. I don't know that we needed more action and it didn't further the plot. I would rather those 3 minutes been spent at Sam's house explaining imprinting! To be honest, I could take it or leave it. I didn't hate it, but didn't find myself saying, "oh yeah, this is great" either. I would have rather had more time with the wolves, or the scene from the plane ride home. But it didn't take anything away from the movie, and it did let us see what Felix and Dimitri could be capable of. I guess they threw it in there for the boys in the audience
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Dakota Fanning was really good, but it was a really small part. She was on-screen for maybe 10 minutes? Yeah, that disappointed me a bit, I was hoping for more of her. Kinda adds to the anticipation for the next movies though, we know they'll be back, and what they are capable of.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 how was dakota fanning?!? oh she was great. Never doubted she would be though, that kid has some crazy acting skills. I saw her in an episode of CSI when she was like four and her talent then was just incredible. She's the perfect Jane.
  8. Team Switzerland here, and proud of it. But not because I can't choose between the two of them. I don't see how there needs to be a choice made. Bella is in love with Edward. End of story. She loves Jacob too, but as a friend, a brother. I never once felt that she would choose Jake over Edward, nor that she should have to be forced to make that choice. They are both important in her life, and would always be no matter what happened. K, off my soapbox on the Team side of things...onto New Moon! Our theatre did a 10pm showing last night, in 6 of the 16 theatres, and they were all packed. My mom and I showed up at 7:30 to wait to get in, and the line was already twisting outside the doors from the inside. An hour and a half later, we were let in. I later found out there had been girls waiting since 8 yesterday morning...crazy! Needless to say, I loved it. Really loved it. I have a love/hate thing going on for the movie version of Twilight, but none of that for New Moon. It's amazing how a different director can make such a completely different impact. Bravo Chris Weitz is all I have to say. Alice is so my favourite character, Ashley Greene seriously has the part down to a Tee. The wolves were all perfectly cast, I don't think they could have done a better job casting wise if they tried. Loved them! Also loved the Volturi, especially Aro. He really nailed his delivery, part loveable part creepy. Just awesome. I know I could go on and on but I won't, you don't need to hear it all. I'm already planning on going again Monday night with my mom, she's dying to see it again too! Now...just seven months-ish until Eclipse!
  9. Stonehole Bay is one of my favourite beaches! It's just so beautiful. It's perfect for an intimate wedding! Congrats on finding your spot!
  10. Less than twenty-four hours to go!!!! Our theatre is doing a 10pm showing, I cannot wait!!!!!!
  11. I saw it two weeks ago with my mom, and I lost count of how many times I got choked up watching it. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it in theatre, but once I started seeing the ads for it on tv, I knew I had to go. I just wish I could have had the chance to see him in concert just once. I know people have differing opinons on how he spent the last few years of his life, but there's one thing for sure, he was an amazing talent.
  12. Keri Russell - August Rush
  13. I've loved Isabelle Brasseur for years, so I'm rooting for her, but I also really liked Richer and Dubreuil. I've never heard of either of them, but they had a really great chemistry during their re-do last night. To be honest though, I'm just loving watching how much fun they are all having. Whoever wins is fine in my book...even Domi
  14. Yeah, he really was...she was great though! I was hoping Ty Domi would do badly, but was actually surprised at how graceful he was. Hey, I'm a Sens fan, no Leaf is going to get my support! haha
  15. Laurence Fishburne: Boyz N The Hood
  16. Kristina Lenko and Bob Probert. I always feel sad for the first people to get voted off a reality show, they don't get any time to really do anything!
  17. Matthew McConaughey: A Time to Kill
  18. I meant to watch it but completely forgot about it! I did watch the elimination tonight and really have to watch next week, I forgot how much I love figure skating!
  19. I think Ashley Greene ("Alice" from Twilight) is just adorable. She also did a Maxim photo shoot a little while back and is quite sexy as well. I've also loved Sandra Bullock for years. She's just so funny and looks good in pretty much everything she puts on
  20. Bedtime Stories: Keri Russell
  21. A book camp located on a beach, then I could sit and read all day with the roar of waves in the background...absolute heaven
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by da.shmoopies Hi Jenn: I believe he found it at a Swap Meet in San Luis Obispo.... and it probably cost him a buck! lol They go so often that vendors save stuff for him that is Star Wars related. I remember when one of the vendors saved him an At-At Walker. It was half as tall as him and every man that walked by mentioned something! Deb OOoh, I know the one you're talking about! I don't have it, but I know it. :-) I figured it was a case like that, but I had to ask! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled when garage sale season starts up again next year.
  23. You're not alone Erin, I'm hooked!! (probably not surprised though!) I got the Buffy vibe off of it too, which is nice because I have been missing Buffy and Angel for far too long. :-) Is it bad that I like Damon better than Stephan? I don't usually go for the "Bad Boy", but there is just something about him...maybe it's how his smile can make him look impish and evil all at the same time
  24. Wow, all your stuff looks really great! I'm going to have to reveal my inner geek for a moment and ask, where did you get the Millenium Falcon your ring bearer is using? I LOVE it!! All the best for your wedding!
  25. Romeo + Juliet: John Leguizamo
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