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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. The Expedit book shelves from IKEA, seriously, they are the best bookshelves, period. I have a LOT of books, and trying to find shevles that are both strong enough to support them, and have enough space to hold not only what I own, but what I may potentially own, was quite daunting. But these shelves, amazing. And as an added bonus, they are great to use as room dividers, since the shelves are wide enough to have books spined outwards on both sides. I LOVE THESE SHELVES!!! IKEA | Storage furniture | Bookcases | EXPEDIT | Bookcase (we got ours in the black/brown)
  2. not sure if these are anywhere close to what you are looking for, but I thought some of the details might be similar: Sottero & Midgley - JSM1122-CS - Dress Detail Sottero & Midgley - ASM3058 - Dress Detail Sottero & Midgley - SSM5076 - Dress Detail (don't really like the bow on this one, but thought the bottom was nice) EdenBridals: Wedding Dresses, Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaid Dresses, Wedding Gowns Eden Bridals: Wedding Gowns: Wedding Dress Style 5063 EdenBridals: Wedding Dresses, Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaid Dresses, Wedding Gowns Wedding dresses: Informal bridal gown: Eden Informals: style 1135 I know I probably haven't been much help, hope you find what you're looking for!
  3. So glad she arrived safely! She's absolutely gorgeous! All the best to you and your new addition!
  4. I wore one but only because it came free with the dress. We didn't bother with the toss, nor did I do a bouquet toss. But I did like having the garter to wear, not sure why, just thought, when else am I going to wear one of these things?
  5. I have wanted to post to this thread for a while, but it's taken almost two months to get most of the house to a photographable (is that even a word?) state. Jennifer Hill Holmes's Photos - Our New Abode | Facebook I apologize for the Facebook link, but I always have trouble resizing in Photobucket...and I'm just too lazy to upload the pictures twice. I'm still waiting to get a few good outdoors pictures (without the mountains of snow), but don't get me started on lawn maintenance...it's not my forte.
  6. Happy Wedding! Hope you had a beautiful day!
  7. Happy Wedding day to you both! All the best!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Well, as I turned back around to face forward, the woman walking in front of me either slowed down or stopped walking and I plowed right into her. This has to be one of the most annoying things people do. I realize not everyone can keep up the same pace as people around them, but at least make sure you're not impeding the flow of traffic, ESPECIALLY on a NYC sidewalk! Hope the Advil kicks the pain away! At least it gives you more of an excuse to enjoy a lazy weekend!
  9. A friend of mine just got married in April, and did something similar: she played her parents' first dance song and sent out a special dedication. I thought it was really sweet, and love your idea of the mix of many songs together.
  10. The past couple days have been beautiful, early/mid twenties for the temperature (that's in Celcius, sorry, don't know the Farenheit conversion) and sun, sun sun! now if we just had the ocean nearby it would be perfect.
  11. Have a great wedding Carly! All the best to you and Matt!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian And that drink bill is definitely something to keep in mind. DH is primarly a beer drinker and he doesn't even drink a whole lot, but me... well I like those fancy mixed drinks and once I get on a roll, that bill racks up pretty fast! Definitely go for the Beer Bucket then, it ends up saving a crapload of money for the beer drinkers. I don't drink myself, but my dad was plenty pleased with himself, carrying around his bucket. I'll have to check and see what he spent, but I'm pretty sure it was something like $25 for six beers...in cruise prices, that's pretty good.
  13. I've been on two and can't wait to go on another! My first was the Pride of Aloha (Norwegian Cruise Line)through the Hawaiian islands. We flew to Maui and cruised from there. My second was from Boston to Bermuda on the Norwegian Majesty. It's a smaller, older ship, but I loved it. Both cruises were with large groups, so we are eager to do a cruise just the two of us. We've been looking at Princess's Mediterranean cruises since we both want to see Europe. I warn you, they are addicting! I would go every couple months if time and money allowed.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces My biggest concern is naming my child a popular name. I HATE HATE HATE having the name Jennifer. It's not an ugly name, but there are SO many of us. It gets rather annoying. I remember there were 9 in my grad class. That is kind of crazy. I highly suggest thinking about the popularity issue before naming children! I totally agree with you there! There were five of us in my Family Studies class, and three of us had last names beginning with "H", so the teacher couldn't even differentiate us that way. We ended up being labelled "Jennifer 1", Jennifer 2", etc.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl ooooh! what was it?? spill the beans to us!! Okay here goes! (this may be a temporary hijack!! Sorry in advance! ) Saturday was our first anniversary, and for months the hubby has been teasing me with secret projects. He does this often, and although I pretend to be annoyed, I actually love it (who doesn't love a thoughtful surprise?). So he had me get up at 7:30 so that we could make a 9am bus. I have no idea where we're going, but it's a beautiful sunny day, so it makes up for the almost too early rising on a weekend. We get off the bus downtown, and he proceeds to lead me through the Rideau Centre (main mall, big for tourists since it's right in the heart of downtown), and finally turns us into the Amalfi Spa. He had arranged for us to have full body massages! I was sooo relaxed afterwards my day could have ended there and I would have been perfectly happy. But he had also arranged for me to get my hair done (while he was getting his massage). I have major issues with my hair...I can never get it to do anything I want (really thick, and really fine, makes for lots of fly-aways and a very frustrated me throwing the brush across the room), so this was a big big plus for me. Once we were finished at the spa, we went for lunch, then he took me to a photo studio where we could have pro photos taken. He later gave me a BEAUTIFUL leather bound album that already had one of our wedding photos, and our most recent Santa Photo (yes, we do Santa Photos, just one of those silly traditions we love to do), and explained that every year he wanted to have professional photos taken on our anniversary to add to the album...I almost started to cry I thought this was such an amaaaazing idea! By this point I was so overwhelmed with what the day had been, we decided against going out to dinner (he had made reservations at the rotating restaurant downtown), and instead had dinner at home and curled up with a movie (The Godfather Part II!!). It really was a perfect day! Now back to your regularly scheduled "What's Making You Happy Today" thread!
  16. Happy Wedding Day fellow May 10th brides! I know there are a number of you! (Acacia, melglnh2o, AmyinMI, md_ocr) Hope you have a great day! Now I'd better go get back to my hubby!
  17. Happy Wedding Day! It's a good day to get married! All the best!
  18. Knowing that the hubby has something secret planned for tomorrow!
  19. My mom got her dress at Sears, and my MIL got hers at, of all places, Le Chateau.
  20. Happy Wedding Day Courtney! And have a wonderful honeymoon in Disney!
  21. this one has a little bit of white in it, but the angle of the picture doesn't really show it that much
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by carly "I attended a wedding where the groomsmen taped 'Save Me' on the bottom of the groom's shoes so that when he knelt down at the altar, the entire church could read it." This actually happened to my dad at my parents wedding, only his best man put "Help Me" instead of "Save Me". There is a picture somewhere that I'll have to borrow and scan. At my husband's cousin's wedding, the bride got so drunk that she puked on her dress. She had been missing from the reception for half an hour, and we only found out what happened because my MIL ran into her in the bathroom trying to clean the puke off. At this same wedding, one of my husband's uncles was dancing while also being heavily intoxicated. Not noticing where he was going, he fell into a table, knocked it over (causing it to break in half), and sent glasses flying across the room. This is why open bar is not always a good idea!
  23. Soooo not alone! We've been waiting for the new couch to arrive, and have boxes as place holders so we can see how to organize the rest of the living room. We discovered we need about four more bookshelves, one to hold my photo albums, so there are boxes just waiting to be unpacked since there is nowhere to put the stuff that's in them. The people who lived here before us didn't bother to paint over the holes they patched up, so we have to find the time to paint these random white splotches all over the house. I'm sure there's more, but Timm and I quickly found out if we try to do it all at once, we just end up getting cranky and frustrated...one thing at a time is really working well.
  24. I'm happy because I made it through a job interview and can now relax again! Until the follow up anyway, but for now, whew!
  25. While this was my first wedding, the way I looked at it was this: people travel all the time for "at home traditional weddings", and often spend just as much (if not more) to do so. When they start complaining about spending the money for a destination wedding, just remind them about all the weddings they themselves may have travelled to over the years that weren't destination, but still required hotel stays and/or airfare...makes them stop and think.
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