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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. globeandmail.com: How big is your rock? I read this story last week and felt exactly the same way you do. When did the marriage start being all about the bling and not about the couple? Makes me so sad. I never wanted a large stone. I'm far too clumsy and would be sick if anything happened to it (knowing me I'd whack the ring on a shelf and the stone would go flying down the heating vent). I love the ring I have and wouldn't trade it for anything. Not only did my husband pick it out himself, but he designed it himself as well, based on pictures I had shown him (at his request) and rings I looked at when he asked me to point out what I liked.
  2. Have a happy happy wedding day! All the best to you both!
  3. not sure if these will help at all, but I found a few articles as well. The abstracts for the articles are in the word file. Hope these help! kingston2.pdf kingston3.pdf kingston4.pdf abstracts.doc
  4. I love proofreading! I miss it actually (I was an English major). I'd gladly look it over for you! (as a side note, I loved the Woman Warrior)
  5. Thank you so much for trying, I knew it was pretty much a lost cause, but maybe I can print it really small (wallet sized) and stick it in a scrapbook.. It does look a lot better than it did, and even though my hubby is pretty good with Photoshop, he couldn't do anything with it. Thank you again!
  6. Here's one of my flowergirl that I just know would have been adorable...if my friend had remembered to use her flash. My husband has already fiddled around a bit himself with Photoshop, but I thought I'd give you guys a stab at it too, just in case it's salvagable. (I apologize if it's too big, I just thought it might be easier to work with if it was the original file size. I can make it smaller if necessary!)
  7. I know I carried my train around the entire time, but it was more so I wouldn't trip my clumsy self up and land face first on the beach. I was also careful not to get it wet, but this was only so I wouldn't have to hitchike back to our cruiseship after the wedding...buses in Bermuda don't allow wet bathing suits or clothing, and the taxis are just as strict. I ended up with a black smudge where my husband walked on my dress, but rather than be upset about it, it actually makes me smile and remember the day and how it felt walking up that aisle after we were married.
  8. mine's Heidi Glittertush I did my maiden name for fun, Heidi Lustytush...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by BermudaBride922 Quick question - do you still know someone on the island who can go onsite to do hair and makeup? Everyone I am finding is costing a minimum of $250! Thanks Afraid I can't help you there. I had my maid of honour and her mom do my hair and makeup for me. Is there anyone coming with you who is really good with hair? The island is notoriously expensive, and of course, as soon as you add the word "wedding" to anything, the price goes up. Sorry I can't be more help.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Yvette you scared me at first, i'm glad everything went smoothly. we thought about doing a cruise wedding but just couldn't find the right one to set it up for us. Thank you, I'm glad everything went smoothly myself! It was touch and go for a while, but funnily enough, it was my husband who was more concerned than me!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BermudaBride922 Congratulations on your wedding! I am right now in the midst of planning my 9/22 wedding at Coco Reef Resort, we are traveling by ship but I am working with the onsite coordinator with all of the details of the wedding. So Excited! Thank you! I absolutely loved the resort, and would love to stay there on vacation someday. It was the staircase down to the beach that sold me on the place, it just looks so pretty. Good luck in all your planning, I'll be waiting to see your review when you return! All the best!
  12. 1. The White Wedding Dress while I don't go along with the whole white=purity thing, I just love the look of white and all shades of white dresses. They look so elegant. 2. Wedding Rings I have to agree with most of what is posted here, the rings are symbols of the marriage, and there was never any question about having them as part of our ceremony. 3. The Bridal Party I've always believed it was important to have one or two people standing with you on your wedding day, but no more than that. I had two ladies standing for me, and my husband had his two brothers serve as his best men, and it was perfect. We also had a flower girl, but no ring bearer. I've always been secretly terrified every time I saw a ring bearer carrying the rings down the aisle, thinking "what if he drops the rings?" Yes, I realize they are usually tied to a pillow or in a box, but crazy things happen. 4. Your father giving you away I never wanted to have my father walk me down the aisle and give me away, I'm not his property to give. But to avoid any conflict on the wedding day, I ended up having both my parents walk me down the aisle. I'm embarassed to say I don't remember if the "giving away of the bride" was even in the ceremony, the whole thing went by so fast, and I was too busy focusing on not crying. 5. An over-the-face veil (blusher) While I do like the look of the veil at the back of the head, I've never thought much of the over the face veil. Just wasn't my style. I didn't wear any type of veil on the wedding day and to be honest, it wasn't missed. The wind would have blown it all over the place, and I'm not sure it would have really worked with the way my hair turned out. But I do love how elegant the veil looks, and it is always the first thing (along with the dress) that comes to mind when I hear the word "bride"
  13. ok I compiled a list of some more of my faves (it's a slow day at work!) Shakespeare in Love Titanic My Best Friend's Wedding Bed of Roses Untamed Heart Up Close and Personal City of Angels Ever After Dying Young Ghost A Walk to Remember The Wedding Singer Emma Love, Actually They don't even have to be sad to make me cry, I am such a sucker for a good love story. I've even cried at the end of Clueless! (another fave)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Another really good old romantic movie is Love Story. It's got that famous line "Love means never having to say you're sorry" I still cry every time I watch this movie! My husband refuses to watch it since I get so emotional.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Is anyone else really nervous about what kind of mom they'll be? I worry I'll be the "bad parent", since DH is a big kid himself. I totally adore my neice and nephew, but there are times when they do things that their parents (and grandparents) ignore that I know I will have a hard time letting go.
  16. Serendipity Hope Floats When Harry met Sally There are many more that I watch on a regular basis as well, but these are my favourites.
  17. We've been married for just over a year now, and there were comments made as we were walking up the aisle after being pronounced man and wife. I've always wanted kids, and always knew I'd have them, either naturally or through adoption if natural didn't work. But I also really wanted to have some time with just my husband. So we'll be trying in another year or so, but there are constant subtle hints from both mothers and other family members. Heck, even the card and craft stores place the baby products right next to the wedding products, so it's hard not to feel the pressure. My husband actually put his hand on my belly the other night and asked, "when can I put a baby in there?". As cute as it was, it was also somewhat frightening to think of, in spite of how much I want kids. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
  18. Mine isn't jealous, but he does shake his head and laugh when I talk about things I read on the forum. He's not much for the internet, so I think it's just that he doesn't get how people I've never met can have such an impact. I personally don't know how I'd make it through my work day without a distraction or two!
  19. Here is our cake. We brought the topper ourselves, and the rest is what the resort chef came up with. I was actually really happy with it
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel "Sometimes me think what is love, and then me think love is what last cookie is for. Me give up the last cookie for you."- Cookie Monster That is probably the cutest thing I have ever read! I love it!
  21. Have a look at this thread, http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15233, I know some of the girls posted some good ideas.
  22. That has to be the most creative engagement story ever. :-) Definitely something unique. Have a great legal day!
  23. Here are a few I dug up...
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