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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. I always have to shake my head at the people who bring up the "you're asking people to spend a lot of money" comment. So many of us have friends and family scattered all over the place, that whether we were to have an at home wedding or a wedding away, people would be spending money on airfare, a hotel stay, wedding gift, wedding outfit, etc.etc. It ends up costing not too far from the same amount. It's sad that no matter what you say to people, they still try to make it all about them. Your wedding, your day, your way.
  2. Happy beach wedding! Hope you have a beautiful day!
  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Congrats to you both!
  4. Congrats to you and your Mr! You both look so happy! You must be so excited for Mexico now!
  5. I love all the colours in 5, plus it's different and unique, very tropical
  6. Our Library and Archives has a geneology centre (Welcome to the Canadian Genealogy Centre - Canadian Genealogy Centre - Library and Archives Canada ), but I'm not sure if it would help you in the US. Can't hurt to look! Maybe your libraries have a similar service?
  7. There are a number of names that I love that have already been crossed off our list through discussion, but I thought I'd post them here for ideas: Girls: Felicity, Talia, Charlotte Boys: Isaiah, Isaac, Malcolm My mother-in-law has a unique middle name (well, it's unique to me, I'd never heard it), Maray. I think it's quite pretty.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BermudaBride922 Hi Jennifier - I am working on my program. Did you have your ceremony done by the local minister? If so what generally was the order of events for the ceremony and how long did it last? THANKS! Yes, we had our ceremony done by the minister, and if you have a choice, I highly reccommend him, Alan Garrity. He was really nice, friendly, and even though I didn't meet him until I made my way down the aisle, felt like someone I had known my entire life. We had a very simple ceremony, and it lasted maybe twenty minutes. Neither my husband nor I are overly religious, but laws in Bermuda say that only a minister can perform civil ceremonies (unless you get married at the court house). We did the vows that are part of the official ceremony, added a few of our own words, kissed, signed paperwork, then were presented as man and wife. Short, simple, and just what we wanted. Hope this helps!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Ah I love this idea, now to find heart shaped vases that won't cost a small fortune!!! Pink sand (since we're getting married in Bermuda) natural colored shells. Then 6 or so ivory votive candles surrounding it. That should work! It incorperates the fact that we where married on the beach in Bermuda and since my FMIL decided we needed to have an AHR and I'm trying to save some money for all of us we're doing alot of DIY stuff. So linked hearts tied with the beach is now our "theme"!! Thanks for the help, any other bright ideas are always welcome. You should pick up some Bermuda sand while you're there, they sell it in small bottles at the souvenir shops. I think they were around two dollars a bottle, but I can't remember.
  10. Happy Happy Wedding Day! All the best to you both!
  11. The cat I had when I was growing up was our own personal Garfield...he loved lasagna. He only actually got to try it once (a piece fell on the floor and the cat had it in his mouth before we could clean it up), but from that time on he knew the smell, and every time we had it for dinner he would go from me to my parents and my brother with his cute little face and try to sucker us into handing it over. He also had a thing for pizza and chips...I swear he had radar for falling food.
  12. Our wedding was in May, and I ordered the dress near the end of October, so about 6 months before. It arrived around the beginning of April, so it took about 5 months total.
  13. We don't have much planned for the summer, although the way things are going we may be moving again by the end of August. We are heading to Disneyworld though the first week of September. Both of us need to get away somewhere fun and sunny, and since we both loved Disney last year, are really looking forward to going back.
  14. I didn't use a printshop myself, but you might want to take a look at Papyrus on Bank Street. They have some beautiful products there. Some of the bridal shops also do invitations, so you could try them as well. They'll probably charge an arm and a leg though, but they would be worth looking at for ideas. Here are a few websites too that are Canada specific: Canadian Wedding Treasures Themed Canadian Wedding Invitations | Invitations By Dawn and then there is this site that I just love, great for ideas: Unique Wedding Invitations, Wedding Favors, and Accessories | Jean M Good luck with your search, sorry I don't have any firsthand information for you.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by stkitts2010 Me too! If my FI goes along with me, we end up with stuff we never buy, stuff that will never be eaten at our house or stuff that will end up going bad because we'll forget about it. As much as I dislike grocery shopping, I prefer going alone. Living in the city, I walk to the grocery store and take a cab home or call him to drive around not even two blocks to come get me with all my bags. Am I the only one that grocery shops at three or more different stores? I get some things at Trader Joe's. Others at Shaw's. Seafood in Chinatown. All paper and cleaning supplies at BJ's. My FI swears I'm the only one who does that. I think it's a woman thing. I love going from store to store, but hubby thinks I'm crazy. Yet his mom, and my mom both do it as well. For me it's all about getting the most for my money. If I can get the same item for a dollar cheaper at another store, I'll go. Every little bit helps, especially with the way prices are rising for everything.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan If you like it I can edit the high res version. I just adjusted the curves & removed a little noise. I feel like it still needs something to make the girl pop. maybe brighten her dress? she is blending in tot eh busy background. Thanks Morgan, that looks really great! I would love if you would edit the high res version. It's impressive that you've managed to find time play around in Photoshop after being home for only about a week. Shouldn't you still be in newlywed mode? (kidding!)
  17. I was married last year at Coco Reef, and loved every minute! Congrats and have a blast with your planning!
  18. All the best to you today! I know you've been anxious for your little one to arrive!
  19. Emily Giffen's books are really fun reads. Something Borrowed is really good, as is Something Blue (the storylines are connected, and it's better to read Something Borrowed first). The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella is pretty good too. Aside from the chick-lit though, anything by Jeffrey Deaver is good too. The Coffin Dancer and A Maiden's Grave are two of my favourites.
  20. We did a cruise of the islands that worked out to about $5000 with airfare. Add in excursions and it was probably closer to $6000. I loved the cruising aspect, it allowed us to see most of the islands, and we didn't have to worry about changing accommodation each time. Plus all our food was included.
  21. I definitely reccommend story books of any kind. There's one by Eric Carle, Mr Seahorse, that is probably one of my favourite stories of all time. http://www.amazon.ca/Mister-Seahorse...4238572&sr=1-1 There's also a series of books about a pigeon by Mo Willems, and they are just the cutest things. My favourite is The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog, but there are also Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Pigeon Wants a Puppy, The Pigeon Has Feelings Too, The Pigeon Loves Things That Go, and Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. http://www.amazon.ca/Pigeon-Finds-Ho...4238602&sr=1-2 http://www.amazon.ca/Dont-Let-Pigeon...4238602&sr=1-8 Amazon.ca: The Pigeon Wants A Puppy: Mo Willems: Books Amazon.ca: The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too!: Mo Willems: Books Amazon.ca: The Pigeon Loves Things That Go!: Mo Willems: Books Amazon.ca: Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!: Mo Willems: Books
  22. I absolutely HATE spiders. Even the itty bitty ones that can't hurt you, can't stand them. When I was thirteen one came out from behind my shampoo bottle while I was in the shower, and not some random little thing, but a huge ass spider the size of an apple, and that was just its body. I screamed bloody murder and tore off to the other end of the house...I can't even remember if I turned off the water. Another time my mom was watching Arachnophobia, and I had fallen asleep on the bed next to her. I woke up just as the big mother spider (the one the size of a pumpkin) was leaping across the screen at someone, and at the same time, my dad thought it would be funny to grab my leg. Sooooo not funny. Again, I screamed bloody murder. Luckily my husband doesn't like spiders much either, so I shouldn't have to worry about any ill-natured pranks from him.
  23. THe sad thing is not only brides are guilty of this behaviour. When I went dress shopping, one of the stores I went into made me feel so uncomfortable. The moment I walked in I got the once over from head to toe, with a stop on my ring finger. After that, only one woman (out of the five in the store) was anywhere near helpful, the rest ignored me and gave me the feeling that they wanted me to leave so more "appropriate" brides could use the change rooms. Maybe I was being paranoid, but I didn't feel that way at any of the other stores I went to.
  24. HEre are a few that I found...some of them only have a touch of orchid in them, as opposed to entire bouquets of orchids
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