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Everything posted by Jenn79
Quote: Originally Posted by *lauren* oh that's a good one laura! i think she has a new one out too. i just finished baby proof by emily giffin (something borrowed, and something blue) and it was good also. There's a new one out by Emily Giffin too, Love the One You're With. I haven't read it yet but really want to, I loved the other three.
Quote: Originally Posted by JenniferLynn The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella is pretty good too. quote] Jennifer - what is this one about? Can anyone recommend any good spy / political / espionage thrillers besides Vince Flynn books? Has anyone read Daniel Silva? Thanks girls!! The Undomestic Goddess is about a woman who becomes a maid after previously having no ability whatsoever to do anything domestic (Cook, clean, babysit, etc). It's really funny, and probably one of my favourite Sophie Kinsella's. I just read Can You Keep a Secret? and really enjoyed that one too. As for good spy/political/espionage thrillers, there are a couple I'm trying to remember...The Footprints of God by Greg Iles is AMAZING...could not put it down. The Coil by Gayle Linds is pretty good too. A really quick read, with a good story. Anything by Steve Berry is pretty good as well, not quite spy/political/ espionage, but definitely full of suspense and action.
Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie How are all our bermuda brides doing? I've tried emailing Barbara about a week ago and still waiting to hear back from her. I really hope she's just busy and I'm just being OCD and a control freak. So far we've hired Barbara, put our deposit on AA for our flowers, have my dress, working on OOT bags, and I'm slowly working on our welcome letter, time line, ect stuff. I am adding bus and ferry schedules in my stuff for everyone. Is there anything you would add to them that is close to the Dockyard for the next day, or anything that you would have as a must see? I'm taking any suggestions!!! I'm anxious to hear how the rest of you are doing with your planning!! If it's any consolation, this upcoming week is big in Bermuda, their Cupmatch game gets played over the long weekend and is a huge deal. Businesses close up, people go camping all over the island, and there's an all over festive feel. Don't worry, one thing I noticed about Barbara is she's all about efficiency, I'm sure she'll be in touch soon. As for suggestions for "must see", if you have any flower/garden fans in your group, the Botanical Gardens are a must. It's about twentyish minutes from Dockyard, but worth the visit. There are great golf courses all over the island, they'd be worth looking into. I'm not a golfer myself, so I can't make any reccommendations, but Port Royal and the Southampton Princess courses come to mind. Port Royal was closed recently for some upgrades, so I'd do some research to see if it's up and running again. Quite possibly the best thing to do is take a ferry ride around the Sound, it's just gorgeous. The Maritime Museum at Dockyard is great for any history buffs. Haven't been there myself since I was a child, but friends who went last year enjoyed it immensley. There is also a place to do helmet dives at the Dockyard, I believe it's called Hartley's Helmet Dives (don't quote me though). Friends also did this and had a great time. It's not quite scuba diving, but you get a similar experience. A final idea, Bermuda has more churches per square mile than anywhere else in the world. If you have any architecture fans, reccommend doing a tour of the island's churches, there are so many different styles and denominations, and t hey are EVERYWHERE. That's about all I can come up with for now...
Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 lmao I so like your style lol totally off subject but .. someone once put a note on my car that if i parked outside of his house again he would call the police on me lol i wrote back on the note "i pay road tax, its not a private road, call them all you like you twat", knocked on his door and handed it to him lmao I parked there for weeks after and it was right out of my way lmao Hahaha, good for you!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline oh man, my jaw dropped when i read this. im not even joking, if i would have gotten a letter on my door like that i woulda made a letter that read "In the future- shove the recylcing can up your ass" and put it in every mailbox on your street. omg Oh I was none too pleased when I saw it, and if I had any idea who it was who left it there would definitely be words said. It's sad that not only someone had to complain about it, but they had nothing better to do all day than chase some loose garbage around?
We invited 25 people, and had 17 at the wedding. I know there were feathers ruffled but I always wanted a small wedding (I don't do well in front of large groups). Have a great wedding, and although it's hard, try not to let the negative comments get you down. At the end of it all, you'll have had your dream wedding and will be married to the man you love.
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.' Bobby - age 7 This one has to be my favourite...and to think it came from someone so young!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline ok- u said your neighbors dont like you guys...but do you know for certain they dont like you guys? or are you just guessing? some people are just dont socialize with their neighbors so you might THINK they dont like you, or did something specific happen? it could have also the bird getting stuck in there, panicking and the heat caused it to die. it sux b/c you dont have solid proof of what it was. Id keep an eye out and if things keep happening, set up a video camera and catch the muther f'er! hahaa They haven't come right out and said anything, but there are a few things. One neighbour lets his dog poop on our lawn and doesn't clean it up afterwards (we don't know which one). Another called our landlords (rather than talk to us like adults) to complain that our grass had gotten too long...this was when we first moved in and didn't have a lawn mower yet. My favourite was the snarky note we got one windy garbage day when some of our recycling blew into someone else's yard (the note said: "In future weigh down your recycling, we've been picking it up all day!!"). The note wasn't signed, but taped to our front door. I know they're little things, but we haven't exactly felt very welcomed. I like the video camera idea! I've pretty much accepted the idea that the poor thing just got stuck, it's better than focusing on the alternative.
wedding day mishaps (feel free to add your own!)
Jenn79 replied to boscobel's topic in Just venting or funnies
I can't believe I forgot one...it happened on my wedding day, but it's been such a fun anecdote, I didn't think of it as a mishap! I broke my husband's ring finger... Not intentionally! He had actually broken it himself at work two months before the wedding, but didn't go to the doctor (men, sometimes I wonder how they survive!). He figured he'd be fine in time for the wedding, regardless of the fact that his finger was twice it's normal size. About a week before the wedding he decided maybe he should try on his ring, to see if it would fit...it wouldn't go over the knuckle, but he still figured he had a week for it to heal properly. I wasn't convinced but what can you do a week from the wedding, when the rings take two months to order? So the wedding arrives, I get down the aisle, I'm crying and smiling, and it's time to do the rings. Mine goes on smoothly, but when we got to Timm's, it stopped at the knuckle. I looked down at it, Timm looked down at it, the reverend looked down at it...then Timm looked at me, and said, "Just shove it"...so I did...and there was this sickening CRACK as the ring cracked the knuckle bone. By the end of the night his finger looked like an hour glass, with his ring being the centre while his finger pudged out around it...it looked awful! We did manage to get the ring off a few days later with much swearing and I think some vaseline... On a side note, his work paid for the replacement of his ring. Still makes for quite a fun story at family gatherings and social functions. -
Congratulations To Martha & Jay, July 25, 2008
Jenn79 replied to Helen_S81's topic in CONGRATS & Shout outs!!
back and a belated congratulations! can't wait to see how it all turned out! -
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk 2. Your significant other? cuddly 3. Your hair? thick 4. Your mother? short 5. Your father? controling 6. Your favorite thing? books 7. Your dream last night? imemorable 8. Your favorite drink? lemonade 9. Your dream/goal? travel 10. The room you're in? small 11. Your ex? lost 12. Your fear? spiders 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? family 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? angry 16. Muffins? yum 17. One of your wish list items? luggage 18. Where you grew up? island 19. The last thing you did? type 20. What are you wearing? outfit 21. Your TV? adequate 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? dying 24. Your life? great 25. Your mood? excited 26. Missing someone? yes 27. Your vehicle? bicycle 28. something your not wearing? socks 29. Favorite Store? Chapters 30. Your summer? rainy 31. Like someone? totally 32. favorite color? turquoise 33. When is the last time you laughed? morning 34. Last time you cried? earlier
I wanted to thank all of you for your comments, I realize I probably freaked out a little too much. It's just not every day you come home and see feathers sticking out of your mail box...can be a little disconcerting. After taking a breath and thinking about it, it is likely the bird somehow got in on it's own and had the lid shut on it. I'm not completely convinced of that, but it's better than the alternative. We aren't going to report it, but we're also going to be more diligent with keeping an eye on things around the property, just in case this wasn't some random act. The bird itself has been removed and sent off to bird heaven, or wherever it is that birds go. We're tempted to remove the mailbox too, it's a bit of an eyesore. Since we're renting we can't really replace it, but taking it down until we decide to move would keep any more birds (or other wildlife) from ending up inside. Thanks again, I really did just need to get it out to some objective outsiders, I really appreciate all the words of advice!
leave a dead bird in a mailbox Seriously. My husband and I went out for groceries yesterday, and when we got home, we saw something sticking out under the lid of our mailbox (it's mounted on the wall of our house, next to the front door) that looked like feathers. There was no way I was going to look into it (I have a hard enough time dealing with blood when I cut myself shaving), so the task fell to my husband. He's not so great with dead things himself, so he put it off until today. Sure enough, it was a small bird, just like we thought. Both of us are more than freaked out by this. There is no way that bird could have gotten in there itself, and even if it had, it didn't have enough time to die before we got back from grocery shopping, we were gone less than an hour and it wasn't there when we left. So now we are trying to figure out why it was done in the first place, and who did it. We know we aren't very liked by our neighbours, but are clueless as to why. We aren't loud, and we say hi to people when we see them in an attempt to be friendly(but rarely get any response back). I've been shaking since I got off the phone with my husband, and it seems to be getting worse. This is just far too Stephen King for my liking...
We're planning a vacation to Disneyworld in September...I know,not really a BIG trip, but we're in desperate need of a getaway that we know we'll have a good time on, and Disney fits the bill. Aside from that, we are planning a Mediterranean Cruise for sometime in the not so distant future. Both of us are dying to see Italy and Greece, and the most cost effective way for us to do both is through a cruise.
Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Everyone's are looking good! JenniferLynn, yours is a little too big (very cool though, can you resize it?). I have to make sure mine isn't too big actually, I think the limits are 350x500 but I need to go double check. Will do Jamy, as soon as I get home from work tonight (Photobucket is blocked on our server, pooh!)
Here is mine! I hope it's not too big...
Although I don't post very much, I very much enjoy reading what so many of you share. Harty is just a riot, I don't think anyone has made me laugh more online. Yari always has something nice to say, and seems like such a positive person. Carly could almost be my twin, some of the things she has mentioned pretty much mirror my personality exactly. All of you girls seem to be really great people, and the fact that you are so willing to help "virtual" strangers (no pun intended, really!) just emphasizes that greatness.
OTTAWA BRIDES - AHR venue ideas???
Jenn79 replied to seaprincess's topic in General Wedding Planning Information
Friends of mine are getting married here, Bean Town Ranch - Welcome! , and it's absolutely beautiful. They only have one event per day, so it's much more personalized. Other friends of mine got married here, Strathmere | A Country Retreat Since 1979 , and it's really pretty. Very relaxed. I even find the land along the Ottawa River Parkway (near Lincoln Fields) to be pretty, but I'm not sure how you would go about planning a reception along it, or if it's even an option, but I've always thought it would be a nice touch, rent a few tents and set up a dance floor... Another cool idea would be the National Art Gallery National Gallery of Canada - Host an Event ...I know of a few weddings that have taken place there, although I haven't been to one myself. -
Timm and I are the couple people probably roll their eyes at when we're in public, always hugging and holding hands. We make a concerted effort to do things together (movies, shopping, museums), especially now that our schedules are completely opposite. However, we both went into this relationship (almost five years ago now) with the understanding that, as much as we love each other, there are times where we just need to be alone. He has his writing room where he can disappear to, I have a cozy chair in the computer room where I can curl up with a book. We both cherish our alone time, and it was a relief to know early on that it was something we both agreed on. I also make a point of having a "Girls Nite" at least once a month, where me and a couple girlfriends get together for dinner/drinks/movies/etc, no boys allowed. We're all at a stage in our lives where we're either married or living with someone, so being able to just do our thing without the boys is a must. We even had our first girls weekend away this past October, and are hoping to make it a semi-regular thing (as timing and funds allow).
Have a wonderful trip and a wonderful wedding! All the best!
Tell us something interesting about your neighborhood...
Jenn79 replied to Alyssa's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 What the heck is a Beaver Tail I knew I'd get asked that! It's just a deep fried pastry with different toppings on it...the best is cinnamon and sugar, but you can get chocolate and icing sugar and I think there is a garlic one... Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Can't comment i'll get banned lmao Too funny! I have a pretty good idea what you're thinking though -
Tell us something interesting about your neighborhood...
Jenn79 replied to Alyssa's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
The actual neighbourhood I live in is just your average suburban neighbourhood, complete with nosy neighbours who leave notes if your garbage happens to blow around on a windy day, and let their dogs poop on the lawn without picking it up. Really fun. The city it is a suburb of (Ottawa) is the capitol of Canada, full of history and politics...love the history part, not so much the politics. Our hockey team came close to winning the Stanley Cup two seasons ago, but lost to the Anaheim Mighty Ducks...at least it was to another team no one thought stood a chance. Tom Cruise went to high school here, Dan Ackroyd grew up here (and my husband had the pleasure of serving him ice cream and having drinks with him one summer), as did Bryan Adams, Alanis Morissette, and Tom Green. The largest Canada Day celebration takes place on Parliament Hill ever July 1st, and we are home to the world's longest skating rink, the Rideau Canal. As cold as winter gets, nothing beats bundling up and heading to the canal for a hot chocolate and a Beaver tail. That's about all I can think of right now, but I know there's probably a bit more I should know. I've lived here for eighteen years but have only ever scraped the surface of what the city has to offer. -
IYO- where is best spot to have pictures printed?
Jenn79 replied to Jacqueline's topic in Random Thoughts
I'll admit I'm a photo snob, and won't go to Walmart or the Kodak photomachines. I want good quality when I get my pictures printed out. There is a company here in Canada (not sure if it's available in the States, pretty sure it's not) called Black's, and they are who I go to. They have a website (like Walmart) you can upload to, then you just decide what store you want to pick them up at, or have them sent to your home. I worked at a Black's for two years and reprinted some pictures I had done at Walmart years before, and the difference was astounding. Brighter colours, sharper focus...it's all in the chemicals I guess. They are more expensive than other places by about twenty cents, but it's worth it for the quality in my opinion. -
It really was amazing. My husband usually devours a bag of licorice Nibs when we go see movies, but it sat untouched for the entire movie...that's how captivated he was. Ledger really was brilliant. I've been a fan since 10 Things I Hate About You, but when I originally heard he was playing the Joker, I wasn't sure what to think (I've always been particularly fond of Jack Nicholson's portrayal). He did an awesome job though. The entire cast was great. I love Morgan Freeman (as an aside, go see Wanted if you haven't, it's another really fun movie), and anything with Michael Cain is always a treat to watch. Then of course there is Christian Bale who just, well, he's just amazing too. Okay, I think I rambled enough. A great movie, definitely go see it!
Best love songs?
Jenn79 replied to StephanieBriskey@charter.'s topic in Wedding Music & Entertainment
there are a few that come to mind..actually there are a lot, but here are a few: We've Only Just Begun by The Carpenters More by Harry Connick Jr Answer by Sarah McLachlan Northern Sky by Nick Drake The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson Wouldn't it be Nice by The Beach Boys ....I'll leave it at that for now, I could go on but I should probably do some work today.