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Everything posted by chicago88

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by crawford2B How many people did you have? Did you pay extra for a bigger cake or did you just get the free cake? If you just took the free cake I am going to be mad! My cake was just on a plate. It seemed fine to me at the time but now hearing this I think I was jiped! Oh well I loved everything that day! I would maybe ask Chandlyn to make sure. Yes, I got the free cake and it was big. I had 50 people and it was more than enough. Actually, no one really even touched it. They were too busy dancing & having a good time. I would not waste the money to upgrade the cake...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nano.dogs I can't BELIEVE some of you girls waited so long before getting engaged! You guys are much more patient than I am. I waited for 4.5 years before getting engaged. We will be married around our 6 year anniversary. I was never in a rush. I loved the freedom of not being married. As I got older I was finally ready but I didn't feel like I "needed" to do it right away. I always thought I would get married in my late twenty's. I love being married now though - 5 weeks tomorrow!
  3. We were dating 8 years & 3 months up until the wedding in February. It'll be 9 years in November - Crazy!!! Although, we did have a couple break periods when we were younger!! Now I get to start over & keep track of how long we are married!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr No, I just wanted to know if they would have a bartender on staff at that bar around that time. Everyone will go up and get their own drink. Do you know if there will be a bartender around? Yes, Dunn's River is open from 5pm - midnight.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr bumping for my answer. Does anyone know? Dunn's River bar does not have waiters that come to your table. You have to go up to the bar to get your drink.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr Chicago, crawford just said that they brought her cake out on a regular plate. Should i bring my own stand to be on the safe side? Do you have to actually request the stand? No, I wouldn't worry about bringing anything. My cake was brought out on a stand and I didn't specifically request this - i guess just mention it to chandlyn in your meeting if you're worried about it.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr Yayyy Crawford's Review! I've been waiting for this!! Thanks for being so detailed! How did the quality of the cd player sound. Was it very loud. I'm having over 100 people and I want to be certain that everyone can hear the music or the minister. Did they give you a formal introduction before dinner? Did you rent the disco? Also in another thread you mentioned: "they brought our cake just on a plate and had the knives etc for us to use. We didn't do a guest book because we only had one other couple with us." They didn't have a cake stand? Or a cake cutting set? Congrats again! Yes, the bring the cake out on a stand with everything you need.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride08 Thanks!! Discountmugs - Coffee Mugs, Travel Mugs, Water Bottles, Promotional Pens, Glassware, Commemorative Plates, Tiles & Promotional Items We had our names and wedding date w/ a palm tree in silver decal...super cute! BUT, throughout the time there, the decal seemed to come off. I think that happened to another bride too. I think that it depends on what kind you get, but I don't which ones are better. There are definitely some more threads with info on mugs and pictures. I think most people got them from this website. Plus, the mugs were great with keeping drinks cold and they hold about 3x the little cups they normally serve drinks in. Our family/friends loved them! A lot of people even decorated theirs with fun stickers, etc. Ours had "Bride/Groom" in crystals on them... That was added later. Let me know if you have more questions. Good Luck! Our logo's rubbed off too. Everyone still loved them though!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 They are okay with switching locations then? I know they had us put in our preference when we did our date request... and was wondering when we had to decide for sure. Do you think it matters at all what the other brides are doing that day (if someone has the same day)? I would assume it wouldn't... it can't take that long to change out the decorations if necessary. Yeah, I know a couple people on the forum switched it after they got there & saw the options and just told chandlyn at the meeting.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha this reminds me of "the office." Anyone watch the show? It's hysterical and so relatable to your job. Everyone I work with is pretty cool- they were just throwing a nurf football down the hall a bit ago. My boss is the only annoying one. She has the most high-pitched "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" or "I'm bacckkkkkkkkkkkk!" whenever she steps like 10 feet from her office. Oh lordy. I absolutely LOVE the Office - can't wait for it to come back!!
  11. Both gazebos are beautiful. I chose the beach gazebo and absolutely loved it. The pics came out beautifully with the ocean in the background. You don't have to decide now - you can look when you get there and tell the wc at your meeting.
  12. Totally understand - it's really so frustrating!! The guy in the cubicle next to me can NOT sit still for anything. I mean all day long, tapping his feet, talking to himself, making some other noises from his mouth, slamming his drawers shut (literally slamming-it hurts my ears), its crazy. I could go on and on.... I empathize with ya!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by vale When we decided to have our third (she's now seven), we decided in Feb, so I came off the pill then and then by April I was pregnant (althought didn't realise until May/june time) so it can happen really quick. I had also been on the pill for 10 years by that time. Wow...That's quick. When I do go off of it I better be ready!! Thanks for all the info ladies!!
  14. That's wonderful - Congrats to you & your hubby!!!!!!!!
  15. Those pictures are so fun - it looks like everyone had a blast!! The wig idea is so cute!!
  16. Ooh, my I'm going to try this. I do weight lifting/aerobics classes a couple times a week but I need more tone in my thighs - thanks!!
  17. Congrats & Welcome to the forum!!
  18. I don't really love too much about 7am. If I'm up it means I'm driving in rush hour to get to work...bummer!
  19. Nope, I never joined... It sounds like a lot of you made some great friendships though!!
  20. Great info ladies... As is gets closer to me going off of it I'm getting really nervous!! But, I keep thinking it could take a month or two or 12 months or more so I do want to start trying. I'm just getting a little scared I guess. One of my biggest fears is child birth. I was in the room when my nephew was born - maybe that has something to do with it... Anyway, just venting. Thanks!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by BrittneyD Are the tables the same size for the Seagrape reception? Ooh, I'm not sure. I didn't do anything at the SeaGrape beach bar.
  22. Our DJ was awesome - we did give him some must plays, even though I'm not sure he played them all. They played fun wedding music - I would not worry!!
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