Quote: Originally Posted by mopher Michael has seemed to change things on us. He told me first I can wait until we get there and pick the package after the wedding. Then he sent me the same e-mails as above saying that you had to pick how many picures and pay for them ahead of time.
I e-mailed him to confirm the time that I want him for and he replied with the following (sorry I don't know how to post either)...saying that to confirm the booking I need to pay now!
Wedding Pictures & Video prepayment sheet
Names :___________________________________________________
Scheduled wedding date:time:
Month:Scheduled viewing date:time:
Special requests:________________________________________________
Paid services Initial Package________________= _________ US$
before wedding
Extra Time____ hours per ___ = _________ US$
Extras (like DVD)________________= _________ US$
Picture Packages:________________ = _________ US$
Total cash= _________ US$
Credit card processing fee (5%of total)= _________ US$
Total = _________ US$
Declaration for (remote)credit card payment :
I, ___________________________, authorize the charge of US$ _______.___
(in words__________________________________US$) for a purchase of the above
mentioned items to be charged to my credit card # ______ ______ ______ _______,
issued by VISA/MASTER/AMEX (delete what is not the case), expiry date ___/____,
charged by BEST IMAGES. This is a one-time payment!
Kind regards
(Date / Place)
(signature cardholder)
I have the same form too. This is such bull!!! What if I don't like all the pictures and want to change the package. I think this is really ridiculous!!
I think I was able to attach the photo packages in word below?
Photo Packages.doc