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Everything posted by chicago88

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy I don't know if that's the only way but I think it's the easiest!! It doesn't take very long to do either! Ok, thanks Betsy. They actually block that photobucket site at my work (all picture sites) so I'll have to try something else. Thanks though!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Do you have a photbucket account? If not you should get one - it is free and really easy to use - just upload your pics there and then you an copy the link for your sig pic. Hope this helps! No, i don't have a photobucket account. Is that the only way to upload them?
  3. I went into vbplaza menu but I still don't know what to do...Please help?
  4. I tried to download a photo for my signature & I can't get it to work. It's a jpg file saved to my desktop. Can anyone help??
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2BMrsBeckermann I see that you have the same wedding date as me!! I was REALLY wanting to go to Jamacia too but I let my fiance talk me into Mexico. We do have the same date!! We'll have to swap pics when we both get back. We were actually deciding between Mexico & Jamaica too. At one point we were going to do the Riu in PV. Can't wait to see your pics & hear about it. Good luck with everything!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mopher Michael has seemed to change things on us. He told me first I can wait until we get there and pick the package after the wedding. Then he sent me the same e-mails as above saying that you had to pick how many picures and pay for them ahead of time. I e-mailed him to confirm the time that I want him for and he replied with the following (sorry I don't know how to post either)...saying that to confirm the booking I need to pay now! Wedding Pictures & Video prepayment sheet Names :___________________________________________________ (Bride)(Groom) Scheduled wedding date:time: Month:Scheduled viewing date:time: Special requests:________________________________________________ Paid services Initial Package________________= _________ US$ before wedding Extra Time____ hours per ___ = _________ US$ Extras (like DVD)________________= _________ US$ Picture Packages:________________ = _________ US$ Total cash= _________ US$ Credit card processing fee (5%of total)= _________ US$ Total = _________ US$ Declaration for (remote)credit card payment : I, ___________________________, authorize the charge of US$ _______.___ (in words__________________________________US$) for a purchase of the above mentioned items to be charged to my credit card # ______ ______ ______ _______, issued by VISA/MASTER/AMEX (delete what is not the case), expiry date ___/____, charged by BEST IMAGES. This is a one-time payment! Kind regards _______________________________ (Date / Place) ___________________________ (signature cardholder) I have the same form too. This is such bull!!! What if I don't like all the pictures and want to change the package. I think this is really ridiculous!! I think I was able to attach the photo packages in word below? Photo Packages.doc
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2BMrsBeckermann That's exactly what I'm doing LOL I don't know what I will do after the wedding!! I have been so engrossed in working and looking at wedding things that I won't know what to do when it is over! That's totally how I feel!! Thanks for the cool site!
  8. Wow...I can't believe that. I agree with all the other ladies to demand your money back & call the BBB. Also, alert your credit card company if you charged your deposit! Congrats on the new & better dress!!!!
  9. Seriously, that's hilarious!!!! We want pics!!!!
  10. OMG, that's crazy? Would they consider combining into one??
  11. That's what I thought too. I'm going to email my TA back and ask. That's ridiculous cuz what if I only like a certain amount of pictures and I payed for a huge package. That really does not make sense??
  12. Does the Plantation close for dinner when it's rented out?? It says its open for dinner?
  13. Ok, so my TA just e-mailed me the photo packages and I have to choose one & pay for it before I get there.....See below. I think we are going with the free package and I have no idea what to choose? Help! (I also have this document in word format but not sure how to post?) - It's posted in my replly below-FYI. I figured it out - yeah!!
  14. That's too bad that your friend can't take a few minutes out of her day to pick a Saturday & say let's meet at this place for dinner/drinks, etc... I would just be honest with people that are asking & tell them you want to have something but you don't know if anyone is organizing anything. I'm sure someone will definitely step up and make a few plans! If not, plan your own -it'll still be a blast!!!
  15. I was just checking my e-mails and the last one I got from Chandlyn was last Friday the 18th. I bet she's just another assistant!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Thanks Therese...Its funny bc we almost went to Ocho Rios for our DW. lol. We've been to Ocho Rios before and its simply gorgeous! Best of luck to you...your big day is like 2-3 wks away! Oh, that's too funny!! We both have good taste!! Yep, we leave in less that 3 weeks...Totally getting anxious & stressed. Super excited though too!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Not to sound tacky (even though this is). How much are you girls planning on tipping the wc? I was just curious because i would have no idea how much to give. Ooh, good question. I have no idea either...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen I wanted to wear something with a slight heel for the reception though, cuz I just feel skinnier in heels! I totally hear that!!!
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