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Everything posted by trisha0612

  1. It's just a regular pic. from my comp though..
  2. Okay ladies, here is the first half of the pics from our site visit...(we took a bunch!) anywho...some are blurry...and some well....i'm drunk....you'll see! Anyways...I will post the next batch ASAP! As for my review....girls..Dreams Tulum is AMAZING! We had a chance to meet with Sandra, and she is so incredibly nice! You can see how overworked she is...however, she has all emails sent to her/or sent by her printed out, and in folders on the compter too! She is organized, and very willing to make your wishes happen! So if she doesn't respond to you...don't worry! (she also mentioned something about her and Landy working on a time each night to set up a chat so that they can chat with all the girls who have questions...it's still in the works though!) The service at Dreams is amazing. Very friendly, and very eager to help you in any way that they can! However..I wasn't blown away by all of the food. The first night we ate at Seaside grill, and I had the chicken, FI had the steak...we weren't too impressed. Same thing for the Buffet the following morning at World Cafe (I think it depends on time, the earier we went the WAY better the food was). Portofino had amazing food though...and the room service food is really good as well. One day we caught lunch at the sugar reef bar. It was set up buffet stlye...I'm not sure exactly what it was...but if was REALLY GOOD! And they had really good Pico de gallo. Drinks were fantabulous! Beach.....gorgeous. Looks amazing..although be aware..once you start walking in the water, you will feel the rocks. Sometimes we were fine(depending on where we were at) others..it was painful. I didn't mind too much though! And I HIGHLY suggest you spend a day at the ruins..most beautiful beach EVER! trisha0612/Sitevisit1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  3. So I went to change my siggy pic (which I have done plenty times of before...) I apparently hit the delete current picture first, and now whenever I'm trying to upload, I put the picture in the right line and save and nada is coming up... what do i do??
  4. I def. have to go with Tammy (host)...with the forum, Jack, and all of us ladies she's helping out with the wedding....she deserves the honor! I also have to say Morgan. I'm using her template and her step by step process right now to help me out with my brochures! So helpful!
  5. ooooh...good questions...I am so unprepared... all i've beent hinking about has been what to wear!
  6. hahahaha...if people are bringing it to a gathering or whatever I don't care..but seriously, we had a white elephant thing for Xmas with a $20 gift thing, and I of course picked the $4 bottle of wine..I was pissed....I'm sure the tacky paper bag it came in did NOT cost $16.
  7. This is a great site to get lots of info about your wedding!
  8. You ladies Rock! I had to assure my FI things were going to be okay! (although he told me not to tell you guys he was the one asking...oops!) hehe
  9. It depends on the table size....hmm it's tough. I love the color scheme! You should just go to a Michaels and try it out!
  10. They look really good! Great Job! Your date is the day after mine!! I also see your from AZ, there are lots of us from around here now..we should do a meet up!
  11. It looks great! I haven't even thought of doing this yet!
  12. OK, so we leave in 2 day for Dreams Tulum....we were wondering if they provide bottled water down there, or if there are any horror stories about the water
  13. Gosh..I remember the days of being a "Lurker"...I was so ashamed of myself!
  14. Fly Eagles Fly!! The weather may be beautiful, as well as the sights..but nothing beats Philly!
  15. That made my day! fingers?? I didn't notice anything but her ABS! lol....that was some inspiration! I can't believe they really think that it's actually going to be taken seriously...honestly??
  16. Well, next time you plan a visit I would HIGHLY recommend the Hotel Valley Ho! It's so freaking awesome. It's basically an old hotel the renovated in such a retro/modern way that it looks like it's from Old Hollywood. Awesome restaurants, and great rooms! PS...I love the way you FI represented the EAGLES!!!
  17. We got the same exact rate as well!!!! I will totally take a pic. of the Bar Menu! I'm so freakin excited, I had to go out today and buy a new cute summer dress .... and shoes....oh yeah and a new top for the occasion! Can't imagine what it will be like for the actual wedding! Okay so here is my list of questions so far... For the Ultimate package can we exchange the Caribbean trio for mariachi? If we are using our own photographer can we exchange that for the mariachi? How much will it cost extra per person? When can we reserve activities for our groups? Where should we hold our Welcome Cocktail party? Flowers? how much for Ipod/speaker/microphone rental? Rental of sandbox for placecards? uhh.....I dunno what else!
  18. beautiful photos! so nice to hear you had such a good time! FI and myself have lots of DIY photos from when we were in Sedona for Vday last year as well!! Where did you end up staying in Scottsdale?
  19. That's one hell of a list there Becks! I think the only thing we decided on was "Love Song" by 311 from the 50 First date soundtrack as our first dance. I know that I will definately be playing " A little respect" by Erasure, "Livin on a prayer" by Bon Jovi, "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie, and almost anything from Fergie!!!!! And I think our last dance will be to "Can't Help Falling In Love" by UB40!
  20. Sandra is totally overworked...I felt the same way in the begining but then I realized that there is not too much she can do so far in advance for my wedding! Plus, keep in mind it IS Mexico, the entire climate is calm and relaxed so things are a little slower. I was getting nervous 2 weeks ago about our site visit we are planning this Thursday, and we haven't heard a thing from Sandra or Dreams. Tammy (my TA) assured me it was confirmed and that they do the paying/confirmation thing different all of the time. Then she emailed asking for our Credit Card so that we could pay and get our confirmation(per Dreams) then they changed their minds again and told her to tell us to wait until we got down there to pay. This was in a matter of a DAY that they changed their minds! Now, I finally set up an appointment with Sandra to meet with her this Friday morning during our site visit...and that took a few weeks to set up. I just gotta remember why I chose a DW in the first place...RELAXED ATMOSPHERE! Can't believe I'm leaving 4 days for our site visit! I'll be taking plenty of pictures! And if anyone has any ideas or a list of questions I should be asking..please help! If I don't have a list I'll completely space when I actually get down there!
  21. Wait..with the new convention center/ballroom thingy....if you have a party of 25 or more you have to have your reception there? Or did I read wrong? I'm confused..what else is new?
  22. trisha0612

    New Bride!

    You will find so much info. from all of these great ladies!
  23. Okay, not the thing to be reading while on your period...I just BAWLED my eyes out reading those poems for the parents... Never thought of doing hankerchiefs but I'm pretty sure I'll do one now!
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