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Everything posted by trisha0612

  1. This show was my secret obsession...until now! How many times did they graduate from highschool...oh yeah..twice. once with kelly and jessie...the other without them and Tori took their place! How about when they used to set up the MAX all for themselves to make up with their girlfriends or hold the pep rally!!! Alright...question of the day..... What number was Zack and Kelly's "song" on the jukebox at Max's
  2. Thank you so much..it worked...now it won't let me crop it to the size I want...photoshop frustrates me SOOO much..I need to buy a book on it!! How can I post the 2 options that i have done to get opinions?? Sodria...you get married in less than 2 weeks..that's CRAZY!
  3. Okay ladies..so I'm all over the place with colors right now... Thanks to Kelly, I have a design all picked out, and originally thought I would use the colors of Brown/Blue.....but after dress shopping with one of my BMs this weekend I'm thinking of changing it to a coralish/brown..but I'm still not completely sure. FI isn't completely feeling it so I'm trying to change the color in my photoshop logo thing and it won't do it...can someone help me? please!
  4. That's so awesome!!! Anybody planning a DW needs to know about this amazing forum!!
  5. Crazy prices!! Thanks so much!!! I'm totally looking forward to ordering from there! THANKS!
  6. 2 1/2 before we got engaged, but we just had our 3 year anniversary..although, we always overlook them. I usually say..awww...3 years ago (2 yrs, 1 yr) we had our first date....and he says...HONEY and resumes his Call of Duty 4
  7. Although I kind of agree with Betsey that people might see it but on the other hand I want to say F@*$ her...let the world see how pathetic she is!!!!!
  8. Morgan, I don't know how many times I've told you that YOU ROCK! but one more doesn't hurt...Morgan..YOU ROCK! Great idea taking on this project! I think I might input this info somewhere in the brochure (yes..the one you made the template for!) that I'm sending out before we leave..... So much information though that I want to send to them...Maybe I need a booklet!!
  9. Those pics are awesome!!! And I have NO idea what you are self conscious about!!! Where in PHX were you at?
  10. Morgan..Thank you so much! Just one question...where did you get that map picture?? I have been using your template to play around with....I love it!
  11. Those pics will be so cute! As jean-marcus already said, brooke and myself will both be at the ruins..with our hubbies for our TTD in october. I love the idea of you girls being "little girls" that's so cute!
  12. I dunno about a specific lighting...but there was a bathroom in Atlantic City in the Borgata, that had this white pearly colored soap that made my ring look RIDICULOUS!!! I'm still on the search for it! i just got it sized b/c it was too big, and they cleaned it so it looks exactly the way it did the night he proposed...I don't even want to wear it in water b/c I want it to stay this way FOREVER!!! Anyone have any suggestions on really good cleanings?? I have the liquid stuff they give you at the store..but that just doesn't seem to do it right!
  13. WELCOME!!! I'm extremely jealous of you getting married there!!!! Your wedding is going to be amazing!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host you can get a site visit rate. i was able to get trish a rate of $89 per person during the high season. She did.....b/c she ROCKS!!!!!!! I'm hammered right now ladies, but honestly, Tammy is amazing..she took care of EVERYTHING for us, even minutes before we left our house to catch the plane!!! Our trip was awesome as well! Thanks Tammy!
  15. I'm sure everything turned out beautifully! Why threading instead of waxing? I've never heard of it before...well I did hear that in jail that's what the girls do to pluck their eyebrows
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amy706 Trisha! Your pics are so beautiful. Thank you for sending!! It was me who asked for a pic of the bar menu! I ended up emailing the concierge and he just sent me the attached doc which lists it out. if its useful to anyone, its attached. I wanted to make a signature drink or two but use one of their drinks and just rename it, which is why i wanted it. thanks for trying by the way!!! I'm glad you found it! I wasn't sure if they didn't have one, didn't understand..maybe they were new....anyways...Sorry about that!
  17. Thats absurd! They should charge the people taht bring the oversize carryons taht they aren't supposed to! They take up the whole storage bins!
  18. The Underwater cave was part of a snorkel trip we signed up for at Dreams the night before..it's called Mayan Adventures. It took us to 3 locations to snorkel..the pics of the water places (besides the beach). The underwater cave was amazing. It was$80 a person, and they served an awesome lunch afterwards! Here is the 2nd half.....let me apologize now. My comp is slow and I do NOT feel like messing around and removing some the pics..so as you will see...FI and I really just mess around...ALL of the time....and oh yeah..I have a new pic. to hang on my fridge to motivate me to get BACK in the gym. Oh and the pic. that looks like my @ss is from an injury I got when I got THRASHED by a huge wave when trying to bodysurf and slammed into a rock..this was at the ruins... well with that said..ENJOY..and again i apologize for the gross pics of myself! trisha0612/Sitevisit2 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting PS, I do not remember who asked me to take pics. of the bar menu..but on the last day when I asked for a bar menu in the lobby, they looked at me like I had 5 heads..so I dunno. Maybe Sandra can get you a picture/description?
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