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Everything posted by trisha0612

  1. Well as always I'm having computer issues....I'm trying to upload my powerpoint file of my brochure, but for some reason it keeps saying that the upload failed...hmmm....any suggestions why?? and how did i become so computer illiterate?
  2. That is TOOOO funny!!!!!! I wouldn't be able to go through the ceremony b/c I would be laughing the entire time!
  3. Amy your pics look awesome!!1 I love how playful the two of you look in some of them!
  4. Awwww Tami, I missed in your wedding in my absence! You look absolutely gorgeous and your wedding looks like it was an amazing time!! Congratulations!!!!
  5. You did an excellent job!! Everything looks awesome!
  6. Welcome to the forum...I'm one of the many brides on here getting married at Dreams Tulum! You will find so much helpful information! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions!
  7. Hey dougsgirl, I've been away for awhile..I've had FI's father here for 2 weeks, then my parents for 3 weeks, and now my brother and his 2 kids just moved into our tiny 3 bedroom place and it's been 3 weeks...BACK TO BACK..so I've been in hell! ANYWHO! I apparantly left my camera at school! Hopefully Monday I can take pics!
  8. Hey ladies...again...Target has done it again..I will post pics later buuuut...I just bought my OOT bags there today!!! They are the wicker/basket type beach bags that are lined inside with cute cloth. They are pretty big and stand up all by itself! Online I keep seeing them for like 7-8 dollars..I just bought them for $2.50 each! They were in the dollar section when I walked in..they only had 4 but were more than happy to grab me the box from the back. The lady said they just got them in so there should be PLENTY!!! I'm SOOOO excited!!!
  9. I was at Michael's earlier today looking for ribbon to wrap around my fans and totally stumbled on a JACKPOT of beach themed stuff!!! Pretty cheap if I say so myself! they had starfish, stickers, and well..just really cute stuff!!! I actually bought a bunch of the books with scrap paper/cardstock in it and now I'm totally rethinking the theme of my wedding......
  10. Hey ladies...I know i was just down there not that long ago.....BUUUT...does anyone have any recommendations for deep sea fishing around DT?? I can't remember what the guy told us while we were down there. If you have prices as well..that would be fantastic!!! thanks
  11. geez....Seeing your to do list makes me think of all the things I need to add to mine......ugggghhh
  12. OK OK.....I know it's still quite some time before the wedding but still...5 MONTHS!!! And I'm completely freaking out!!! I have NOT done anything for the wedding in like 2 months..I had visitors for 5 weeks and now my brother and 2 kids just moved in with FI and myself...and well..that's a WHOLE other story!!! What have you girls done so far... Here's my list..I want to see if I'm behind..well see HOW FAR behind I am! Booked Dreams Booked TA Sent out STD Got my dress Picked my colors THATS IT! I know I have so much more to do....
  13. Your pics are gorgeous...geez I've been away for a long time...I missed this!!! You looked fantastic and your guests looked like they were all having a great time!
  14. I would def. suggest having your guests bring some 1's...even some 5's!! I have 13,462 posts to catch up on...I've been away for quite some time....but anyways....I can't remember who posted that table set up with the yellow..but I loved it! Wonder if they have it in coral. Also if anyone is interested somewhere on this site I have pics from my sitevisit back in February.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by B&J2008 Hey Anna, we are getting married four days after you on 10/11! How long will you be there? It seems like the time is flying by. ONly a little over 6 months! Seriously!!! I have not done anything wedding related in like a month...I haven't even been on here..I have had parents visiting, and other family for the past month!!!! It's coming so soon..I better get BACK on the band wagon!
  16. Hmmm.....I'm I go the gym alot and do lots of hiking, but have never done spin...I gotta admit, I'm scared of it! lol....I will totally have to start giving it a shot...I'm going to try and schedule my BD pics for June/July, so it's time to get my @ss in shape! Any suggestions for getting crazy abs?
  17. That is so freakin cute!! I almost cried when i saw your engagement pics! Hmm..I already have gifts planned out for my parents..I wonder if I can do something like this for his parents...maybe use all pictures of FI growing up and then end with pics of us now....like a timeline of their son....is that dumb?
  18. to the forum!!! Your article was great!!!
  19. I'm not sure about this..but I love the bags! It's a really important question!!!
  20. They look awesome!!! Wait...did you do the screening yourself??
  21. Well, our party will be around 40-50 people and we are renting oug the Seaside grill for our reception. It is NOT included in the package (dreams ultimate) but decided we wanted it to be private, yet on the beach. Sandra told me the ballroom was an OPTION for those parties. She was suggesting EL PATIO which would close down if you had more than 40 people, and there is also this really cool courtyard thing outside of EL Patio & the Veranda which we LOVED but she said is usually meant for 110-120 ppl. or else your party would look swallowed up by the extra space! We agreed. The ballroom does look amazing from the outside, we could not go in b/c they were still totally working on it...waiting on the pics soon though!
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