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Everything posted by trisha0612

  1. Thanks so much ladies for all of the pics and info!! I have to say, I"m a very laid back person, but I do get anxiety about planning this so far away and waiting to pick the places. I trust Sandra and know she's busy, but I really want a private reception and requested that on my Wedding Info sheet, but how do I know I got it?? Hmmm..... Has anyone done a site visit? We are hopefully planning one this February!
  2. OH geez..definate sore subject!! We used to ALL the time, then it stopped for a long time..I'm talking once a month..but we weren't even engaged at the time!!! Then it picked back up a bit..now...I don't know! I think I'm a little freak b/c I wouldn't mind it everyday! The thing that kills me is when I'm talking with my friends and all they say is..."I feel so bad for him, he always wants it..and I'm just not in the mood!". So I sit there and think..."WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM??" Aren't guys SUPPOSED to want it more Why am I ALWAYS on the wrong side of this ordeal?? I know he loves me and it's not me, but sometimes it's really hard NOT to take it personally. I've initiated and been rejected..I've dressed up and he was too hungry..WTF?? I'm done initiating it, he should pursue me! What kills me the most is when we haven't done the deed for quite some time, but I know he's "taking care of his own business"!!! WTF is that about It literally makes me want to slap him for slapping his....well I won't go there but you get the point!
  3. Dear Murphy School District, I do not understand why you insist on waiting for shit to hit the fan before deciding to actually take action!!! I would love to know how long you have known about this ELL law, and why you waited until the school year is in full force before deciding to actually do what the state has been requiring us to do!! Did you somehow think a magical fairy would come in and protect us from the laws that effect the rest of the state? WTF? Now next week we have the state coming in to our school to check on things that we do not even know about!!!!! And if it's not done the way they want it...it will be OUR fault?? F*ck that! BTW, stop telling us that we need to not think of ourselves b/c this is what is best for the children. You know damn well, you don't care about these kids like WE do! WE the teachers who have chosen to work for NO MONEY while you sit in your big office micromanaging everything that comes your way. YOU that makes 100K a year! You the people in charge that manage to miss the biggest even in AZ education and then have US rush to put it together for YOu so that YOU do not lose your job!!! I can't wait to leave this F*ckin district in 8 months! I wonder what it is like in a district where the adminstrators don't have their heads up their @sses! Dear God, or whomever you may believe in, What is wrong with this world? Why is it that you give children to those who are so undeserving and take them from those who are SOOO deserving? It makes me so angry to think of this! Why are some of the parents at my school walking around with 20 kids and doesn't take care of any of them, yet a woman who is so able, and caring to be a good mother cannot be blessed with a child? I DON'T GET IT!!!! Dear Heidi, Your time will come........
  4. Heidi I'm SOOOO sorry. My hear goes out to you. I really do not know what to say in times like these......
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege were you able to get all three onto one page to save printing costs Yeah..they did it for me...I think could tell I was flustered!
  6. Dear Drea, CONGRATS!!! Dear Trish, CONGRATS as well!!! Dear FI, Thank you...FINALLY!!! And thank you so much for waking up early and getting my Starbucks before I even rolled out of bed! You are the best and I love you..now let's keep this streak going throughout the weekend!! Dear FSIL, Please stop bugging us...I'm already dreading our "visit" this Saturday and I'm praying it doesn't include you getting bombed. I don't think I have any more patience for your drama or antics. You live right down the road, is it necessary to hang out with us all the time? BTW, I wish I could see your face when you recieve our STDs next week..yeah the STDs you were desperately trying to help me with. Yup, the boarding pass ones..I know you hated the idea of boarding passes...must of slipped my mind when I chose them!! Oh yeah, and pissed you were still at work yesterday when I wanted to drop off my pants at the tailor.....I literally pulled in the parking lot then saw your car and left...Now I have to wait ANOTHER week before I get them hemmed! Dear Student Teacher, Thanks for now showing up until after lunch today and not calling at all! Is it so hard for you to really try to do your best while your here? How do you misspell the word "with" by the way?? It's NOT WHITH!! HELLO Stop being so CO-D w/ your daughter..she's 13! Dear Trish again, You are going to have a great weekend! Even if it includes you hanging out with FSIL..you can do it!!! Just remember..she's just mad b/c she's not marrying FI! Dear students, Damn you guys are so freaking cute!! You are going to make it really hard for me to leave you after this year! I need to remember this feeling more when you guys are driving me insane!!!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Dear students, Please stop asking me if I have your grades. They are getting worked on and I am just as overwhelmed as you are. If I had your grades don't you think I would have given them to you. If you would all learn to turn in your assignments correctly and in the same place it wouldn't take me so long to grade your work. Dear parents of my students, Your children are almost 18 years old, are you planning to move to college with them? No they cannot re-do their summer assignments they were to be done over the summer hence the name. And yes their summer assignments must count as a grade, I am sorry that your child chose to write one page for a five page assignment. Love this thread. Christine....things will get better...XMAS break!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Trisha, it appears we are in the same bedroom boat I feel your pain. Maybe it's in the name!!!
  9. Can't wait to see the pics when you return!!! Have an awesome time!!!
  10. Dear FI, I'm praying that you come home in a good mood tonight! I do not think I can take yet another pity party, or bad day! I am so happy to be the one you spend your bad days with..but I don't know if I can do it so damn often!! Please understand that my job is stressful as well and I need someone to vent to. Someone that will not just tell me to stop working in the ghetto..b/c after reading about the other parents...I'm not sure that would be much easier! I know I had the day off, but I was working on all this STD sh*t, then I had other sh*t to do. I just want you to come home in a good mood, eat the dinner I made for you, and watch the office with me. PLEEEAAASE Oh yeah...and could you please start wanting to have sex with me again? It's been so long and I'm dying! I can't just smile and say I know your stressed out much longer! The whole thing is really starting to effect me! Dear Self-Esteem, Do not take it personal if Trav doesn't want to have sex yet again tonight....
  11. Dear Glenda, You have just received the funniest post on this thread award from me! Yes me, I know I'm not really a big deal..but still!!! I'm laughing my @ss off at your comments!!! Dear self, Because you have wasted 1/2 of your day on this forum I think you should take another personal day tomorrow! you deserve it! Love, Trish Dear Trish, I think that is a great idea!! Personal day tomorrow!!!! Love, Self
  12. Well I just got back from the printing place! They couldn't do "MY" blue for the pockets so I went with a lighter version....very light version! Cool thing is, I can totally use "MY" blue for the font now! And hey..if it looks dumb, I'll just re-do the pockets. For all of the printing on the cardstock paper and everything..it's a total of $60.
  13. galit...you should send that to him!! now that's a wake up call for him!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JanaBrooke I think they are so cool! I am definitely going to do boarding passes. Great job - I am so glad when it comes time to start making mine I will have some great examples to refer to. I just hope mine turn out as great as yours. Thanks for sharing!! Thanks, but believe me, mine are the bottom of the barrel compared to some of these talented ladies!!!!! Check out the STD threads and you will be AMAZED!!!
  15. Dear BDW, Sometimes I wish i could stay up all night just to be able to reply to everyone on time!! All the posts that I have missed since yesterday (and that's ALOT) I would like to wish respond by saying I hope you all have a fantastic day!! YOU DESERVE IT! Dear FI, I love you very very much! Even when I'm grumpy, like this moring!! I do not appreciate your patience enough!! On another note..just because your elbow began hurting last night...it does NOT mean you have Gout! You probably twisted it or did something to it! Same goes for your shoulder injury last week...you do not have shoulder cancer! I don't know how many times I can tell you this..but you don't! Dear Amy08, I second your letter about your mom!!! I feel so bad that all I've been doig lately is talk about this wedding and my job crap!!! Dear Mom & Dad, Things will get better..I PROMISE!!!! I miss you and dad more than words can say and would do anything to help you out of this situation! I love you, and admire you more than you know! I do not tell you enough how much I see the 2 of you in me everyday and that I love it! Please sell your new house in jersey and move out here to AZ! I miss you so so so so so much!! Everytime I get off the phone with you I cry.....
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen I thnk it needs something. Not sure what, but there are lots of fonts that you can use to jazz it up. Even if you don't add a font that has palm trees, tropical flowers, seashells or something, perhaps jsut playing around with different fonts could help. For instance, you could make certain things scripty, or block-y. The info looks good and everything, but at first glance they seem like they are missing something. Is there something you have adopted as your "theme"? (Tami used Palm Trees, I used hibiscuses, Shelley used starfish, as examples) We don't have a theme....Trav is against the logos....I mean, the outside packet will have our monogram on it..but even that is just fancy fonts with our initials. We went with the font we had b/c it looks the most "like" a boarding pass. I kind of think it needs something as well...but you can't win them all....I at least got my idea of boarding passes down! Invitations will be all my own! Maybe when I have them printed out with everything they will look better!!! I was thinking that for the pocket they go in...they will be the blue color of our writing, with our monogram in white maybe? Or what do you suggest for mongram color on that blue color envelope?
  17. Okay..here they are! I'm not sure if I posted them already...but I wanted you ladies to check them out..the final ones and let me know what you think!! They are really simple and plain, but that was the ONLY thing we could agree on! I know they are plain......be brutally honest! Working on some monograms thanks to you ladies..I can figure it out in powerpoint! Attachment 1188 finalboardingpass.doc
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Trisha you so have my life (except I work in a high school and have 6 principals, who all tell us the exact same things like we haven't heard it from the other 5) and have two beagles who bark at every animal on TV like they are actually in our house or something...I am feeling this one Hahaha...if a dog runs off the screen one way...rosie goes chasing it into our bedroom...it was funny the first 5 times..now I'm over it!
  19. Don't get stressed out! They had all the time in the world for this decision...now it's YOUR time.....not theirs!
  20. Maria...that SUCKS! I would kill someone I think! Dear Principal, Thank you for keeping me at school today until 5 when I had intentions on leaving at 3:30 so I could actually make it to the printing place before it closed! All you did was ramble on and on about things I learned from college...yes college, a place you should have attended before becoming the leader of my school!!! Stop telling me ideas like they are new innovations when it's pure common sense....we are not idiots! And please stop being rude and interrupting guest speakers who actually provide something meaningful to the staff. YOUR AN IDIOT!! Oh yeah...and you have really bad breathe! PS...thanks for late meeting....I just called out for a personal day tomorrow!! Dear Rose(my pug), Why do you always insist on barking at the damn TV all the time...WTF?? I love you but seriously..it needs to stop! And tell your dad to stop thinking it's so damn cute...I can't hear anything!
  21. Unless you plan on eating EVERY meal (breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, cocktails) together the entire time..why should you have to pay for it?? It's everyone's vacation and they are not going to spend or wait for you every second!! Why can't people understand this damn it?
  22. Wow, they look all look amazing! I don't even know where to begin!
  23. to the forum! First thing we did was decide on a location and resort! I would check out some the places these ladies are getting married at in the Caribbean and then hopefully you will be able to decide on one! That's the most important part...from there, pick a date! CONGRATS!!! This forum will keep you sane...I promise!
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