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Everything posted by trisha0612

  1. Dear BDW, I've been away for a few days..but it fells really good to be back! I've missed you! Dear Kelly, I'm not sure when you posted but I wish I could give you a big hug! Dear self, Way to go finally finishing your STDs....I'm proud of you! now you actually have to go through with the wedding...haha! Good Job getting your fat @ss back in the gym this week, b/c the marathon is not just going to run itself! Dear newly engaged coworker, Honestly, is it necessary to be runing around SHOVING your ring in everyone's faces?? I know you don't like me, yet try to be me. I understand your copying of EVERYTHING I do, but seriously, it's annoying. You JUST got engaged 2 days ago. WHY OH WHY did you start asking everyone BUT ME what day my wedding is on b/c you guys are planning the same weekend? Enjoy being engaged for a day BEFORE you start planning the same exact day! Oh and by the way, it doesn't matter what day it is on b/c we are NOT inviting the same people, I DON'T care if you happen to be planning a DW as well. I just told you last week my date, you get engaged 2 days later, and now you want the same weekend? Geez... Dear self, You better be careful, she may end up joing this BDW and reading this...Oops!
  2. I had difficulty with this as well. I think at one point I just used a template that already had 3 on a page and just started adding and making my own changes...I'm also not that creative!
  3. Hmmm...so many questions. I have no idea about any of the room since we are not doing our site visit until February. Maybe if you contact Tammy (host) she can help you out. I really hope the old rooms are not that bad. I'm not sure which ones we are blocking....this hole planning process gets more and more interesting everyday!
  4. kashmira: beautiful Christine: mommy!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Jessica, I know! I'm sorry but if you just started your job with this company and working with a co-worker for your training period why would you feel comfortable enough to share porn sites with eachother, especially on the first week of work. Yeah, he isn't at the office but he is still working at Erik's Home (office). The porn site was one of those sites where you can chat with the girls too. Not just pictures. I was furious with Erik. I immediately told him that I don't want to hang out with him and that he seems like a creepy, leachy, person. I told him to be careful. Erik understood. Weird. Those sites are DISTURBING!!!! I caught FI on one of those early in our relationship and FREAKED out! To him it wasn't cheating...I was like, fine I'm going to go get my rocks off while talking to my ex on the phone...I think he got the point! FI has a creepy friend like that as well. He's into the strip clubs and those sites!! I told FI I have ZERO TIME for that shit! He had plenty of time to be a bachelor and a young boy, now be a man! There is a reason his relationship with his wife is dysfunctional! Dear Men, What is up with you?? The population of women that look like the ones in your fantasies is so small! And what makes you think, given a chance, they would even want you Get over yourselves.....start acting like men and respect US! We are the fantasy sweethearts..WAKE UP!
  6. This really tests your memory huh....okay..let's see if I can remember everyone.. LadyP: caring TammyB: funny Ann: honest Heidi: strong
  7. Yaaaaaaay!! Congrats! Can't wait to see the pics when you get back! Enjoy your honeymoon!
  8. I say Zappos search!!! Just take awhile and search through all of their selections!! They have so many!!!!
  9. to the forum! Lots of helpful ladies here!
  10. Awwww, that's so sweet of him! Look at the bright side, you will still be suprised to see what he upgraded to and how beautiful the ring will look!
  11. Dear FI, After recieving our STDs today from the printer I must admit something..I'm kind of mad at you! They look so boring to me, but since you did not want anything at all over the top this is what I'm dealing with. Please note that for the rest of this planning, you will not be included with any of these fun projects again! I have STD envy of all the other ladies on the BDW!! Honey, be aware when I do the invites, they are going to blow your mind...whether you like it or not! Still love you though.....
  12. Happy Birthday to you! (cha cha cha) Happy Birthday to you! (cha cha cha) Happy Birthday Dear Kaaaaaaate! Happy Birthday to you! (cha cha cha, Charmin!) *Sung in tune with my first graders..(still trying to figure out what the toilet paper commercial has to do with the birthday song....hmmm) You need some serious cocktails!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I actually cut all of mine out by hand. I had originally had them cut at the printer, but they weren't precise enough (printers feed every piece of paper differently) so we cut them all by hand. It actually only took two hours and looked a LOT nicer. Did you use special scissors?
  14. Hello ladies, Just got my STDs back from the printer. If you happen to recall they are the boarding passes..(plain ones). I was wondering about scissors and glue? Any suggestions on which ones to use??
  15. Dear Maria, I second that!!!! Dear Self, I am very proud of you today!! You went into Last Chance and held on to that $550 bag you were stealing for $150, with ladies following you all over the place. Then with one thought about the wedding you put that bag down and left the premises. You really have changed.....I guess this is you in love! Dear FI, Thank you for offering to buy that bag for me. Please realize that I am never "without" so you do not have to worry about that for one second. My willpower prevailed for once! This just means I'm getting a killer christmas present right I love you so much! Don't forget to get your ass home at 2 so we can hit the gym! Dear School District, I hate you, but gotta say thanks for the week long fall break!
  16. I think that if you talk to the people at the salon (if it's a good one) they can really help you out with deciding the bed, and amount of time you should tan to get the color you want. When I lived back east, I went to Island Sun (for proms and stuff). That was more or less in Bensalem though. I don't know if I would really suggest Hollywood tans, I've heard horror stories. The deal on spray on tans is this...I have a friend who is actually a dermatologist. For her wedding she tanned twice a week, and got a spray on once a week. For a month or so. Her tan looked very natural. I would love to do the spray on, (better for you) but it's time consuming considering all of the rules you have to follow afterwards..and sometimes you get darker in certain spots (backs of elbows, skin by arm pits). I think you just really have to find a local one, make sure they know what they are doing and talk to them!
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