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Everything posted by trisha0612

  1. Sorry guys for taking forever to respond. I've been in a complete daze since Friday night...yes i took the test...and it came out pregnant. I haven't stopped crying and I'm completely freaking out. Thank you guys so much for all of your support...I don't know what to do....I don't know what to do. PREGNANT I wasn't even sure if I ever really wanted kids. I know that I'm NOT READY! I barely can take care of myself...and mentally, I'm nowhere even in the same universe as being ready to go through this. We've been talking and talking and talking and we both know that this is not a good situation for anyone..I keep trying to put myself there 9 months from now (one month before the wedding) and it's just..I don't know...... I'm not trying to be selfish..I just know that a baby is not it for me..not now...what the hell am I going to do?? Thanks again for all of your support ladies, I'm sorry for not responding earlier. Hope all is well with you girls!!
  2. Thank you guys so much for your support! My internet was down at school day...got the test....I'm gonna go take it if FI EVER gets the hell out of the bathroom! Will let you know ASAP! Your right..it's probably stress....right?
  3. Okay, so since I was in college I have been advised against the pill. (makes me absolutely crazy and had to see a therapist while on it) Anywho, me and FI have been very cautious about the whole baby ordeal. both of us know we are not mentally THERE yet. Well...this past month we were as cautious as a 5 year old around a pool....and now, I'm late! I know it's our fault, but I'm FREAKING OUT! I mean, I can't even remember the date of my last period exactly, and I am not 100% regular, but I dunno! I don't know what to do! I don't know what we would do! I'm so mad at myself for being so completely dumb about this ENTIRE situation! AHHHHHHHHH
  4. That show is my addiction! It's so freakin funny!!! I want BUDDHA to go! he's annoying!
  5. So gorgeous! Your guests are going to be psyched about these when they get them! Geez...I better get started on some kind of color scheme ordeal....damn indecisiveness!
  6. Yaaaaay! congrats! It's all so exciting....
  7. Woah..you look amazing! I might have to steal your hair.I also have a similar flower to wear in my hair...
  8. I'm having some issues trying to get my pics into my post....WTF? I'm about to throw my mouse at the screen.....PLEASE HELP!
  9. I love the cut! I also agree with paying some $$ for hair....it's almost ALWAYS seen! I just cut my long hair to shoulder length as well....must be that time of year. Figured I should do my last big cut now before the wedding...
  10. Gorgeous pics Susan! I love the one with him kissing your shoulder and you looking over at him smiling...made me get those goosebumps..so cute! you looked amazing! So the pics were from the photographer at the resort? I'm confused...(what's new?)
  11. I agree with TiffJT! Even though it's not EXACTLY what you planned, pictures before hand might come out better b/c your makeup and hair will be ready to go! I'm getting nervous about this whole wedding planning process through email myself. We are doing our site visit in February, hopefully we will be able to figure things out then....if possible! I vote to keep your time, get pictures beforehand, get crazy sunset ceremony pics and then go have fun at your reception!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by TiffJT I found little photo albums with shells on the front at a website called "favor favor" (I haven't actually ordered yet, so I can't say if they are as pictured). They're only like $2 a piece and you could slip a little "thank you" in the first page. I think I'm going to put those, waterproof disposable cameras (perfect for snorkeling) and the biodegradable sunscreen you have to use at places like Xel-Ha. ( The sunscreen might seem odd, but it's fairly inexpensive up here at health food stores, but most guests don't realize they'll need it and end up paying like $20 for it down there. The website I mentioned has tons of cutesy reasonable priced beach things to build around. (Starfish wine stopper with a bottle of wine would be cute.) I'm not doing anything too elaborate because instead of STDs, we delivered "get in the mood for Mexico" beach bags with margarita and mojito mix - complete with umbrella straws, a bottle of Patron (maybe we're sending the wrong message ha, ha), "Mayan recipe" hotsauce purchased at the Latin grocery as well as some other treats, beach towels, and Yankee Sand and Sun Candles. It contained a travel guide and Dreams brochure our TA gave us and our of course the dates and TAs info. His parents were really pushing Hawaii and after the little gift bags they're pretty pumped about Mexicol Proving tequila can get anyone to do anything. LOL That is such a good idea to get everyone in the mood...I may need to do something like that beforehand to get everyone excited! Nice idea!
  13. So exciting...hope your day goes nice and smooth!!! Relax and enjoy yourself! Can't wait to see the pics when you get back!
  14. Shelley, I've been MIA for a quite a bit, so sorry if this is late! I'm so sorry to hear about the news..just keep in mind, things happen for a reason! And the biggest thing about all of this is that you and Amos decided this together and remain as a strong unit!
  15. Awesome pics! I"m still debating the BD pics...maybe if I can look like that I will do it...
  16. Its very pretty! I think it will work perfect for Mexico!
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