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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. Were getting married on June 7, 2008. Actually our original date was in april but the rooms were almos $200 more a night! So we ended up moving it into June because some on our guests are teachers and so on. But I think the weather is going to be perfect.... then again im from AZ so anythings cooler than that.
  2. SOrry Im late.... was havng technical difficulties getting on the website then. But happy 8 years and 3 day anniversay!!!!
  3. Those pictures were seriously amazing. Not that your bueaty didnt help ) I have never seen such a variety of styles. I think there gorgeous!!!!! AND so jealous!
  4. I love it, its very different. I know this is probably a stupid question but If you dont mind me asking what exactly does it mean?
  5. YAY!!! How much fun... cant wait to hear all about it when you get back!
  6. Regardless of what this situation is, set up or not.... theres no excuse that can justify what he said. What an idoiot!
  7. Wow that sounds like you had an amazing time. Its comforting hearing about Bradley Fraser, he is also our photographer, so I am happy to hear that he was good. I cant wait to see all your pics!
  8. Def. I think thats a cute idea... I would just say something about a theme for those colors.... thats a lot of colors to choose from so its not like they wont be able to find anything.
  9. What a kind heart you have..... they are adorable!!
  10. You look so beautful, looks like the wedding was tons of fun too!
  11. Im so sorry to hear this, Im sure your really upset. But I am sure it was really hard for you FFIL to ask you to change the date, which means this means alot to him to be there. I think it is the right thing to change the date and people will understand. I know it sucks but everything will work out in the end!!!!!
  12. Great teaser, that pic is beautful... cant wait to see and hear the rest.
  13. so cute... good thing I am a ways away from popping out one of those things )
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