I am pretty much doing the same thing. I am getting married in cabo and the one week after the wedding were having an AHR at my FMIL's house. They have a large back yard and hopefully those who didnt make it could show up:
Did you wear your dress the entire time/at all, etc?I bought another dress. The one in Cabo is long and more formal and the one here is tea length still nice but a little less formal
Did you have your wedding party dress a certain way, sit in a special place (like all together)I told everyone that they could wear whatever they want to the AHR, obvioulsy still nice girls in dresses and what not, but told them they could do what ever. As far as the sitting, we are going to have a long table where the bridal party sits.. not that we will all be there at the same time, but just to make it look a little more formal.
Did you do any of the first dances (again)I actually spoke with my DJ about this, this is the only thing that we are going to do again, and we are going to do the thing where you count down who has been married the longest to the shortest.... actually were kinda doing the opposite, but we will find out the number or years my grandparents have been married and then they will be the first ones up to dance and then the DJ will count down to those only married for one week and we will be the last ones on the floor with a song... make sense? haha sorry
Did anyone make any toasts, or read any passages, etc.?I think there will be a couple people that do make some toasts, parents and stuff like that.
Did you have a DJ, photographer, anything else? We are going to have a harpist for our cocktail hour then a DJ after that, no photographer, we might try and do the disposable camera thing to se we can get some good pics