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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. I also have John Fagan booked for my wedding in June. He has been extremely helpful so far, and very reasonably priced. He always replies to my email right away and very helpful with everything you need. Here is his email: [email protected]
  2. Welcome to the forum, good luck with all the planning!!!!
  3. Your pictures are incredible, happy to hear your wedding day was perfect!
  4. Saraha

    New Bride

    Congrats! There are tons of us Cabo brides on here!
  5. WOW super healthy, that actually sounds kinda yummy! So had a little set back Im pissed. Ive been running a lot lately, and ran 10 miles on Saturday and couldnt move my knee for two days after, now its better but not 100%. I work in a Dr's office and so I talked to one of the our NP's and said I have to go to physical therapy.... serious Im hoping this wont slow everything down too much... but this sucks!!!
  6. I have major anxiety issue, and the only thing I am dreading for the wedding day is ALL the attentions on ME. Everything will work out though one day/chapter at a time!!!
  7. How do you always find the cutest things!!! Their adorable!
  8. You all sound like you have great resolutions. I too would like to lose about 15lbs. If this wedding doesnt help me lose weight than nothing will haha! My goal is to be able to run a half marathon in march, on track so far but we will see Good luck to all of you!!!
  9. YAY, way to start the new years off on a good note! It beautiful and you look amazing in it!
  10. Thats okay at least your four pounds down, not bad fo two months of holidays and yummy food!
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  12. Good luck ladies!!! You all deserve it!
  13. That is so awesome!!! That is my goal, 15lbs. I just dont know if I could ever do it!!! I feel like all I do is work out and havent gotten anywhere... owelll wont give up. But that is amazing 25lbs, you should be very proud of yourself!
  14. So after XMAS and the wedding and on and on we are BROKE!!! But our six year anniversary is saturday and I cant stand the thought of not getting him anything. Anyone have ideas... so far I have a card haha! Any idea would be GREATLY appreciated!
  15. Oh No..... and the BD pics..... yep I gotta work out!!!! I have my dress fitting in mid Feb too!!!! We can do it!
  16. All you girls are AWESOME one here!!! SO motivating for me..... Like everyone else on this planet I neeeeeedddddd to lose weight!!! My wedding is in 5 months but my dress fitting is in 3 YIKES!!! Just thought I would tell everyone they are doing awesome and keep up the good work! I promised myself this year I will get skinny!!!! Whats everyones goals for December?? I hope to lose five pounds (haha good one! I guess I should be more positive). Also JamaicaBride.... sorry dont know your name, I am too training for a half marathon. I just started about 4 weeks ago and just got up to ten miles on Saturday!!! So keep up the good work, if I can do it anyone can.
  17. I am pretty much doing the same thing. I am getting married in cabo and the one week after the wedding were having an AHR at my FMIL's house. They have a large back yard and hopefully those who didnt make it could show up: Did you wear your dress the entire time/at all, etc?I bought another dress. The one in Cabo is long and more formal and the one here is tea length still nice but a little less formal Did you have your wedding party dress a certain way, sit in a special place (like all together)I told everyone that they could wear whatever they want to the AHR, obvioulsy still nice girls in dresses and what not, but told them they could do what ever. As far as the sitting, we are going to have a long table where the bridal party sits.. not that we will all be there at the same time, but just to make it look a little more formal. Did you do any of the first dances (again)I actually spoke with my DJ about this, this is the only thing that we are going to do again, and we are going to do the thing where you count down who has been married the longest to the shortest.... actually were kinda doing the opposite, but we will find out the number or years my grandparents have been married and then they will be the first ones up to dance and then the DJ will count down to those only married for one week and we will be the last ones on the floor with a song... make sense? haha sorry Did anyone make any toasts, or read any passages, etc.?I think there will be a couple people that do make some toasts, parents and stuff like that. Did you have a DJ, photographer, anything else? We are going to have a harpist for our cocktail hour then a DJ after that, no photographer, we might try and do the disposable camera thing to se we can get some good pics
  18. Great Idea! But none of the tickers showed up!
  19. I did the same thing as Debs.... I went to the bridal shop told them I wanted a white tea length wedding dress and they looked at me like I was crazy. I tried on a cute tea length BM dress and got it in white, its perfect and on $220!!!
  20. OMG those are amazing! You too look beautiful AND soooo in love )
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