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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. OK thanks for making the list. Ann do you want me to PM you to get your address? Is that ok. I can send you a check or cash that way. I agree with you on posting the before and after on here. That way we don't COMPLETELY overwhelm Ann!
  2. Just voted, good luck ladies!! You all deserve it!
  3. Stick to it, you can do it.... you only have a little bit longer to go you can do it!!!!
  4. haha sounds good, thanks for doing this again Ann!!!IMO I say at some point on wed, only because I dont know how easy it will be for some girls to get it to Ann at a specific time. But doesnt matter to me, just trying to think whats best for the group. What do you guys think?
  5. Saraha


    Welcome to the forum!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa ok - a couple questions... Who is responsible for holding the PayPal pot of winnings? Would that be Ann.... if you dont want to Ann anyone us can, dont wanna put too many responsibilites on you!!!!! Will we be sending pounds lost to Ann or our actual weight?I would say the actual weight it might be easier to calculate body percentage of weight loss.... that just me though. Will the day be Wednesday's? Does it matter if AM or PM? Up to you Ann and Yari.... Whats easiest for you? How many weeks are we doing it becuase I think 8 weeks will be 4/23/08 and 9 weeks is 4/30/08 then again Im not a good counter! If we start next Wednesday, March 5th than the winner will be determined on Wednesday, April 30th - is that right? Thats just my two sense!
  7. You girls are doing awesome!!! Two people and ten pounds I think you slapped them right on to me haha!! Great job and keep up the good work!!!
  8. Sounds great! So what are the guidelines... -Weigh in every wed (this means that we have PM and email her a pic?) -Then are we going to save the results to April 8th. Which would be 8 weeks from this coming wed? -Are we also going to email Ann the before and after pics also? Sorry so many questions!
  9. Thank you so much for doing this for us Ann... we owe big time!!! I think what ever you gils feel most comfortable with than thats what you should do.... Of course everyone is her to encourage you and cheer you all on but I know weight is a very personally thing and touchy subject. As long as Ann is up for it. We are all obviouly here for the same reason and all can afford to drop a couple pounds... so no judging but what ever makes you feel comfortable. So How is this gonna work. Do a weekly weigh in? Or what? Cant wait to get it started and get my big butt a movin!
  10. I will have to go with Yari... she has been on top of her game and very active this month!
  11. LOL Yari you craxk me up... whos gonna be the first to answer lol
  12. haha lose 5lbs in ten minuted, best wieght lost remidy ever!
  13. Dont say that!! Its everyones game!! Even though I wont win lol but it will be fun and get my butt off the couch!
  14. Hold cow Laure, your house is amazing... Need any roommates ;o)
  15. Diana your house is beautiful! What a huge difference everything you did made. It looks great.
  16. Procrastination Do you drink, smoke or do drugs?
  17. hey Jonathan and Rachel! Congrats on the upcoming wedding and welcome to the forum!
  18. WELCOME!!! Hope you find this super helpful!
  19. Thats awesome! Your wedding is after mine and I havent gotten one thing for my OOT bags ahhhh!
  20. Thats actually what I wanted to do. But my resort doesnt allow me to do it. I say go for it, your guests will have fun either way!
  21. haha sorry had to give ya a hard time! It s competition now!!!
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