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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. WOW so beautiful, I love the colors and looks like you put a special touch on everything, good luck and congrats!
  2. I believe traditionally it is a party thrown for the bride and the ladies that are invited to the wedding go to the shower, but you can really do anything you want. I have heard of Jack and Jill showers where its pretty much a BBQ and friends so I say do whatever you want!
  3. Saraha

    I'm New

    Welcome to the forum!
  4. Happy Wedding Day and welcome to the forum!
  5. Welcome to the wonderful forum!!!!
  6. Jenny, your crazy girl your perfect and look WAY better than her!
  7. I love the tables above and think it would look cute with decorations, you probably wouldnt want anything to tall just because there are people right across from you but I think something small would look great.
  8. the party looks awesome, your hair looks awesome and love the dress too!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus k so what have i missed in ferret land? I just got back too so Ive missed tons.... but rumor has it that there are a couple newlywed farrets on here... I I just miss read the thread title!
  10. yay for pretty boobies!!!! Im jealous!! I wonder how much it would cost me for the rest of that body you have!
  11. These cakes are too cute, cant wait to upload all my pics to post it!!!!
  12. hah thats awesome, and sooo true!
  13. Saraha

    I'm a newbie!

    Welcome to the forum!!!
  14. See no reason to have gotten worried and nervous (even though Im the exact same way haha) congrats, so so happy for you!
  15. Thanks everyone sooo much, your all so so sweet!
  16. How exciting, congrats to both of you!
  17. Crap their all little, here is our Kodak thingy Kodakgallery.com*Browse Photos Kodakgallery.com*Browse Photos
  18. Hey girls!!!! Im back and missed you tons, I have been trying to post for a cuople days but have had some issues.... but here I am!! I cant type much because Im here at work and crazy busy but thought I would show you a couple pics so you wouldnt go too crazy ) I will be sure to type it all later tonight but got an email from Maura and figured you wouldnt be able to wait much longer LOL! BTW the wedding was PERFECT I will tell you all about it later.. Here are the NON pro pics, should be getting the pro ones in a week!
  19. Hey ladies!!! I am so sorry I did not get a chance to say my farwell goodbye and thank you!!! You have all been a blessing in my life and there is absoultely nooooo way I would have been able to have the cutest most amazing wedding if it werent for all your ideas, support, ears to hear me vent, and on and on and on. I have truely met some amazing people on here and am so grateful to have found this site. So a big thank you to each and everyone of you!!! Your all AMAZING!!!! Soooooo, I am here!!!! I know what the hell am I doing on line, just couldnt resist!! So far the trip has been amazing, we flew in yesterday and on USAirway my FFIL told the flight attendents we were getting married, so we were treated like first class, drinks, warm towel and even a bottle of wine! So after a long drive we get here and we go to check in our room and they upgraded us to the PENTHOUSE, FREE!!! Its unbelieveable, this is the only reason I am writing you, we have out own mini office!!! Its crazy! The room is located away from all the other rooms and sits on top of the whale watching bar. We have our own floor that leads to our room. When you open the room the whole room is glass and over looks the ocean... sauna.... steam room... two jacuzzis.....terrace....two patios.... living room.... bar.... dining room.... I could go on and on. Sorry Im blabin on but I just could believe how they did this, didnt even tell us just told us what room we were in and to our suprise!!!!! We walked a little around town last night, got to meet George Bush the iguana LOL halarious and the poor little yellow lab that the dress up as an old lady!! The most amazing part was a wildlife group was there and they had a 7 week old lion and they were trying to raise money to give her a home in the wild. So we were able to hold her and take picture with her. Then they put her back in her playpin and she rolled around like a little baby, the cutest thing EVER!! In therre we got to pet her and rub her belly! Well thats about the extent of my 24 hours, Im sure you could care less about all the detail, but too bad, you got them anyways! Hopefully my addiction on here will subside over the week, but cant promise anything, may have to check in!! Hope you are all doing wonderful!!!
  20. I have welcome letters, music, vows, etc to post but dont know how? SO if any of you are interested let me know.
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