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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. Oh Tammy, shes sooooo cute!!!!!
  2. You look so beautiful, looks like you guys had an amazing time!
  3. Erica, its soooo beautiful!!! Its a wonder why you cried. You look absolutely amazing!
  4. I Used to have a dog, and she would have some Nasty smells come out.... It would crack me up, she would fart and scare the crap out of her. She would jump up and try to find where the noise came from!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura sarah great idea about the cupcakes. i had a friend who had a really low budget wedding that turned out great. she did the cupcakes to serve the guests, and still had a little cake for her and her hubby to cut. here is what they looked like and if you wanna get your own cakestand, jen posted a link about hers from PBK yesterday, but here's a link to it, on sale for 29.99 right now. it looks like this pottery barn kids | cake stand and macy's has something similar from the martha stewart collection that looks like this Macy*s - Martha Stewart Collection - Martha Stewart Collection Whiteware Cake Stands and then target (with the french pronunciation, lets keep it classy ladies) has this lovely number, check out the price! String of Pearls Cake Stand : Target and in terms of cupcake stands, if you dont know anyone you can borrow one from, you could get something like this: Good Cook Cupcake Stacker/Stand : Target or this Wilton Cupcakes and More Stand - Silvertone (Holds 23) : Target Thanks Maura! That would be so eay to make on your own, our have someone do you for!!!
  6. Ok so I was thinking about this and then it hit me.... DUH I am doing a reception here which I was given a 5k budget for. My FI and I will probably put about 2-3k of our own money in. In my opinion, this reception is going to awesome, and many of you know given the past couple threads that mine are "uppity" too. So I know you dont have tons of time but with everyones help on here it can turn out completely amazing and something YOU want..... you have to remember its YOUR wedding day not their. And unfortunately since they are being so controlling about the whole wedding issue it would be good to come to a happy medium to you are both happy. So my 5k-7k wedding is including: All Table and chair rentals- I just got the cheapest ones I could find and then rented covers so you cant see all the marks and scuffs. I went to a local resturant which I love and told them my situation. They set up a menu and will cater it, have servers clean up and everything. We are buying our own alcohol and hiring a bartender (ONLY because he takes full responsibilities of all the legalities if someone were to leave drunk/car accident and so on). We made all our centerpieces (super easy) A grocery store is putting together floral arrangements for the centerpieces (much cheaper than a florist, and are doing an awesome job not tacky in any way.) Cake which you can find really cheap.... or they are even doing the new cup cake idea where its put on tiers. I dont know if you FILs would allow it but could be much less expensive and very cute Also I dont know if you are thinking of doing a photographer, but at a good friends of mines wedding they had a small budget to work with and went to the local high school and spoke with the teacher and asked who the best photographer was... gave the kid $250 for the night and thepics were AMAZING. Just a couple thoughts. Theres no doubt you cant make this work and be completely happy!
  7. Im so happy to hear that things went "relatively" good. Im sure your grandma would have been so happy/proud of you.
  8. I just got done cleaning and doing laundry for the last 6 hours!!! UGH!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Im actually surfing on BDW and watching Father of the Bride...Jr's not home yet so I get to watch whatever I want on tv...I love it!!! Ohhhh Im jealous, father of the brides my fav!
  10. Thats so exciting your getting married Glenda... I wish I had something for you to borrow but Im getting married around the same time.... Wow just think with Melissa playing the piano, Morgan playing the trombone.... I will freshikn up my skills on the recorder from 3rd grade, theres no need for a piano lady!!! Ok but seriosly.... Is there any way you are able to push the time back? I know you have already done it a couple times. If you take the last time at three.... You could do Hor Dervs (sp) and cocktails at the back yard... Or if they dont want that in their house what about like a pretty park... I know that maybe tricky but alot of times you can reserve space. OR....... F it and just elope!
  11. Michelle, I was thinking about you today, I hope you and your family are doing ok.
  12. Im hoping absolutely nothing... Im laying here in bed actually ready for bed LOL but knowing us we will go out!
  13. Ok so I am freaking out, just readt the website and saw all that crap..... people have worms come out of your body and pass things the size of a snake? Im scared to death to do it because I dont wanna know whats in me, yet I dont want it in me!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Alyssa, Im soo sooo sorry your having to go through this. You poor thing have been through hell and back with everything thats been going on with you and have been amazingly strong through it all. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING any of us can do for you. You and family will definetly be in my thoughts.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I just read through this thread. I would be really upset if my sister did this, get married without telling me. I'm sure your sister will regret not including you. I also read your explanation of why she may of did it for stability. I think you hit the nail on the head. Wow this is such a crazy situation. I just hope that your family can get past all of this and become close again. God, I feel so bad for you Sarah, there is so much drama going on in your life right now. Your wedding is so close, you really don't need all this stress. I'm sending a group hug your way. Thank you Danielle your so sweet back at you!!!
  16. And look at it this way its took your mind off the candy now hasn't it lmao LOL so true!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Maura sarah you should really either write a letter to shelby to let her know all your feelings (and offer her support, she will definitely need it although she doesnt know it yet) or take her out for lunch 1 on 1 to talk and tell her all that. the background with your parents makes shelby's actions make slightly more sense, but still. it was dumb to do without her family. I know I really need to talk to her, I think my other sister and her are going to take her out WITHOUT ZACH!! This weekend since she is in town!
  17. Oh my god, seriously I cant believe kids these days, have absolutely no manners!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Sorry girls I'm super late to this...don't mean to be a party pooper (pun intended). I just got my month supply two days ago. I'm going to wait until tomorrow and then start it off. I figure I can have the weekend at my apartment in case anything goes bad. I am not looking forward to drinking the nasty fiber thing. I'm so crazy that I was reading the fiber drink nutrition label and it says 30 calories for like half a spoonful or something like that and I was so pissed that I was going to be wasting calories on this nasty crap. LOL. I just want to be regular since I rarely go and I would like to stop that bloating feeling. I think it'll be great if a lot of us do it. Thats awesome Glenda, you will have to tell us how it goes!!! Literally LOL sorry were all having wayyy to mcuh fun!
  19. Yeah I think by "problems" she means constipation, IBS, belly aches!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 I am so sorry you are having this crazy week. Hopefully everything works out. But she definately is going to grow up quick now. I would be so mad. But it sounds like you can be there for her and be supportive because I have a feeling she will need it. You really do need to get a drink today....a big one. lol. HAHA A HUGEEEEE Drink!!!!
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