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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. Well Sally, haha sorry Glenda couldnt help it! Im glad to hear its working for you. Other than your almost accident and nasty flavor drinks... I really wanna do this but am scared to death of what is going to come out.... this may be a little TMI Glenda but have you seen anything lets say "unusual" LOL or looks like the same ol poop you usually have?
  2. YAYAYAYAY Glenda!!! Im soooooooo proud of you. You stuck with it and deserve every little ounce lost! And were is your skinny biatch badge??
  3. Melissa.... thats so sad!!! We will all miss you to pieces!
  4. SO beautiful. They will love them, and what an awesome deal!
  5. I tried to convince him that purple glasses were not in stlye, but he insisted!
  6. Im so so excited to, the wedding count down begins and I dont wanna be the whale on the beach getting married!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura oh jesus, sarah, sweetie i am soo so sorry. i am glad shelby is ok. how is her husband doing? how are your parents coping? are they down in phoenix yet? sending you a big big big hug. please let me know if you need anything. Thank you ladies, Yeah her husband is doing great also. He also got knocked out and has a bunch of scratches... he had to kick the window open because he was going to pull her out, but wait until the paramedics got there in case there was a spinal injury. But of course he was being a tough guy and didnt tell the paramedics because he didnt want to get separeted from Shelby. I do have to give his so credit though, he was unbelieveable during all of this as far as communicating with everyone and being there for her. My parents are doing good now, they were miserable last night knowing there was nothing they could do about there daughter they just felt hopeless and were a nervous wreck. The got the earliest flight they could so arrive this morning and got to spend all day with her.
  8. I have been MIA the past couple days... missed the biggest loser (sorry girls wasnt trying to be a slacker). If you of you have been following by drama you will know this is the LAST thing that I wanted to happen. So yesterday afternoon I get a phone call from my dad (who lives in Colorado) telling me my sister Shelby (the one who just ran off and got married) just got into a car accident right outside of Heber (Her and her husband were driving back to Colorado from Phoenix) he tells me that right now she is unconcious and stuck in the car and tells me to stay near the phone and he will give me more info... well at this point Im totallyh freaking out, I feel helpless I dont know if I should just start driving or wait or what.... so later my dad calls me back and tells me that the ambulance just arrived and they are taking her to the airport to get air-evac'd to Phoenix because of her symptoms... Well basically what all happened within the crazy last 24 hours was: They were going like 70mph, a deer ran out in the front of them so they hit the deer, car spun and fell off a 25 foot cliff. My sister was driving and was the most injured b/c everytime the car rolled it hit her side. Needless to say there was someone watching over them because neither of them should have survived. So after me having to go pick up her husband in payson and driving back to the hospital last night I only got to see her for 10 minutes because she was in the trama unit most of the time which we cant go in. Later they put her in a room and was much relieved after I was able to see her. I took the day off work and was with her all day. She ended up having a fractured pelvis, her CT came back abnormal but I guess they figured it was congenitial so wasnt from the accident so has to go to a neursurgeon for that. Her whole left side is bruised, had a horrible concusion and basically feels like hell. But considering what she went through she is doing so amazing. So anyways I am hoping this is the end of all the drama. Im so so happy she is ok! Ok thanks for the vent, I feel much better!
  9. Oh no The IMG code isnt working... I need some farret assistance!
  10. Oh I am so going to be apart of the Farret club! So excited!
  11. Gook luck ladies!!!!! Just put my vote in!!!
  12. Jenny, she is going to love it!! Thats is so sweet of you and your FI to do!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Girls - i totally thought it was Wednesday! ha - i weighed myself, sent it to Ann, posted this in the thread - DUH! i am such a spaz today Ann was like, "Uh, Alyssa, weigh-in is tomorrow?" HAHAHA HAHA thats awesome Alyssa! Way to be on top of things and YAY thats a tons of weight for one week great job!
  14. Awww how sweet!!! Looks like you had a great time!!!
  15. Dont know why but I crack up everytime I see this.
  16. YAYAYA Im so happy for you thats so exciting, dont forget us and show us some pics ;o)
  17. Saraha


    Hi Grace! Welcome to the forum!
  18. Awww so cute.... he is pimpin it!!!
  19. Hmmm, thats a good one. Im not sure about one for traveling. The one I used on my invites was "Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.."
  20. LOL Im having a long veil... so I will let you know if a month if I fly away or not!
  21. oh crap.... I forgot I still had to pay LOL that might be helpful... I will mail it to you tomorrow Ann!
  22. Oh no AMY!!!! yes Im with Maura, milk it for all that its worth!! But HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY... well as much as you can!
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