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Everything posted by Saraha

  1. Yup Im drooling, that looks daaaallishhhh!
  2. BTW whats wrong with Maura?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Ferret fetishes? Whipping out my ferret? What, exactly, are you ladies suggesting here. This is a family show!!! I dont wanna be rude Im just starting to worry about you a little thats all.... I mean 10 farrets is of but looks like you have a traveling circus in that case. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Ahh it's Beck's Ferret Hedonism! I hope you don't take this personally, but I don't think you should watch nibblets again tonight. I just don't want him to end up like this: I dont know Morgan, I think you should giver her another chance. Its not really her fault Nibblets was taking a bath and she dropped the blow dryer ion the water.
  4. Poor Maura!!! Cheer up and smile
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Do you just have a folder full of ferret pictures? I can't believe how fast you whip them out! No kidding, maybe its just a little farret fetish, I mean come on you cant really blame her!
  6. How exciting! Congrats... ahead of time, cant wait to hear about when he pops the question.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan don't let him have too many hotdogs this time. also, make sure he chews them. Even though he can swallow them whole & still have room for them in his long belly, it's not good for him. I'll give you a list of numbers incase there is an emergency. I have the Farret Hotline on speed dial in case we have an emergency, its 1-800-1farret.
  8. Welcome to the forum Kelly!!!
  9. Yes, Zach her husband was absolutely unbeliveable during everything.... I know he was probably in shock but still grabbed shelbys phone and called the immediate family. All of this did get me to know him much better and made me also realize that they are sooooo very much in love. He would do anything and everything for her and treats her like a princess. Right when we were able to see her the first time he bursted into tears and held on to her and wouldnt let go. I guess in the middle of all this happening while the car was spinning she said she knew at that point she lost control and saw the cliff and didnt think she would wake up so she grabbed Zach, told him she loved him and then was knocked out. So this was all a super emotional rollercoaster for everyone, especially them. I hope my sister knows that we do support her and understands that we are close and it was a mistake about not inviting us to her wedding.
  10. Those are all super nice, I like the bigger watches with the square face so I voted number 6
  11. Sounds like you had fun! Exciting you booked a location, congrats!
  12. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Needless to say this has brought our family together... back together! I guess there are some good things that came from a bad situation. Her fracture is right between her leg, she said like her pee whole... lol sorry if TMI! But basically any time she walks or puts pressure it hurts her. They said it would take 6 weeks for her to recover, which I think is relatively good. I know this took a damper on her plans so I am not sure what she is going to do. Obviously she more than welcome to stay with us for however long she needs to but I know she is anxious to get moving to Alaska. And yes someone was definetly watching over them, Im so so thankful they are okay, so thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers, they are doing amazing!!!
  13. OMG that is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I have never heard of a miniature bulldog. My fiance has been wanting one for a while but havent gotten one. I will have to show him pics of berger he will love it.... and he definetly needed his own thread
  14. Im so happy that thinks went so well. I cant wait to see all the pics!
  15. Im so happy you went with those, the other ones were just as cute but super expensive.... your gonna be one HOT mama!!!
  16. Morgan I so hope you get me LOL.... sorry Liz, I am just too poor to get Mr farret anything and I know he would love a ball ;o)
  17. I bet those smell delish!!!!! They are adorable, your guests will love them!
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