thats awesome your doing this again, unfortunately I think that I will be the worst partner ever!! But good luck to all the ladies who are, its a great source of motivation.
Im so excited.... I cant be a slacker like I was last time (sorry Alyssa for being the workt partner ever).
Cant wait to hear about everyones weight loss stories! Let the hell begin!!!
Im the same Alyssa, no loss, no gain!
Thats the spirit Yari LOL!
I cant wait to start!!! I have no other choice but to lose... my scrubs are tight for godssake!!!!
So My goal: To hit the 120's on the scale... I know yeah right!
Quote: Originally Posted by Leticia I wore black leggings and a sparkly white tank top with heels, everyone teased me and said I looked like peggy bundy. I thought I looked cute though! Awww I bet it was soo cute! They were just jealous ;o)
Stephanie those thurn out awesome! Luckily the wedding didnt ruin anything and even though there wa a little drama you still had an amazing day! Cant wait to see the rest of the pics.