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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Congrats to your sister, she looked adorable. You and your fiance are so cute. I loved the colors she chose.
  2. Ok, I don't wy these pics came out so big. THis is our travel card, I put the wrong one in my first post:
  3. I really wanted to do the message in a bottle for our STDs, but due to the # we had to send out we decided against ordering them from invitationinabottle.com and make them ourselve (FI is helping since he talked me into the fact it was cheaper!). So, we started putting them together last night, and I think they actually look better than the sample we ordered from invitationinabottle.com IMO. However, I was trying to make the labels similar to how they made them, but wanted to somehow include our logo or at least some kind of beachy clipart (see photo below). Please help! Let me know what you think. Our bottle: Our message: Our travel info card: Our bottle (on the left) compared to the sample we ordered, their sand was white and it made the inside of the bottle cloudy: Sample bottle's message and travel card/response card: Sample bottle's shipping label (this is what I still need to figure out): It says Open your message in a bottle! beneath the address, but I'm not sure I want to include that.
  4. Why don't you make an appointment with David's bridal here? I'm sure if you find a dress they can still ship it to the David's bridal where you live.
  5. to the forum! There are many kid friendly resorts so I'm sure you can find one that works with your budget. As for the honeymoon, is there a parent or other relative that wouldn't mind taking the kids for a couple days so you and your future hubby can have some alone time after the wedding?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I think if we had it on saturday and then people had to fly out early on sunday they wouldn't really have as much fun at the wedding because they'd have to get to bed early, etc... This is exactly why we chose a Friday as well. Plus, my TA suggested that those who choose to stay for 7 nights might prefer to do a Sunday-Sunday trip so they only need to take off 5 days of work.
  7. Eek! I would try calling Dreams and explain what happened. Maybe they will let you switch? That sucks that Oritz would only give you $300 back. Were you able to speak with a Manager when you called Orbitz? Maybe if you call back and explain to a higher level person they can do something. Throw out the bride card, maybe that will help.
  8. Heidi, I am so sorry! I can't even imagine what you are going through right, nor do I even know what to say. My thoughts are with you and Reggie.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JanaBrooke I would love to see a picture. What time of year was it when you were there? I'm worried about the rain. A little is okay, but I hear the north shore is a bit wet! I stayed on the south shore in Poipu and it rained just a bit, but for the most part it stayed true to its reputation as the sunny side of the island. Thanks for the info!! I was there at the end of May, and we had great weather. It rained during the night when we were there, but everything had cleared up by the morning. There were always rainbows! I liked Kauai better than Maui, but was only in Maui for two days and did not get to see everything. Kauai didn't seem so touristy. We went snorkeling, did the helicopter ride (this is a must!), botanical gardens, luau at the Princeville was nice and they had fire dancers. The pool was great! Be sure to bring your ID to the pool though because they card you. We ate at the bufett breakfast everyday and it was great, we had lunch at the pool one day and dinner one night at one of te restaurants. All the meals were excellent. I will post the pictures when I get a chance.
  10. to the forum! I am going to Vegas at the end of this month if you need anything let me know.
  11. I stayed here in 2004 for two nights and then stayed at the Princeville in Kauai for the rest of my trip. If anyone has questions please let me know. This was by far the nicest place I have ever stayed and would definitely recommend it.
  12. I stayed here in 2004, and it was a really nice place. I do have a picture of the wedding ceremony set up on the beach. If anyone is interested please let me know.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendan Ok, my friend at work gave me a book to read called "Skinny Bitch." Has anyone read it I'm only on chapter 2 but it's harsh!!!! The writing is funny, and the strategy is all about Tough Love when it comes to thinking and eating like a skinny bitch. Apparently diet soda is not only making me fat, but unhappy too. WOW!!! I just finished reading it. It definitely makes you think.
  14. Wow! You got multiple proposals, that is awesome! Congratulations!
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