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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Michelle, I love the first two dresses on you. Both are actually really similar to the two dresses I am torn between. I'm glad you had a better experience the second time.
  2. That poor puppy! It just breaks my heart that those people didn't take care of him.
  3. I would not even count on the money which it sounds like you are already doing. I would also just continue with your plans as is, it is your day so pick out or leave out whatever you want. If she does end up giving you any money you can always put that towards an anniversary trip or something else you need after the wedding.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TiffJT I'm not doing anything too elaborate because instead of STDs, we delivered "get in the mood for Mexico" beach bags with margarita and mojito mix - complete with umbrella straws, a bottle of Patron (maybe we're sending the wrong message ha, ha), "Mayan recipe" hotsauce purchased at the Latin grocery as well as some other treats, beach towels, and Yankee Sand and Sun Candles. It contained a travel guide and Dreams brochure our TA gave us and our of course the dates and TAs info. His parents were really pushing Hawaii and after the little gift bags they're pretty pumped about Mexicol Proving tequila can get anyone to do anything. LOL How freakin' cute! I love the gfet ready for Mexico bags. How many did you send out? How much did you spend on shipping to send them? I have been debating over the whole OOT bag idea since I wanted to have them in everyone's rooms when they get there, but didn't know how that would work and also didn't want to have to bring all the stuff down with me and worry about customs. Maybe I can ship them out ahead of time to the guests and they can bring them with them.
  5. I don't know if we are doing menus We are not doing a site trip so we'll be picking the dinner when we get there before the wedding. I don't know how I would make them before hand unless the resort can do that for us. I've seen a lot of people do them though and it is a nice touch if you decide to do it. A thank you would be cute too though, and that is something I have never seen before.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Reggie .....Is really not the type of guy I can see getting married anytime soon. He hasnt had relationship last more than 3 months since we were 18. His perpetual philandering left me to believe he didnt really think much of the whole idea of marraige in general. BUT tonight he told me that he was up for 3 hours last night thinking of what he is going to say in his speech.At first he was just worried about what to say then, he got annoyed at himself because its still 5 months away, and then he got even more annoyed that he just spent the previous 2 hours worrying and getting annoyed over something happening "next year".... What this means to me is that, deep down he is truely happy and excited, not just to go to Jamaica and boom boom with European chicks on holiday, but that he truly is happy for Heidi and I finally sealing the deal. Not that my friends are against marraige, its just none of them are even close to the prospect of it in their future. I know of the all guys I could have had as BM, I picked the right man for the job----But since we were in a bar and around other guys, I bitch slapped him and told him to go home and get his testicles cuz he clearly had left them there.... I can't wait to hear what kind of speech he comes up with!
  7. to the forum! You are marrying a very nice girl.
  8. 1. One to throw and one to keep. 2. I'm not throwing a bouquet (there will only be about 2 single girls and I don't want to embarrass them) or doing the garter thing (I don't want to embarrass myself). I may get one to wear for my FI after the reception, but I don't think I am going to wear it all day.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TiffJT If they're acting like this now are you even sure you want them there? Are you having a reception at home? If so, maybe you could send an STD to that saying you understand they can't make it to the wedding, but don't want one day to ruin a lifetime relationship. Look on the brightside, you're getting to test out how the two of you will work out family issues before you're hitched. After you're married it'll be who's hosting Christmas, who bought whose kid a better birthday gift so it never ends. My sympathies! I'm glad you said that, because I really don't think I do want him to come to the wedding if he does change his mind considering the way he's been acting. I think his brother has his own issues that he needs to work on, and he is just using my FI as a punching bag. Quote: Send them a STD and invite anyway, since no matter what, they are family and will always be a part of your lives. Whether they choose to go or not is their issue. You told them from the beginning that it is what you guys wanted. If they cannot or choose not to go, it's not your fault at all. The thing about destination weddings is, not everyone can go, and sometimes that is why we prefer it (for me that is totally the case). If I did it here at home, there would be about 500 people to invite (hella large family). But over there, we are only inviting 150 to our DR wedding. p.s. I'm an Iberostar bride, too! I have an extremely large family as well which is one of the main reasons I wanted a DW. I rarely if ever speak to most of my extended family, however, if we had the wedding at home I would feel obligated to invite everyone. I really didn't want or could afford to have a large wedding here so having a DW where we knew not everyone would be able to come, let alone having a beach wedding in a beautiful location was the way to go. We just never thought his brother would act like this. It was one thing if he just said in a normal manner that he couldn't come, but another to act and say the other things that he did. FI was actually anticipating his other brother not coming and he has been all for it from the beginning. Which Iberostar are you getting married at?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride I will probably just end up in the kitchen with the chef and help him out baking the cake ... I wan't it to be simple but elegant as well as peanut free (and no ingredients that may contain traces of peanuts...like for example certain chocolates). I think I am going to have the same issue. My FI is allergic to peanuts and chocolate! I want to go the cupcake route because I love chocolate. I'd like to do cheesecake, but I am picky with cheesecake (unless I make it or it is from Cheesecake Factory). I also don't care for buttercream frosting, but I don't know if whipped cream frosting will work. THe reception won't be outside so maybe we'll be OK.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB We were thining about doing small bottles of Tequila and custom shot glasses as part of our favors. Kindof incorporates our wedding location. This is such a cute idea! Tammy did you end up doing this, and do you have any pis?
  12. I have been to Maui and Kauai, and I liked Kauai more. It was so beautiful there!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shannon I definitely say send the STD- that way it's off your shoulders- you did what you could... the ball is in their court. I'm in a kinda similar situation- my parents don't approve of my and my FI's interracial relationship -we've dated for 10 years- and lived together for the past 4- and they've never met him- refused. I sent them a STD- and will send them an invitation- I have told then over letters/email- that I do not want them there if they can't be supportive and truly happy that their daughter is happy- that they will receive all the information -but I only want them there if they can figure out a way by May to support my decision, the person I love, and my marriage. Honestly, I would rather them not come- but I figure for future grandchildren, etc- that I would at least send the information and tell them they are welcome if they can be supportive- maybe your FI can have a similar convo with his brother.... Good luck! Let us know how it goes... Believe me, I know how awful family drama can be.... Just focus on you and your FI in the meantime! I hope everything works out with you parents and that they will come to the wedding. How awful, best of luck! Quote: IMO-I say send the STD and really do it because you want all your family there, not to show them you are taking the higher road. You should remember men can be very sensitive when it comes to money issues, and it really sounds like he is being defensive and using a differnt excuse to not discuss his financial status. Your FI should write a heartfelt letter (no emotional face to face outbursts) to his brother and let him know he understands he has to put his children first, but will miss having him near in a very special time in his life. Maybe once everyone calms down, perhaps FBIL will realize family is there to support him and he should try his best to support your FI in his (your) wedding. As far as the wife- sometimes a woman has to stick by her man. Another route to take would be to have a frank talk with the wife and maybe get to the root of the problem- also, suggest leaving the kids behind as a way to have a romantic getaway- even if it is just a long weekend. Appeal to her romantic side, she might start thinking bout all the other great reasons to go (other than your wedding of course) hehe! After the first blow up, I called FI's sister-in-law to talk and she never called me back. According to my FMIL she said she wants to go to wedding, but she is very two-faced so I can't believe anything she says anyway (the sister-in-law, not the FMIL). She has never cared for FI's family and told FI's parents she did not want them speaking Italian to her kids because she doesn't understand and feels they will be talking about her (FI's parents speak some English, but are originally from Italy, FI and his brothers are fluent). I mean really you couldn't have picked a better couple since they are both nuts IMO! The FBIL made another comment today to FMIL so FI is still on the fence about the STD. I'll keep you posted as the saga continues. I'm glad I am leaving for Vegas in a couple days-I need to get out of here!
  14. Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear all about your wedding and see pics.
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