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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. I guess it depends on how much you wanted to spend. The spa gift certificate would be a good idea, but not sure how much you would want to spend on that. Plus, it limits them to using it while they are there. Jewelry might be the better option that way they can wear it for the wedding, and have it as a keepsake. You'd probably end up spending less on that than you would on the gift certificate.
  2. If he has an ipod already, why not get him an itunes card? Or you could do a Best buy gift card and he can pick out his own video game or whatever else.
  3. Yay!!! How exciting! Can you post some picstures of your STDs? I was thinking of doing the boarding passes for our invitations since we did the message bottles for our stds.
  4. Jessica, Have a fabulous wedding and safe trip. COngratualtions, and you know we can't wait to see pics when you get back!
  5. Jill, all your stuff looks awesome! Where did you purchase the coolers? Your dress and ring are gorgeous! You are going to be a beautiful bride. I can't wait to see pics.
  6. Julie your pics are beautiful! You were a gorgwous bride! I love that you got the wedding party in on the TTD.
  7. My aunts and cousin insisted on throwing me a bridal shower and about a week after we announced our engagement they had already booked the place! Our shower will be September 7, 08 which is two months before the wedding. They are going to send out invitations at least a month before, and told me to invite everyone since those who can't make it to the wedding will probably still come to the shower or at least will want to send a gift. We probably won't register until June or so, but we plan on registering at Lowe's, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel and Target or Kohl's.
  8. I just bought my secret santa gift. I can't wait to send it!
  9. That is so exciting. You two are such a cute couple, I can't wait to see the pics! That is so cool that you are taking salsa lessons. I wish I could get my FI to just dance let alone take lessons.
  10. I would still send them because you don't want to hurt their feelings. THis way they know you will still be thinking of them on your special day even thought they can't be there in person.
  11. I would definitely take it back to get fixed. And when you get that rock on your finger you better be posting pics of you bling!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv How much did she charge for these? I've found them online, so if the prices are the same, I may just get them from her too. But I think I like the palm tree for my MOH and flip-flops for my BM's. Makes it a little more fun (like your dragonflies for the BM's). I love the palm tree one. I was contemplating ordering it for myself, but I'm not sure if it will go. I don't even know what type of bouquet I am going to get at this point so I have time to figure it out. I think the flip-flops would be a cute idea, but I also don't think it would be bad if you had starfish in all the bouquets. My friend had these swarovski crystal sticks in all the bouquets including hers. I think they looked beautiful.
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