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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. That's great, congratulations! It sounds like you will be in a much better working environment.
  2. I love your pictures. That is so nice that you you have something to remind you of that special moment - aside from the ring! Congratulations!
  3. Definitely negotiate for more time off! I am a recruiter and anyone who has been working for a couple years always ask for more vacation time. We can usually give up to 5 additional days, but if the person leaves the company they will only be paid out for the # of vacation days per our company policy at the time they leave. Our standard policy is 10 vac days, 3 personal days, 10 sick days, and 9 Holidays. You get bumped up to 15 days on your 4th year. Are you OK with everything else in the offer? If you are just tell them that the offer sounds great, and you are ready to accept but would like to know if it is possible to receive additional vacation days. Let them know what you currently get and see if they can make a compromise.
  4. I have been a Bally's member for about 9 years, but this year I will actually go more than 2-3 times a year. I need to lose weight-seriously this time! My FI also just bought me the Dancing with the Stars Dance Pad video game for the Playstation. I did it last night and actually worked up a sweat. My cousin lost a bunch of weight with the Dance Revolution one so I hope I will have the same results. I guess when you are a couch potato any kind of movement helps!
  5. Maybe other countries other than the US consider it legal. I thought for US you need to do the legal ceremony in Mexico for it to be legal in US. We are doing a civil ceremony here before we go to Mexico and just having the "illegal" blessing ceremony in Mexico.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by meandpaul I have an appointment next Tuesday (eek) for my blue peel. Have any of you had this done? I have had 2 before and they are a bit painful. I will literally be blue (just call me Smurfette) for a day or so then my skin (face only) will begin to dry up and some top layers peel off. Getting old (looking) is the pitts. This doesn't sound fun. Definitely post pics, I want to see your blue face!
  7. I am on the get married email list and I just seen these. I love them!
  8. I'll have to check this out. It sounds like a great feature!
  9. Morgan, I am a Shutterfly addict myself. My cousin started making family calendars for Christmas so we alternate making them each year. I did a photocard for our engagement announcements. I have also made the ABC and Sesame Street books for FI's nieces and nephew, and plan to make one for my godson. Parents love them as they are more of a keepsake. You submit a faceshot of the child and they put it on the child character in the book. I think they were around $50 or so including shipping.
  10. The dress I picked is fuller, but they are going to remove some of the layers to make it less full and hopefully it won't be so hot. Alterations people can pretty much do anything so if you are concerned about too many layers I'm sure they will be able to take some out without altering the dress too much.
  11. Your pics are beautiful! I LOVE your dress, and your BM dresses are beautiful too. Congratulations!
  12. I can't wait for it to come back on. I need to know what happens.
  13. You are not being selfish at all! I think you should just explain to your dad that you are changing your name to form your new family with your husband and future children as a vow to your love for them, and he should do the same by coming to your wedding and showing his love for you by being there on your special day. If he is going to let something like a name change make him not come to your wedding than that regret is on him. You should still go along with your plans and live a happy life with your future husband. I'm sure he will come around.
  14. Your dress is so pretty! I love the detail and it is really flattering on you. The color is perfect!
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