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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Everything looks great. Have a great time and congratulations!!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes hi, girls i was wondering if any of you experience an extremely red/hot face after a good workout. i'm in pretty good shape (lots of cardio), but my face turns bright red/gets really hot when i have a hard workout. is this normal? i have really low blood pressure (90/70) - so I don't think its related to high blood pressure or anything. i look so weird walking out of the gym - people always ask if i'm ok. My face gets extremely red from exercise, drinking, being in the sun for 5 minutes, etc. I have very skin and am part Irish so I always thought that was the reason.
  3. Your pictures are beautiful! Did you bring the chair ribbons and starfish or did they decorate them for you? I love the way the ceremony site was set up.
  4. That class was torture! My and legs hurt for days! Good luck, I haven't been brave enough to try it again.
  5. When I first started working out more regularly I gained 2 lbs. Now I have been losing about a pound per week. However, I went down a pant size so I'm not really paying too much attention to what the scale is telling me, but more how my clothes are fitting.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by melwru I am sorta glad to hear that other people are getting grief from their friends and family. Im glad I'm not alone. We always planned on going away to get married. When we got engaged, we considered having a local wedding to make everyone happy. But as we started planning we were hearing from people..."Well i hope you dont expect us to stay after the dance and break down tables?", from our parents " I hope you dont expect us to pay for anything?"... so F&*K IT!! We went back to our original plan of having a destination wedding. Where WE would be in control of OUR wedding! When we told everyone about it, 85% of the people were "on-board". we heard " We will be there for sure". "It will be awesome, cant wait". "just let us know when and where and we will be there". So I did ALOT of research and fell in love with ROR. so i contacted a TA and got a "discounted group rate quote".. the only catch was that in order to secure the discounted rate we needed 10 people to put down a 200$ deposit( us included..so really we only needed 8. Now all of a sudden people are saying..." well, I dont know what we are doing next Jan, its kinda alot of notice dont you think?", "Its so expensive", "You mean we have to pay our own way there"..etc. So coming up with the 8 people was impossible. Can you believe it? 8 people(FAMILY included). thankfully the travel supplier extended our quote an extra week and i think now, finally, we have our 10 secured. Do people not realize that the discounted group rate helps them, not us? We dont care how much it costs, WE ARE GOING TO JAMAICA TO GET MARRIED, regardless. Of course it is going to be a little more expensive, its a 5* resort. I only getting married once, im not going to downgrade to a 3* just to make it like 200-300$ cheaper for my guests. Is that selfish of me? So anyways now the website is out and there have been quite a few people that have viewed it(like 94 in 3 days)...so far the grand total of RSVP's= 2!! And its not like it is a brand new info to everyone. We told everyone 2 months ago that we are having a DW and to watch for the website....this is where i heard all the "YES, we are in for sure", we'll watch for the site", from everyone. So i am really frustrated. Now I'm hearing , "well you plan on having a reception when you get back right?", "for all the people that cant make it Jamaica?"um....no, i wasnt planning on it. Why plan 2 weddings? so tell me everyone....Am I being selfish or unreasonable about our DW? ps. sorry for all the venting, just needed to get it off my chest! our website isShane Wood & Melanie Wrubleski's Wedding Website - WedQuarters Do you think it is TOO expensive? In comparison to your DW guest prices? Help!! I don't think the prices are too expensive. We tried to do the group rate too, but weren't able to because everyone is traveling on different dates. We didn't have enough people to commit to the same schedule. No matter what kind of wedding you plan there is always going to be someone who will make a comment. Therefore, you have to do what you want to do. Those who want to be there will come, but what matters in the end is that you enjoy your day and you're married.
  7. Thanks Amanda! I have some googling to do now.
  8. Near LA most likely, or possibly San Diego?
  9. Since we decided to change our ceremony location from the beach to the gazebo for our Mexico wedding, I thought it would be nice to have our legal ceremony in CA. We want it to just be us, and have the ceremony on the beach. I'd like to do it right before we leave for our Mexico wedding, and my FI really likes Catalina Island. I have been to CA multiple times, but never there. Does anyone know about beach weddings there, or any other location suggestions for a semi-elopement? We would probably have to fly to CA the weekend of November 1-2 since we'll be flying into Mexico on Nov. 4.
  10. Apparently Mike has some early Valentine's Day plans for us that weekend so I won't be able to make it. If you plan something for March definitely let me know as I would love to get together. Michelle
  11. I'm game, depending on the date. I believe Bin 36 does wine tastings.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by aeroo Hello! I am getting married in Playa del Carmen (Mexico) this year and am having the ceremony on the beach (I think). For all you gals who had the ceremony on a public beach, was it weird with other people around watching? Or did you not even notice the beach crowd? Also, my ceremony is currently at 2pm, which I think I am going to have changed since it will be so hot at that time. Anyone else had a mid afternoon ceremony? How did you find the heat? Thanks! I'm so glad you posted this, and I don't mean to hijack your thread. I had a minor (maybe borderline major!) freak out over the weekend after seeing some beach wedding photos from the resort we are having our wedding at. In all the pictures literally a foot away from the wedding set up was a line of yellow lounge chairs and people standing in their bikinis, speedos and swimtrunks in the background of all the ceremony photos. In the pictures of the bride and groom it looks like this lady is standing right next to the groom in her bikini. The pictures I had seen previously from my resort (Iberostar Lindo) just showed the set up and the lounge chairs were pushed (they said) 30 feet from the ceremony site so I thought it would be fine! However, it is a public beach and apparently people can walk and move the chairs where they please. You could get lucky and have nice people around that will stay out of the way, but on the other hand if you get rude ones you may end up with people in their swimsuits in the background of your pics. I'm not sure if that bothers you, but I definitely did not want that. Needless to say we are in the process of changing our wedding location, and I am really bummed because I wanted the barefoot beach wedding. We scheduled our ceremony for 4 PM in November as that is what was recommended to me. Good luck!
  13. That stinks! I would talk with the resort and see what the limits are on how many non-residents can come to the wedding, and if you can negotiate the rate. I would also let her know if you can't agree you may need to go with another resort. Maybe they will be more willing to work with you on a compromise than lose your business all together? If you can't work it out and don't want to put the additonal expense on your guests then you may have to pay the fees or change hotels. I would find out before more people start booking.
  14. I am having the same the set up. I have a MOH and 1 BM and my FI will just have his BM. I think the girls will walk down themselves and FI and BM will just stand at the front, or the girls will both walk down with BM.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JackieB I just read this book. It is funny and a quick read. Like any diet book its sort of the same extremism towards one trainn of thought. I prefer to take a little out of every diet and just try to eat really natural and healthy for the most part. Instead of trying to strictly go by one diet or another. I read the book as well. It was a good book, but I won't be able to follow every rule. If I tried I would fail miserably!
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