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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. I love hearing about other's people's jobs, and there are a lot of interesting ones on here. I am a corporate recruiter for a market research company. I went to school for journalism, but worked as a recruiter through college. After I finished school I was recruited by my current company so I ended up just sticking with recruiting. I like it because I get to hire people (the good side of HR), have the flexibility to work from home, and I work with a great team. On the other hand it can be boring at times. I look at hundreds of resumes a day so I'm glued to my computer. I'm starting to get tired of it so I just went back to school in January and am taking a pastry class. I have always loved to bake and thought I would take some classes to see if this would be a possible career change for me. If there are any pastry chefs out there I'd love to hear about it.
  2. I have always wanted to go to Boston (and NY for that matter). It sounds like you had a fun time. I totally agree with you on eating after drinking, and McDonald's just doesn't cut it.
  3. Yay another Chicagoan! Welcome to the forum!
  4. I'm off work today, but everyone else I know is working. I will be home doing laundry and homework since I still have class tonight.
  5. My dress came in two weeks after I ordered, and they told me to take it home. Otherwise, it would be sitting in the bridal salon for about 10 months!
  6. It sounds like a great shower. I can't wait to see the pics of you in your blue eye shadow!
  7. My little cousin's birthday is the 8th and I'm waiting to find out if they are having his b-day party that day. Depending on that I would love to join you, but I don't know for sure right now. I would plan ahead without me, and I can let you know for sure once it gets a bit closer.
  8. I just used the bridal template because it was plain and then I could play with different color fonts and add more pictures. I used the Papyrus font for all the pages. I got the Riviera Maya activity info and pics from Morgan so I can't take much credit for that page. If you need help with anything let me know.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Maybe just tell her that you would like to do something special just between the two of you. Showers can be chaotic. Tell her the intimacy you desire would be lost and you would like that special mother-daughter moment with her. I agree with Rachel. Plus, I would tell her that you really didn't want a shower to begin with, and I'm sure she will appreciate having some along time with you anyway.
  10. UPDATE: We got our date back at the original hotel! However, my TA found out that there are two gazebos. One at the Lindo and one at the Del Mar, so we could have changed our wedding package to the Del Mar to have the gazebo and private dinner from the beginning. Although, now our date is not available to switch and after all that has happened today I'm not about to make any more changes! So we will have our wedding ceremony in the gazebo at the Lindo, semi-private dinner at one of the restaurants, and we're booking one of the private rooms for dancing afterwards. All is good again!
  11. OK, so I think I posted in another thread that we were trying to change our wedding location from the beach to the gazebo at our resort (Iberostar Lindo). My TA has had all the interaction with the WC at the resort so everything has bee filtered through her. Well, then I seen on another board you could have a private dinner and reception in one of the restaurants at the Del Mar anther Iberostar hotel. I had seen pictures of a wedding in the gazebo with the private reception afterwards from a wedding December. My TA confirmed that we were able to switch our wedding location to the gazebo, but was waiting for confirmation of the private reception. So today she forwarded me an email from the WC that said in the three years she has worked at the resort no one has ever had the gazebo and private dinner at the Del Mar. You couldn't have events on two different properties and that each hotel has different WCs. She emailed the WC at the Del Mar with the pictures and review (that I got off another board) that showed this just happened in December. The original WC sent an email that she was canceling our date, and would forward our file to the WC at the Del Mar since we wanted the private reception. Now TA receives an email that the Del Mar does not have our date available. WTF? I told TA that if I couldn't have the private dinner I still wanted the gazebo as our ceremony site, so she is trying to get ahold of the original WC to re-book our date at the Lindo. I really hope they did not give it away already or we are screwed! FIs parents already booked their trip along with a couple of his family members to stay at the Lindo, and did not get the travel insurance. If we have to change resorts I'm not sure they will be able to change, or if they do I'm sure their is some kind of penalty fee involved. I don't know what we are going to do if they can't give us our date back. Sorry I just needed to vent for a minute.
  12. I just signed up for WW online today. I have been consistently losing 1 lb per week, but I hope I will see some more weight loss with WW.
  13. I am recruiting for marketing people in Chicago, but I guess that won't really help you. This is totally off topic, but did anyone notice the new smilies? I thought this one was funny
  14. I'm sorry you have to deal with this so close to your wedding. I don't understand why people can't just they can't come/don't want to come to a destination wedding. It really would make things so much easier and in your case save you $4K!
  15. Does this tech report directly to you? If yes, and you are the primary person responsible for her performance reviews you absolutely need to talk to her. If you have some kind of write up policy as in verbal warning, then write up etc. I would follow that. If she does not report to you then I would have a conversation with your manager, or go to HR if can't talk to the manager. They should be able to give you some guidance on how to do deal with it. It doesn't sound like it is going to improve until you say something, and you shouldn't have to deal with that crap at work.
  16. I found this site and wanted to share. I thought this might be something fun to do with a wedding photo(s), or it could be a great gift. Welcome to Easy123Art.com!
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