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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE I think tonight I'm skipping the PTO meeting and I am heading straight to Target to peruse their dollar aisles - and on the way home I'm stopping at Noodles & Co. to buy some macaroni and cheese. Mooooooo. Thanks for letting me vent. ~Celina I love Noodles & Co mac n cheese! I can't decide on invitations either, but it is more because I can't make a decision. I have stopped thinking about it for awhile.
  2. I don't think I posted my starting weight. I am 5'4" and 183.2 lbs. My goal is lose 50 lbs. I already lost 5 since starting WW, but have gone almost 2 pant sizes. I feel like I am losing more than what the scale is telling me, but maybe I am delusional.
  3. I had the same issue with mine. I tried on a size 14 in the store and was able to zip it. The top of the dress was a little too big, but it felt snug in the waist. I planned on losing weight, but I didn't want to stress myself out about it in case I didn't lose enough so I ordered the size 16. I think it may be easier to take in a dress than add to one even if you end up paying more in alterations. You could always ask the lady what it would cost to alter the 12 so you have an idea.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt thanks! hopefully it will be a learning experience, and i'll learn that stress doesn't have to equal eating bad food. crappy news = we moved to AZ, 2 months ago. FI found out today that he no longer has a job here and they told him he must move back to MN this weekend, or at the latest next weekend. That sucks, but I'm sure everything will work out. Do you both want to stay in AZ? Maybe your FI can go back to MN to work while he finds a new position in AZ?
  5. Ann, I took my pics this morning, but didn't have time to upload them before I had to leave for work. I apologize in advance for exposing my ugly toes in my scale pic, I need a pedicure bad!! I don't care how the winnings get split up.
  6. My FI and I thought about having our wedding in Italy since his family is from there, but it would have been too expensive for us and our guests. I am dying to take a trip there though. I don't know if there are any other Italy brides on here, but I'm sure you find a ton of other great information.
  7. I feel your pain living in a small space. I moved into Mike's 1bdrm, 1bth apartment and it is literally busting at the seams. We have no room for anything, but the rent is super cheap so we are able to save for the wedding and a down payment on a house. We have been living together for a little over 2 years so even though it is not the ideal situation it will be work out for the better in the long run. If you can tough it out to live with Reggie in the apartment while you look for a house, it will be that much more rewarding when you find your new home. Good luck!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Me too! I love the WW Smart Ones chocolate chip cookie dough sundae for 3 points topped with Cool Whip (the fat free kind). It's about 3.5 points and I literally eat it every night for dessert! That way I feel like I'm indulging and I don't end up feeling deprived and saying F it! BTW - these are delicious but only buy them if you can handle them! What I mean is they are SMALL and you need to be able to limit yourself to one. Everyone has their things that they can't moderate. For me it's actual cookies, cheese, other delicious things - but I seem to be ok with these sundaes. If any of you start feeling deprived go check out the frozen dessert section in the grocery store - there are lots of great substitutes! And you can just include them in your daily points if you prefer not to use your flex points. The skinny cow ice cream sandwiches are good too.
  9. My FI calls me Peaches. I think it started because I always get random bruises and hence bruise like a peach. I call him Bouby, but I'm not sure how that one started.
  10. The bags are very cute, I'm sure your guests will get a lot of use out of them! How long did it take you to do the iron on?
  11. Everything looks great! Your dress is beautiful! I really like that style and the shoes are awesome.
  12. Check out Ann Taylor Celebrations. They have both short and long, and they are having a sale.
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