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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. I just ordered a clear starfish. Thanks for posting that site.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by kiahjane OOPS I was wrong - they are not under Harriton Bages, they are under LIBERTY BAGS and they are item 8088, Liberty Bags cooler tote.... and they are only $2.09 each. I got the pink for my mom and it is a nice azalea pink. Good luck!! Thanks! I wonder if I could get an imprint put on somewhere else or do an iron on? Maybe I'll order one as a test.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Def Sing well - FI is a great singer and I have joined him on a few Karoake nights - he is awesome! and I well......lets just say I have to have a few drinks first!! If you have/had children would you rather stay home or work? If money wasn't an issue I would like to stay home, although I think I would need to do something PT to keep my sanity. Jay Leno or Conan O'Brien?
  4. We're sending invitations to everyone we sent a STD to even if they have told us they can't come. There is always a chance they could change their mind and wanted to keep the invitation out there.
  5. My friend had her wedding at a local resort, but most of the wedding guests stayed the weekend. She ordered personalized Hershey bars that the hotel staff gave us when we checked in. The personalization was a piece of paper wrapped around the chocolate bar with their names and wedding date and thank you for coming. The ingredients listed love,happiness, etc. I'm sure you could totally print something out on your own computer on some colored paper and buy some chocolate or other candy bars at Sam's or Costco. I thought it was a cute idea that doesn't need to cost a lot. Plus, I was so hungry by the time I got to my room and didn't want to eat something heavy before the rehearsal dinner that I ended up eating the candy right away.
  6. I can't remember who used coolers for their OOT bags on here, but I liked the idea. I have been trying to find some that aren't extremely expensive. These are two that I found so far. I'm not exactly sure how many I will need, but if I give one per room I might only need about 25-30 (not sure how many guests are coming yet). Most of the orders have a minimum of 50 and I would still need to pay the $40 screen fee and extra $ for more than one color so they will end up being pretty pricey especially if I only use half of the order. Round Cooler (Item No. 101313) from only $3.15 ready to be imprinted by 4imprint Promotional Products Koozie Six-Pack Kooler (Item No. 74001) from only $2.17 ready to be imprinted by 4imprint Promotional Products If anyone comes across any others please let me know. Thanks!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus This was from a wedding I shot in San Diego. During the couples departure from the reception they handed out bubbles. Well one of the kids there took it to the extreme and dreank the solution and was blowing bubbles sans wand. The expression on the womans face in reaction is priceless.<br> Jean-Marcus Strole - Photography This picture is awesome!
  8. Our wedding package for up to 10 people including bride and groom includes everything you mentioned plus dinner, but does not include extra bouquets (bride's is included) and photog is around $2600 (extra people are additional). Ceremony is not legal. I have seen some cheaper and some more expensive, but I think somewhere in that range is reasonable.
  9. Your dress is beautiful!
  10. That sounds so fun! There are so many things you could do. One idea I have for mine is to have me and my BMs in inner tubes in the lazy river or pool at the resort.
  11. I vote for Ireland! It is so beautiful there, and a very fun place to visit.
  12. I used to buy stuff from J Crew all the time when I was skinny, but they have gotten more expensive. I used to always buy the clothes in the sale section in the back of the store.
  13. Congratualtions! Great review and pics. I love the one on the pier, and your flowers were beautiful!
  14. I love Old Navy too! I always get great deals on kids clothes there for gifts.
  15. I worked out today. I did my Budokon DVD, and FI helped me with some medicine ball chest passes and crunches on my exercise ball while I threw the medicine ball at him (not sure what the actual name of that exercise would be, but it is a great ab workout!).
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