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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. I haven't tried the real Spanx, but I did try the Target imitations. I bought the ones that look like spandex shorts and the waist band kept rolling down on me. I tried 3 different sizes and had the same issue. I'm not sure if the real ones do that or just these. Maybe it s the way I am shaped and they just didn't fit right. I don't know, but I didn't like them.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I'll be your buddy. Yay! I'm so excited!
  3. I think I need a buddy to keep me on track. Any volunteers?
  4. I think that is a cute idea. You will get some great pics that way.
  5. I think they look good. I don't think you need a mirror. What if you just put some beads on the table around the cylinders. The color of the beads kind of look like sand. Are your table round, or rectangular? If they are rectangular I would say just put one and scatter them down the middle. Then you probably wouldn't need to bring so many and worry about them breaking in transit.
  6. They look great! I have been looking at something similar, but I really like your palm tree. Did you make them, or order them?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Happy Thursday everyone!! I just got back from the gym. My trainer had me run up and down stairs, I was like WTF! I better drop some weight at the next weigh in. Way to go Yari! Stairs are a great workout. When I used to work in the office more, a group of us would climb the stairs in our building before lunch during the winter. We started out doing 4 flights and then after 2 weeks we would increase a flight each week. When it is warmer outside we go for a half hour walk.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw girl do you wanna get together for coffee this weekend sat or sun morning to have a bitchfest about obnoxious negative relatives? ive hit my limit with my family! ive already disowned my mom because of her bad behavior, and my stepmom is reaching the stage where she's crossing the line with me. oh, and my dad hung up on me yesterday. Count me in for the coffee b@#$chfest! I think we have all had our share of a-hole family members, and I don't think it would be any different if you were planning an at home wedding, DW or eloping. Comments will sill be said, people still won't be able to come, etc. This is your day, and you need to plan the wedding that is right for you and your FI. If other people don't like it, screw 'em. Don't let it bother you and ruin your day.
  9. They turned out great! The RSVP card is a good idea. I wish I would have done something like that when I sent mine out.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR the pictures are slowly coming in ... I have about half of them so far. I am just so excited to see all of these results, I feel like I am a part of the real show! I just emailed you my pic. I only lost .8 of a pound, but at least I lost something right? I did not do my best, but I will step it for this week. Wish me luck!
  11. I never had a problem with acne growing up, and I think I could count the number of zits I had on one hand. However, the past 3 years or so I have had adult acne. I started using proactiv about a year and a half ago. However, I don't use it the way they say you should. I use the cleanser in the morning and at night I use L'Oreal pure zone cleanser. I don't like to use a separate make-up remover and this stuff is the best at getting my makeup off and makes my skin feel fresh without drying it out. I only use a little bit. I use the proactiv toner rarely and almost never need to use the blemish treatment stuff. I do use the mask about once a week, and twice during that time of the month since that is when I tend to get a flare up. My skin looks much better. I tried doing the whole proactiv system, but my skin would get so dried out and didn't do that great of a job with removing makeup. I have had one microdermabrasion facial and that made my skin look great. They are pricey, but you might want to try that out to see if that will help you. Acne sucks, and everyone is different so I think you just need to try things out until you find something that works best for you.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 *I chew like two packs of gum a day....it's a wiered addiction. I get so excited when orbit comes out with a new flavor...I think that may be my dieting secret....? I am a Orbit gum addict myself. Have you tried the new Maui Melon Mint flavor? There is probably a lot that you all don't know about me. I'm not sure where to start! I have an incredible memory for useless information and I once waited on John Mahoney during college. He was a good tipper.
  13. We're not planning on doing a welcome dinner either. However, we were going to have everyone meet in one of the bars at a certain time the evening before the wedding for drinks and so we can say hello to everyone and pass out the OOT bags. Some people will be arriving on Thursday so we figured it would be a good way to do a meet and greet and everyone (so far) will be staying at the resort so they will be able to get their own drinks. I also thought of hiring someone to do dance lessons in lieu of a dinner. Even if we did that it would end up being cheaper than a dinner.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt sounds like everyone is doing pretty well! I'm getting back on track and am pretty pumped because i just went to the grocery store and bought ONLY good food. This is HUGE for me! I usually always end up getting some sort of sugary snack, but I resisted! Yeay! PS Thanks for the good thoughts on the AZ thing. FI has a potentail new job here, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! We want to stay in AZ... especially with this weather! That is great new about the job for your FI! That should take some stress off.
  15. I think your hair looks cute straight. It looks like you had a great time!
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