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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Melba Actually there is a separate carnival game called "Carnival Games" (go figure). This is the one I have and it is so fun. I haven't played the Mario party one.
  2. That is so cute! Your guests are gong to love them, and what a great keepsake for the two of you. Sarah, you did a great job!
  3. I ordered my message in a bottle supplies from sand blast (someone posted the link already). The sand and shells were cheaper there than at Michael's, but I ordered the bottles and umbrellas too so I didn't have to worry about the minimum order.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BrittneyD Those look great. If you are still having trouble with your RSVP cards, you can take them to Kinkos. My mom designed our RSVP cards and AHR inserts. There were 4 on a page. I bought cardstock, and took it to kinkos. It was $13 for them to print 90 pages and cut them. We had lots of leftover inserts. I thought it was a great deal too. That is cheap! I think I may be going to Kinko's. I'm glad everyone likes the palm tree, that is my favorite part.
  5. We have been officially dating for 4 years, actually almost 5 now but were friends for over a year before that.
  6. We just got a Wii a couple weeks ago. We only have two games aside from the sports. We got the mario/sonic olympics and the carnival games. I like them both, but I must say I am much better at the carnival game than the mario one. I want the mario kart game when it comes out.
  7. They turned out great! It is definitely something that your guests can use after the wedding.
  8. Ann, I emailed you mine this morning. I lost .2. Not so great, but I'm not surprised since I have been eating crappy the past couple of days since FI's mom was in the hospital. I also haven't worked out since Saturday, but I am going to today. Keep up the great work ladies!
  9. I haven't been able to make up my mind between doing a boarding pass invitation or a more formal looking one. I really liked the invitation that someone posted not too long along with the flaps, and I found them at Paper Source. I tried making a sample to see if this is something I wanted to take on as a DIY project, but I think I may go back to Paper Source to see how much it would cost for them to print them for me and maybe I'll just assemble and add the palm tree. My printer is not letting me print the RSVP card, and I decided that I am going to need to add one more card to include the travel info again in case people threw it away with the STD. Also, cutting the main invitation part to fit in the folder was a total pain and I just don't think I have the patience to cut 75 of these. Let me know what you think, or if I should just do the boarding passes as I think those may be easier? I bought the palm tree stamp from Michael's and used a green stamp pad and white pearl embossing powder. You can see the green color when the invitation is more on angle. Straight on it looks like a shimmery light green, but in the picture it looks more silver I think due to the shimmer in the powder. The flaps are an ivory shimmer cardstock. I got pink envelopes to match the invitation cardstock. The RSVP card (not pictured) is the same ivory shimmer cardstock w/ a pink envelope and I got green ribbon to make a bellyband when the invitation is closed. For the travel card I might use a green cardstock to incorporate some more green since my colors are pink and green. For those of you that made bellybands out of ribbon, how did you do it so that the ribbon doesn't look frayed? Maybe I bought the wrong kind of ribbon?
  10. Is the luggage tag just paper or is is it in something? I couldn't tell from the picture, but that is a cute idea. I may have to steal it!
  11. I think plain Jamaica w/ a pic is the way to go. How much do the Vista print postcards cost? I thought of buying postcards for my OOT bags when I get to Mexico, but maybe this would be a better idea.
  12. My FI wants to get something tattoed on his ring finger so he doesn't always have to wear his ring. He works with his hands so he is afraid the ring will get too scratched. He has been thinking of a tribal design.
  13. I ordered my BM dresses during their last sale and they came super quick. They are really pretty dresses.
  14. I usually do take the day of and/or after St. Patty's, but can't this year since I need to save my days for the wedding. We will probably still go out, but it won't be a crazy night. Although, I say that now and probably wil end up calling in on Tuesday because I'm a hungover Irish girl!
  15. I'm myspace loser too. I always love getting new friends so feel free to add me. myspace.com/msquared80
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