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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. I say screw it, and keep the ones you got. Why waste the extra money on something that probably no one, but you will care about?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura alright i changed my siggy AND my avatar!!! whattaya think? I love your new profile pic. Were at the Morton Arboretum in the picture in your siggy?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I googled it and it seems there are very strong opinions on the stuff - some people saying it's nasty and too sweet, some saying it's delicious and tastes like "real" southern sweet tea, and some saying it tastes different at different McDonald's. Who's tried it? I'm a big iced tea fan, and I did not like Mickey D's sweet tea. I do LOVE their hazelnut iced coffees though, but haven't had one since I found out how many WW points they were-6 if anyone was wondering and that is for the smaller size although it is not really that small.
  4. You are handling this very well, I would not be as calm as you that is for sure. Is there another hotel on Molokai that you can move the wedding to? If not, I'm sure you can still use the bags you made even if it has Molokai on it. I;m sure your guests will understand.
  5. Why don't you ask her what she would prefer to be? That way she will feel part of the decision process. Like someone else mentioned you could still have her walk down with the kids so they don't get scared.
  6. We're not having one due to the cost. Plus, most of the people that we want to share in our day are coming to the DW. My aunt and cousin are throwing me a shower locally so those that can't make it to the wedding will probably just come to that. We plan on posting our video and pictures on our website when we get home for everyone to see.
  7. They are very cute. I like the RSVP to your website. I have been debating if I should go that route.
  8. Everything looks great. I can't wait to see the pics when you get back. Have a great time!
  9. My wedding is November 7, 2008 and am working on my invitations right now. We put the RSVP date as August 15. We have some immediate family and friends booked so far, and I know my other immediate family will be booking soon. However, there is extended family that I haven't heard from since we sent the STDs out in October. I want to know exactly how many people are coming so we know how much the wedding is going to cost and order enough OOT bags etc.
  10. We got a few inches of snow here too.
  11. The pictures are beautiful! I love the colors, and your dress is beautiful. I wish I could get y FI to wear a pink tie.
  12. OMG, that is awful! That is quite an accusation that could escalate to a bad situation if she makes that comment to the wrong person. I would put her in her place real quick.
  13. I think the brochure looks great. Did you mean hike to the post office in the passport paragraph?
  14. I love the fuschia, but I'm kind of partial to all things pink. he jade is pretty too so I think whichever one you choose will be beautiful because the style of the dress is really pretty.
  15. I wouldn't do balloons. I say just get some tealight candles and maybe some small flower arrangements. Are there going to be tablecloths? If not I would just put some kind of table runner on the table to dress them up a bit. Other than that I don't think you need to do too much. I love the cheeseburger cupcakes by the way. Those are the cutest things I have ever seen.
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