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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece Flops for ceremony from NY & Co Shoes for wedding night : ) They look red on my screen but they are hot pink I love these! Very cute!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BrittneyD I am going to get an album done, so there will be a lot of flexibility. I can always get a bigger book if needed. The tough part will be waiting to give it too him. He is going to flip...especially since we decided 2 months ago not to have sex until the wedding. No nookie in 6 months and he's getting these before the ceremony. He is going to flip. He is definitely going to flip, your pics are HOT! You might want to wait to give him the book until after the wedding...
  3. I'm so glad to hear everything worked out!
  4. I love the stamps that you used, and the palm tree punch on the folder is adorable. Great job!
  5. I got 18. I got Dole wrong too, and I can't remember the other one I got wrong.
  6. I like the first one! The colors would go perfect with the color of your dress.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SherryW Thanks for the feedback everyone! We did decide to move the wedding off the beach, because I knew I would worry about it for the next 6 months otherwise. We're having our ceremony just before sunset, because we really want those sunset photos, but I think the morning would have been a great option as well. We tried to book our ceremony at the Seawatch, because we'd already booked our reception there, but unfortunately, we'd waited too long, and it was all booked up already for the ceremony. Our wedding coordinator recommended a few other spots, including the Wailea Marriott, and we decided to go with it. The pictures they sent us look really pretty, and we will still have the water as our backdrop, so it seemed like a good compromise. We switched from the beach too. All along I really wanted a beach ceremony, but would not have been OK with a hoard of people around watching and being in the background of my wedding pics. Our ceremony will be in the gazebo, and we'll take pictures on the beach afterward and that was a good compromise for me.
  8. How fun! I love bridal shower games. We did the gum thing to my cousin at her shower. The cake and cookies looked yummy!
  9. I don't think they look bad, but if changing the first page is easy and it will make them into something you like then I don't see why you couldn't make that change. Will the place you ordered them from redo that page for you?
  10. Your pics turned out great, and your FI is going to love them!
  11. That house is gorgeous! I love the stone work on the front and the pathway, and the wood floors and railings. That is great that the granite and ceramic is standard. Very nice!
  12. I bought these at Target last year before I even picked out my dress, luckily they matched perfectly. Initially, we planned on having a beach ceremony so I was going to be barefoot and just throw these on for the reception. Now that the ceremony is in the gazebo I was thinking I might like to find a cute hot pink pair of sandals or small heel to wear instead. I haven't looked for any yet, so we'll see.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan So just an idea...wondering what you all think! My ring bearer is going to be my 5 year old little brother and I would really want my flower girl to be my baby girl who will be almost ten months at the time of our wedding. I am thinking that I can have my brother pull a decorated wagon with my little girl in her pretty little dress with her lil flower bucket down the isle..... Just an idea. I think it will be cute, but wondering what you think!!! I think that would be really cute. Also, glad to see that I'm not the only one with really little siblings. I have a 5 yo sister, and 3 yo brother that will both be in my wedding.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BrittneyD I don't know if it is something that is going on with her. We have been friends since we were 12. Ever since high school, we stayed in touch and get together from time to time. We mostly chat on the phone. The truth is that we are in 2 very different places in our lives. She is still a party girl that thinks now one our age should be getting married. I am 24. I am much more settled. A big reason why I wanted her to be a BM is that she is the only girl that I have had a long term friendship with. My other BMs are all family. It's really making me feel like I have failed in the female friend department with all of this going on. You should not feel that way at all! People change as they get older, and weddings always seem to open people's eyes about who true friends are.
  15. I finally got to watch the first episode last night, and I am so glad you ladies were commenting about Heidi's lips. I couldn't figure out if it was her lip gloss, if she had something done or what. She looked terrible! I too thought she was going to be in Paris for a summer, not a week. I figured something with Brody would happen, once a player always a player. I'm pretty sure that Lauren and Whitney were put up in that hotel either because they are on the show and it was publicity for the hotel, or MTV paid for it so they could film them there. I like Lauren, but she makes bad decisions. First, she doesn't go to Paris the first time because of douche bag Jason. Then, this time she goes and decides to wear the dress that was given (?) to her to a nightclub. Doesn't she realize she was given a second chance to prove herself, and yet she still does something dumb like that. I know she was really upset about ruining the dress so she probably thought nothing would happen to it, but why take that chance. I don't know that just bugged me. Overall, I still thought it was a good show since I have always wanted to go to Paris-now I REALLY want to go. It looks so beautiful!
  16. Very cute! That is a good idea to give them their gifts at the shower. I think I might do that as well rather than lugging them down to Mexico.
  17. That is great! It sounds like Hawaii would not have been as memorable for you as Mexico will be. I can't wait to hear how everything turns out!
  18. What a great story! I love that you had the pictures to match.
  19. I lost 3.5 pounds this week, and am so excited! I didn't think I was going to lose at all thanks to pigging out on Easter, but I did go for a run on Sunday and a couple walks during the week. Everyone is doing such a great job!
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