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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Maura, Your place is so cute! I love the colors, and the kitchen is awesome.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Also, in the winter when it's cold and we're baking something in the oven for dinner--- we leave the oven door open after dinner is done cooking and the oven is turned off, so we can use that dinner heat for warming of our kitching/breakfast nook. * I almost always wash our clothes in cold water so we aren't using the water heater (gas) to wash clothes. We also don't do laundry until we have a nice full load. I do this as well. FI and I stopped going out to eat as much. We go to a restaurant maybe once a month if that, but we still order in pizza or pick up something quick 1-2 times a week. We spend a lot less $ doing that than going out to a good restaurant. We don't have a house phone, and have a family plan on our cell phones. We also don't go out that much anymore, but that is due more to FI's work schedule than saving money. We also rent DVDs from RedBox instead of going to the theatre. It is only $1 so it is still cheaper than Blockbuster. I try to take a lunch with me when I go into the office, but the rest of the week I work from home so I also eat what we have at home. This has saved me a lot of money since I used to buy breakfast and lunch everyday! I stock up on necessities-TP, toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, etc. when things are on sale even if we are not running low.
  3. This seems strange to me. I am bringing in an outside photographer and the resort's (Iberostar Lindo) charge is $300 since we are not hiring their photographer. They never asked me who my photographer was but I don't think it would be an issue anyway since she is from Mexico.
  4. Congrats! The house is beautiful.
  5. I still have a lot more to get so this is just a start, but I just received the bags I ordered today so I wanted to post. I ordered the canvas totes from theknot.com since they were on sale for $15.99 each w/ free personalization. I ordered one for my MOH, BM, flower girl/sister and of course one for myself! They are a good size, and seem pretty sturdy. I was worried about the thread not matching the pink on the bag, but they are a perfect match. I got this frame at Kohl's during their big sale, and it was 1/2 off so it came out to be $7. I found these photo albums for my MOH and BM at Target for $1.99 (I think). They had different color flowers, and ones with stripes and other patterns if anyone is looking for cheap photo albums. I wanted to get them a frame with "friends" on it or something, but couldn't find any that I liked. I also found these travel blankets in the dollar section at Target ($2.50 each), but these were the only two in my wedding colors. I'm not sure who I am giving these to yet, but I got them since they were cute and cheap. I bought the BM dresses for the girls, and ordered an extra to have a dress made for my sister. The dresses were from Ann Taylor and I got them on clearance for $29.88 each.
  6. YES! I am getting married at the Iberostar Paraiso Lindo in November. We are having the ceremony in the gazebo at the Lindo so if you can get any pics of that, I would appreciate it. Also, if there are any cool locations to take pics with the bridal party, or for TTD other than on the beach that would be great as well. I asked for menus for the restaurants so we could pick our meal(s) so any feedback on the food and/or restaurants (how private is the semi-private set up, specifically the Italian restaurant) would also be good to know. At this point I'll take any info you care to share as it is probably more than I know now. Your pics are beautiful btw, so I can't wait to see what you come back with.
  7. I never even thought about writing something other than my name on an RSVP card. I guess I will have to be more creative the next time I receive one.
  8. It hasn't affected me personally too much, but as a recruiter I have had a tremendous amount of applicants that are looking for new jobs due to lay offs. It is really sad. FI and I have cut back on our spending more due to saving for the wedding and a house, but could also help us if anything were to happen with one of our jobs. I got a new car in November and mainly work from home so I don't have to fill up the tank that often. FI drives my car whenever he can since he has a truck and is ridiculously expensive to fill up. It will be paid off early next year and he is going to trade it in for something more economical since it doesn't seem like gas prices are going to be going down any time soon.
  9. That sucks that you had to pay $250, but at least you got the pants.
  10. That hotel is beautiful! I have never been to Martha's Vienyard, but after looking at that site I want to go. I hope you get your ring and new job soon.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak These are from the Dallas Aboretum. Not sure I put these up before. I tried searching thru my previous threads, but didn't see anything... Great pics! I love the one of the cottage and the cool tree.
  12. We are spending around $3K +$300 fee to the resort to bring in an outside photographer. We are getting the videographer from the resort which I believe was $300 or $350.
  13. All your stuff looks great. I can't wait to hear all about your wedding day when you get back. Have a great trip!
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