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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. I think the winner should take the cash and run out and buy some new clothes!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura since ann's going to be here the first weekend in may, how does sunday may 4th look for everybody? i think it would be cool if ann were able to join us! I'm good with the 4th, and excited I get to join in this time since I couldn't make it to the last get together. Ann, I hope you can make it!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Is it still Heidi on the show too? I can't really recognize her with the puffy lips. The Audrina "she was my friend first" whine really bugged me too. Do you all think she was really guilty in the Lauren/Spencer fight? Do you think she really started the sex tape rumor or at least knew about it? ShePratt seemed to elude to something about the rumors. I'm not sure if Heidi had a hand in it, but I think she knows Spencer was involved. Knowing about it makes her just as guilty. If she really thought of Lauren as her best friend she wouldn't have let that happen. Her lips annoy me, I posted a comment about that after the first episode. She looked like a platapous.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I caught up on this season by watching all the recordings from when I was gone- I may have missed the first one though by the sounds of it. No Paris/Colorado- damn! Anyways I just KNEW we would have a thread and here it is. First of all- I'm not a closet Hills fan. I'm clearly out in the open. I love it and I refuse to believe it's fake. haha that would totally make me a loser for watching. I've always hated Spencer but the way he treated his sister in the last episode. Ugh I wanted to punch him for her. Not that I really like Stephanie but he was just being such an ass. I personally think Stephanie is only friends with Lauren in hopes she can become more involved in the show. (Or if it's fake, maybe she slept with a writer.) The whole Stephanie/Lauren friendship is just weird, and I think she is using Lauren for something. She just seems like a snake. Heidi gets on my last nerve. Her whole sob story of she met Audrina first, blah blah blah. I think she knew Audrina for about a day before Lauren moved in and Heidi introduced them at the pool. I don't know why I get into that show so much, but she gets me fired up!
  5. Yum, I love brunch! Sundays would be better for me since I have class Saturday mornings from 8-1:30. The 3rd or 18th would probably be best, but I can do any Sunday. The 11th is Mother's Day and that is usually a busy restaurant day so that might not be the best day.
  6. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this Maura. How old is your sister? I'm not sure what to say, but I would definitely stop bailing her out. You seem like such a sweet and caring person and she is taking advantage of that. I think I would give her an option to bow down from her MOH role if she continues to be difficult and not willing to participate, that way you are not really "kicking her out", but giving her the choice to exclude herself. Good luck with whatever happens and know we are here if you need to vent.
  7. I think you need to let the guy friend know she is standing up in the wedding and that she and her hubby will be there. Just make sure he is OK with it, but I'm sure he will respect that it is your wedding day and not cause drama for you. Plus, if it was a 4 month relationship a long time ago I'm sure it is water under the bridge.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan The red pants can be like the traveling starfish It can be the BDW sisterhood of the traveling pants! Ha Ha! I love those black bar glasses and totally need to get myself a pair. Penis cakes are so funny. We got one for my friend for her bachelorette party and it had white frosting coming out of the tip on the board. It was too funny. It looks like you had a great time at your party!
  9. I would think they should correct your hair free of charge until it gets to the point of where you like it. I agree that they should be the ones to fix it because a) they know what chemicals they used and another place might not and you'll end up paying another salon to correct what someone else screwed up in the first place.
  10. The dress is very pretty, but it is expensive. I would check with your BMs on what price range is OK with them. If they need alterations that could end up being a very expensive dress.
  11. OK girls, I just sent my weigh in to Ann and I gained 2.8 lbs this week. I didn't have a chance to weigh myself this morning so I'm hoping the gain is purely because it is at the end of the day. However, I haven't worked out all week and haven't been eating so well so I can't say I'm surprised. I just need to get my butt in gear this week. All of you are doing so well, and it is so great to hear the tips.
  12. That haircut looks so cute on you! I love the glasses too. I want to chop my hair off so bad.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore We put on our website under our travel information that if people aren't staying at the Dreams resort to please be aware that there is an $80/day fee to come to the resort. As much as I would love to pay we just can't, plus ideally I want everyone at the same resort so we can all hang out and enjoy our vacation together. Hope that helps! We put the day pass info on our website as well because there were a couple hotel options within the Iberostar, but there were even limitations with that on who would need a pass and who wouldn't. We spelled out all the details on the website regarding which hotels needed them and which ones didn't and the price as we could not afford to cover the passes for a lot of people. We would be OK with a few, but didn't want it to get out of hand. For the people that have booked so far only one family is not staying at the resort because she has a time share, but already told me she was OK with paying the pass since it was her choice not to stay there. You always have the option of paying for the passes later so I would just let your guests know the costs up front, and if you don't have a lot to pay for you can just let the WC know in advance that you are paying for thier passes.
  14. Some of these are too funny! My worst gift was from this guy I used to date. He gave me a Cubs jersey which at first I was like OK cool, I'm a Cubs fan. But then I turned it around and it had a name on the back of it, but it wasn't one I recognized from the team. Turns out it was his ex-girlfriend's last name. He had bought it for her, but never gave it to her and thought I wouldn't notice. Needless to say that was the end of that relationship. What a moron!
  15. Oh, that sucks! Maybe it has something to do with the box hair color. Maybe whatever chemicals are in that didn't agree with the whatever chemicals are in the salons products? Hopefully, they will be able to fix it for you.
  16. Heidi, you looked absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!
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