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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Good luck trying to stay at that Mexican resort the girls crash for Carrie's honeymoon: No, they weren't vacationing south of the border, it was a set created in the more production friendly confines of Malibu, Calif. Who knew? No wonder I couldn't find anything on google!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I second the need for a spare room. We are very cramped in our little place until the land my FI is supposed to get from his dad is finalized and we can build. There is barely enough room to fart here, let alone have extra stuff like scrapbooking and wedding stuff. Yet I manage to squeeze it in here and there somehow, and the rest goes to my Mom's. Me too! I finally started to put stuff in one of our carryon bags so I wouldn't have to look at it anymore on the living room floor. I hate clutter to being with so all the wedding stuff is really making me crazy. I will really be happy to get the invites in the mail to get those off my kitchen table that we can't eat on. Ha ha! I still owe you all pics of the final invites and will get to those soon.
  3. These are really cute. I was thinking of doing something similar, but with a DVD of our wedding to send to those that couldn't make the trip. I may borrow your template. Thanks for sharing!
  4. We were anticipating about 50 people to come to our wedding, but we have had some people on our guest list get pregnant and lose jobs so our guests are dwindling. We have 17 people booked already and we really wanted a DW regardless of the size, and the funny thing is since our trip cost went up we are actually happy that we will have less people since we will be saving money. Once we have a final guest count we will determine if we are going to cut out anything else. If no onw has booked yet and having a lot of your friends and family there you could always change your plans, but if having a DW is still important to you then I think you should still go ahead with your plans. Everything will all work out in the end.
  5. Congratulations Sarah! That is wonderful news. Have a great trip.
  6. I would just let her know that you appreciate the research that she did, but you and your FI have done research of your own and you decided together on the location and the date. I would just confirm that you realize not everyone will be able to make the trip, but you picked a moderately priced resort and one that you are very happy with to have your wedding at and if she will not be able to attend you understand but to let you know now.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Overall I was really happy with the movie and I have heard there are two more in the works That would be awesome if they do another one, but I wouldn't want it to be overkill. I really liked how they ended this one. Jennifer Lynn -I love your siggy pic!
  8. I don't know, but that place looked fabulous!
  9. I loved it too. I laughed and cried through the whole movie.
  10. Michelle, you look beautiful! I love the dress. I can't wait to see more pics. Congrats!
  11. So I saw the movie this afternoon, and wanted to hear from those who have seen what your thoughts are?
  12. We registered at Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel and Linens N Things. I was contemplating changing LNT to somewhere else since they filed for bankruptcy, but I haven't found any bathroom or bedding stuff that I liked more than what I picked from there. We were also going to add Target for a few things since I don't want to put too much on there since they changed the return policy. I feel like 4 stores is too many?
  13. You are probably better off without her. It sounds like she has some issues that she needs to work out on her own and she is taking it out on you.
  14. We just started to register for gifts so only a couple people know where we registered so far. I've only gone on to change some of the quantities and take things off. I don't think I will check it once we are done registering and the shower invites go out. I'm usually not one for surprises, but I think for the shower I do want to be surprised.
  15. You are way too nice. Unless FI's family was homeless or something I wouldn't be paying for their trip to Mexico. I agree with one of the other posts that the FI should be working the second job to pay for their trips if they take you up on the offer.
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