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Everything posted by beachbride08

  1. Tara, you look beautiful in your dress, and I really like the bustle. The Madonna boob comment is hysterical!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Oh it went LOVELY!!!! YIPPEE!!! They took everything home to read through it (my contract & such) and she e-mailed me this morning with a few questions and some changes she wanted to make to the contract and at the bottom she wrote "Once we have a chance to review the changes we should be ready to move ahead and confirm you as our photographer. We were very impressed with your presentation and professionalism and think that you'll do a great job for us." YIPPEE!!! I'm so excited. Thank you all for giving me some advice on the type of things to make sure and discuss during our consultation. It not only helped me but it also helped calm my nerves! As of right now, I'm on the side. Eventually I would like to do 20+ weddings a year and make this my full time job. However, right now it's my fun job! That is awesome and good for you for going after your passion. I hope everything works out for you and you'll be a FT photog. Maybe you will be photographing some BDW brides in the future, how cool would that be?
  3. I'm glad everything worked out for you with the FSIL.
  4. The pictures on your blog are great! Are you doing the photography on the side to start off or are you doing this FT?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LindoBride2009 Question regarding tables at the Lindo. Does anyone know how the restaurant does the table set-up at the Steakhouse? Just wondering for the seating chart. The WC said they could do round or long tables. I think there was a max of 8 people per table, but I;m not sure if that is just for th round size. I did my seating chart recently and have 2 round tables, 1 long table seating 16, and a sweetheart table for FI and I. I figured once we get down there we can always split the long table into 2 round if that is too many people. It seemed like they could set it up however you wanted, but I am going to put my seating chart into Word and email it to her to make sure this will be OK.
  6. I really like the green flower that is in this bouquet, but I don't know what it is? Please help!
  7. My cousin set up an online family tree at Genealogy - Free Family Tree - Geni. It's kind of like facebook for families. You can add in your family members and then send them an email to invite them to set up their profile, or other people can info about that person. Each person can set up their profile with their interests, contact info, pictures, etc. You can post events, or family news that everyone can see. I had never heard of it before, but it is pretty neat so I thought I would share.
  8. Your pics are great, can't wait to see more. You were a beautiful bride and the setting was gorgeous!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Hi guys - just wanted to say hello. I have so much trouble keeping up with this thread! I hope you are all doing well!! I can't believe November will be here so soon! I can't believe you have 85 guests booked. Holy cow! Do you have much left to do? Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Awww..I know what you mean. There are so many newbies. I usually check this thread and any others that are posted by the older members. What else have you gotten done? Your day is coming soon! Your Pink and Green blumeboxes sound cute! I love pink and green together! Are you decorating the blumeboxes? I ordered the aqua colored ones, but am thinking of ordering some additional smaller ones since our tables are long. That would be a super cute favor! I walk over and open the closet door and there he is....sitting on the floor....COVERED in suntan oil!!!!!! He has it all over him, his clothes and the carpet. Guess what is sitting behind him MY WEDDING DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD he didn't get anything on it or I would have taken the day off to go buy a new dress. I might use the green ribbon that I planned on using for the fans to wrap around the blumeboxes, but we'll see how they look when I get them. I might just leave them plain. I am either going to get stargazers or white rose to put in them. Thank god your son didn't get anything on your dress! Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Hey guys, Just wanted to give you a heads up on a deal I found last night. I went to Kohl's because I knew they had some beach style frames and I wanted to add one more gift to my BM gift bag for this weekend. They had them at 70% off. I think it might have only been a 1 day sale but maybe they were on a reduction. Anyways I got some really cool frames for $5 and then I went ahead and bought those small photo holder things (with the spiral thing to hold 1 picture) They had seashells and starfish ones and they were only $2. Got those to put in the OOT bags. YAY!! I think I may go back tonight, FI liked some of the frames for us and maybe gifts for our parents too. Kohl's always has cute picture frames. That is a cute idea to put one in the BM gifts.
  10. What a great idea! Your party sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Michelle I think your pink flowers in the green bloombox will look great. I have green ribbon about 4 spools of it if you want it, it's yours. I bought it when i had turqoise fans but i sold those so i don't need the ribbon and i dont see me using it anytime soon. I dont think you would have any trouble finding tequila down there and you could get the maracas there too. they had the maracas and the tequila at our hotel gift shops when we stayed in Riviera Maya I'm sure they have them in the Iberostar gift shops too. If not you could take a cab ride to Playa Del Carmen and get them. there's great shopping there. Thanks for the ribbon offer, but unfortunately some of the fans are put together so well it was hard for me to get the ribbon through to stay on the handle. I was able to do one, and it looks really cute, but I don't have the patience to do the rest. There wasn't even space between the names and the date on the personalized ribbon for me to use it. So I think I am just going to leave them plain. I know, boring, but at this point I'm not letting the details like that bother me. I just want to get stuff done! This is a big step coming from the girl that freaked out about having to put an extra stamp on my invitations because it was purple and didn't match my personalized stamps. Ha ha! Maybe we will just wait until we get to Mexico and see what kind of favors we find. I really like the tequila idea, and maybe we can bring down some little gift bags and put that and some margarita mix in there. The less stuff I have to bring down with me the better. I could probably just get the maracas for the kids. They would like to play with those.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG Does anyone have any wedding prep that they are doing this week &/or weekend? I am going to try and print my wedding programs. I think I have been saying this for the past couple weeks, but I think I might actually have some time this weekend to do it. I just have to finish getting stuff ready for our garage sale next weekend, and go out to eat with the fam for my Grandpa's birthday. I got my raffia fans today! The handles are bigger than I thought so I'm not sure if the personalized ribbon is going to work. I'll be bummed if it doesn't because I'm going to have this big thing of ribbon leftover with our name and wedding date on it. I used it on our bubbles, but I don't know what else I can use it for. I do have some fat green ribbon left that I can wrap around the handles, but I don't think I have enough of that ribbon for all the fans. I also ordered some blumeboxes today. I got 6 of the hot pink to use for centerpieces, 2 hot pink ones that can be used to hold the BM bouquets and I got a green one which I will put my bouquet in which will be the centerpiece on our table. We are going to have a sweetheart table so I thought having that and a centerpiece would be too much. I'm the only one with a green vase/box, but my flowers will be pink so I thought pink on pink would be too much. The BMs flowers will be white/ivory, and I haven't decided what type of flowers to use for the centerpieces. I need to think about that one. I should hopefully get my parasols soon. The only thing I think I have left to order is the maracas for our favors/placecards. I just need to see how much room we are going to have left in our suitcases. I wanted to do a pair of maracas per person with a tag tied to them with their name. Otherwise, I don't know what else to do for favors. I wanted to do bottles of tequila, but I don't know if we'll be able to get those down there and worry that we won't find enough. Although, we can do one bottle per couple so we would only need about 15.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jwalkowiak I really like these Maracas! Do you plan to give each person a set or each couple a set? Is your plan to just attached the a name tag to each? I was thinking of giving each person a set, but haven't decided about this yet. I need to pack our second suitcase of wedding stuff and see how much room/weight I will have left. I might end up just doing one maraca per person to save room. I don't imagine they would be heavy, but if they are bulky they might take up some room in the suitcase. I just got my raffia fans today so I need to tie the ribbon on those. I have personalized ribbon with our names and wedding date on it, but the handles are thicker than I thought so I'm not sure if that ribbon will work. If not I have some fat green ribbon left that I can wrap around the handle, but I'm not sure if I have enough for 30 fans. My FI says I should leave them as is, but I think they look too plain. I'm hoping to print out our programs and menus this weekend. I have been avoiding that like the plague! I've also been really busy and haven't had much time for wedding stuff though.
  14. I am not a mom either, but I do have a 6 yr old sister and 4 yr old brother who have been flying since birth. My stepmom usually just buys them some new toys and packs them in their carry on and doesn't let them see the toys until they get on the plane to occupy them during the flight. My cousin will also be bringing an almost 2 yr old and a 6 month old to Mexico, and they were initially on a direct flight that got canceled and are now on a connecting flight. They weren't thrilled about having a connecting flight, but they have no choice (they got their tickets with miles on American, and the only directs were on United). There main concern at that point was they didn't want to get the kids up too early and throw off their sleep schedule. They take off around 9 something, and the layover is about an hour and they will have to switch planes. Maybe she is just nervous if the kid hasn't flown before, maybe once she calms down she'll be fine.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mpajkos Thanks Meagan! We'll get through it.. somehow it always seems to work out. This time it is just a little too much. If you know what I mean. I thought that if we were paying for the wedding people wouldn't feel able to put there two sense in but that doesn't seem the case.... bummer!!! People will have an opinion no matter who is paying or what you decide to do. Can your FI talk to his sister abut the kids situation? Maybe he can just tell her that the reception is adults only and she'll get the hint (or not, but at least you tried). All I can say is don't let them ruin your dream wedding. If eloping is really what you want, then go for it. But if Key West is your dream then I say just do what you want and enjoy your day. I know it is easier said than done, but try not to stress out about it.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG Your dress looks sooo great Michelle. That is so sweet about your little sis helping with the train! Your bachelorette weekend sounds like so much fun Amy! Enjoy it! Well, I just got home from my weekend in the city and my bridal shower today. It was so great and I had so much fun!!! I will get the pics off my Mom's camera tomorrow (Mon) when I go over there, since it was getting late when we got back to town. She just got back from her cruise yesterday, and has gifts for us, but didn't want to hand then out at the shower. Coming home I actually had to leave the crook pit behind because there was literally NO room left in the van, unless I leftmy Mom, sister, Hailey or Justin behind!!!! That is awesome! I can't believe you had to leave gifts behind. Hopefully, you can get them back. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Well one of the plans is getting our makeup done so that wouldn't involve dressing up. But this sunday she invited fi and i to brunch with her parents at a Country Club that would be dressing up. I told her i would ask fi if he wants to go to brunch. Now normally my fi would probably say he didn't feel like it because he's not one to dress up so if he says Yes than it could be my shower. But i think brunch would be too early she didn't give me a time. See this is driving me crazy, i am looking into everything way too much. The brunch has to be your shower! My shower was a brunch and started at 11:00. I'm so excited you finally have a possibility, the suspense has been killing me! Ha ha! I tried to stay away from my registeries, but I started changing things. I would get the Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel catalogs and find things I wanted, or liked better so I would change stuff. I changed the bedding the most, and we didn't get any of it at our shower. All that work for nothing! We had also registered for that big margarita maker, and I took it off because it wasn't really a necessity and I figured no one would buy it. Well, after the shower, my cousin asked why we didn't register for that. She saw it at the store and thought it would be something I would like and she wanted to get it, but it wasn't on the registry. Who knew!?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by aimeeyonke so we booked our date! & received tons of information on the tucan- flower prices, restaurant choices, private events... from what i can tell it seems very similar between the iberostar resorts- although the tucan/quetzal prices are lower for some things. SO if anybody is looking for anything just let me know. otherwise the information i received directly from the wc matches almost everything i have seen online. & diskokitty: thank you for the info! edit: adding a "tricky" question! what exactly does this $300 outside photographer fee mean? i'm thinking about doing a TTD session a day or too after the ceremony. does this $300 cover one photographer? one day? one photoshoot?! i hate to ask the wc because i'm scared of the answer. lol That is awesome that you booked your date! Congrats! You'll probably have to pay the $300 again. I think it covers the day pass for them to be on the resort and also pay the photoshop for not using their services. We are doing a TTD as well, but will be doing it at a location other than our resort. We will discuss the location with our photographer once we get down there.
  18. We had this same problem. We sent out our invites in June and gave people until August 15 to make a decision. We received most of our replies the week of the deadline and the week after. After that we had to start calling and emailing people. Most were nos, but we did have a few yes's and those people have now booked. I overbought OOT fillers since I just started buying things as I found stuff, but I didn't have enough bags. One of the girls on here will hopefully have some extras (she got the same bags as me) to sell to me, otherwise we will just put their stuff in gift bags. I am not going to worry about if people can't drop a card in the mail especially when the stamp is on there! I just don't get it.
  19. I too had planned on losing a bunch of weight before the wedding as I am the heaviest I have ever been and hate seeing myself in pictures. I just had my second dress fitting yesterday and although I am not at the weight I hoped I would be I still felt like a beautiful bride in my dress. I am going to work out as much as I can and watch what I eat until the wedding. If I lose some more weight that would be great, but I am not going to let a few extra pounds ruin my wedding day, and you shouldn't either.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Well, girls after wondering about my dress being in I decided to call the next day and lo and behold. It was in!! I got a postcard in the mail that very afternoon when I got home..so now I made an appt in a couple weeks for my first fitting!! Hoping it fits. Next weekend is my bachelorette weekend in Traverse City so I knew I couldn't go then. So excited for my bachelorette party weekend we have rented a house on the lake and about 11-13 are coming and staying in the house together. (It sleeps up to 16) So it's going to be a weekend of casinos, shopping, wineries, campfires and of course barhopping. It's going to be a blast. I have friday off so 4 of us are driving up in the morning. Usually the bachelorettes I've been to with my friends have been Chicago or Vegas so everyone is kind of glad for a change where we can all stay together and hang out. They are also throwing me a shower Sat. morning with the theme "Wine me, dine me, 69 me!" so it will be interesting the kinds of gifts I get. lol Oh it has been raining here like crazy in MI this whole weekend..FI and I went out yesterday and picked out his wedding band and I ordered it. So, pretty happy we got another thing done. Today we will work on our meet the guests page on our website. That is great that your dress is in, and your bachelorette party sounds like it will be a lot of fun! Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Hey ladies!! Can you believe how close we are? Everyone is doing fittings and showers and are I say...last minute details!! WOW!!! Very cool!! Just wanted to take a minute to tell you guys how much you all have meant to me and I cant wait to hear the reviews and see the pics of our very upcoming weddings. It's good to see you back on here, we've missed ya! Hope everything is going well. Well, as promised I have a few pics from my dress fitting. She needs to take it in some more on the sides and straps and she has the bottom pinned up so it's not finished yet. My sister got measured for her dress, and my little brother tagged along so they wanted to take a picture with me. My little sis was so cute, she helped fluff out my train for the pictures. She just might come in handy on the wedding day! She just turned 6 today. The weather has been so crazy here. The basement of our building flooded, and there are so many streets closed due to flooding. It took me forever to get home from sister's b-day party.
  21. That sounds like so much fun. I think everyone needs to ride a mechanical bull at least once in their lives. I can't wait to see the pictures!
  22. Hopefully everyone is OK. We got the aftermath rain here all day today. I was out in the suburbs today and a lot of roads were flooded and closed and the basement of our building flooded so I can only imagine how bad Houston got hit.
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