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Everything posted by Jones4Me

  1. I think the invitations to the shower could be worded to remind them it is celebrating your "wedding in Mexico" (or wherever) so that it re-explains why they are not getting invites to the wedding. And, all of the aunts can certainly help with the explaining if one of the cousins asks or something.
  2. What a great idea! We have a similar store in Indianapolis. My god-daughter made bracelets for Christmas 2006. But, I never thought of going there for bridal jewelry. THANKS!
  3. Jones4Me

    I'm new!

    Congratulations and Happy Planning!
  4. Thanks Jessica! I am now officially working with Janelle - and told her that I got her info from you! : ) And, oddly enough, she is from Indianapolis originally - where we live! We are still trying to decide if we want to do a hotel or a cottage.... We did AI last vacation and LOVED it. So, not sure about finding places to eat and making food.... We are on a TIGHT budget. What do you think? Thanks again for all of you St Thomas help!
  5. Very nice! I especially like the one for your FI. Thanks for sharing the site too!
  6. It must be frustrating to want to be married by someone within your faith and have so much trouble with it! I wish you ladies the best!
  7. My advice: Eat a little so you are not starving and grumpy while shopping. Don't wear make-up, it might get on the dresses. Wear underclothes that you are okay with the saleslady seeing you in. Try on things that "aren't you" or that you don't think you will like. Once you have them on, it may be "the one". Relax and HAVE FUN! And yes, the camera is a must!
  8. to the forum. Count me in the "I can't help" group for South America.... Sorry. But, you will be able to get TONS of wedding information here and hopefully some S. America info too.
  9. to the forum! I am also getting married in May - but in St Thomas. You will find lots of great ideas and help here. This is a great group!
  10. Mmmmmmmmm! Sounds so good. I am not a big fan of white chocolate though.... I am thinking I might try with milk chocolate. Thanks Shelley!
  11. to the forum! Glad to have you join us!
  12. Jones4Me


    Glad to have you join us! Congrats and happy planning!
  13. Congratulations! The photos on the blog of your story are great! LOVE the ring - we originally looked at blue stones too! What a great story to one day be able to tell your grandchildren and you'll have photos to share too.... YEAH!
  14. CONGRATULATIONS! Glad to hear that Aiden and Mom are healthy! I am sure that Daddy is very proud too! Can't wait to hear more! And - he is SUCH a cutie! CONGRATULATIONS!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa OMG Maria, I was uber shocked to find that there are no liquor sales on Sunday! What the hell with that?? Indiana is the same way - the WHOLE state. The only way around it is that restaurants can still serve drinks! Let me tell ya - the pizza joint in my college town was ALWAYS busy on Sunday's so that people could still order a beer and watch games!
  16. I voted the Dr. Scholls. 1-I like the cork. 2-I like the bronze color better than the gold3 3-I like that the bronze is also on the side. But - I really say: Go with the most comfortable!!
  17. If you were going to have a veil made of the lace, couldn't you have one made using the lace only on the edges? Use the regular netted as the rest? Just a thought....
  18. to the forum! I am sure you will find TONS of wonderful ideas and lots of help for planning your cousin's wedding!
  19. Is there a list somewhere that outlines the order and how to achieve each?
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