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Everything posted by Jones4Me

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley it says that to me all the time now, that and this websitedeclined to show this page or something like that This happens all the freakin' time to me! I also thought it was my work. But - it happens at home too. Frustrating!
  2. Hey Ladies! I talked with Angel and liked her too, but then Jessica turned me to Janelle at Island Bilss and I REALLY like her too. It was a tough decision. For me it came down to price and the arch that I want and decorations that I like. Janelle had more of what I wanted. What photographer are you ladies using? Have you been to St Thomas before? I am having difficulty deciding which beach to use for the ceremony. It's driving me BONKERS. Ya know - when it comes to your wedding you just want it to be PERFECT. I am sure you understand!
  3. I am using BlueGlass Photographers. I like the work that I have seen of theirs - and it worked in my price range. (which is VERY limited!)
  4. Thanks for your help Jessica! You are right that Janelle is great - I am glad that you recommended her!
  5. I'm here too! 1. Name - Brandi 2. Where are you from - originally some hick town in Indiana - now I live in "the big city" Indianapolis (that is a TOTAL joke - Indy is like a small town that is just pretty spread out!) 3. Where are you getting married in St Thomas: an undecided beach 4. When are you getting married: 05.07.08 5. who is you WC: Jannelle at Island Bliss (got her name/info from Jessica of JessicalovesBrian) We are going away just the two of us, so no reception until we get home. Although Janelle is going to work with Eric to plan something special after the wedding.
  6. I have seen them at Michaels craft store.
  7. Okay - so it was NOT my imigination! That is good to know. And, as long as it still works - we can deal with smaller. At least for Quick Replies - maybe not the case for other things..... Oh I have a dirty mind!
  8. Glad to hear that all is well Bre! No worries about it now. YEAH!
  9. If you ever have any questions from a Nanny's prospective, I was a professional Nanny for about 3 years after college. I was part of the National Assocation of Nannies, participated in the Nanny March on DC - even gave a speach on the steps of the US Capitol!, and still have a few contacts in the nanny world.
  10. Sounds DELICIOUS! Can't wait to try it!
  11. Girl, TRY IT ON! You paid a pretty penny for the dress and the alterations. You don't want regrets later!
  12. I looked for St Thomas and there are a few things too! YEAH! Thanks for sharing - I have been to cafepress before, but I never think to go there when I am looking for stuff!
  13. That is cute! I love all of the Bride stuff. This is great for the Jamican wedding gals!
  14. I really like those for rings too. I have seen a few, but cant find the threads again....
  15. I agree that you should give them the head's up if this is important to you. You also might have your families and attendants passing the word around.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine well all pregnant women grow differently. Like I have been in maternity clothes for almost the entire pregnancy, where as some women don't even show until about 6 months. I am 4 months and totally showing. TOTALLY agree! I am tall and have lots of room for a baby - so I did not show until I was about 6 months. (except in the chest - that started around month 2!) My doctor even commented about it. I went for my weekly check up exactly one week before my daughter was born. The OB said that if I weren't his patient, he would guess me to be about 7 months along even though I was full term. He actually said that I was "born to breed" since my body was perfect for carrying a baby! Talk about making me feel bad! If anyone other than an OB would have said that - I would have decked them! As for your friend, I would ask the bridal shop for advice. If you order a regular dress - order BIG as her body will change in lots of places. And, she shouldn't get her shoes too early either - even feet change sizes for some people!
  17. Jones4Me

    Tulum Bride

    Eden! Your wedding is just around the corner - tell us more about it!
  18. to the forum! Can't wait to hear about what you have planned!
  19. Stunning! It is a beautiful dress! Very flattering. I like the "bling" too! Not too much - but very pretty. GREAT DRESS!
  20. Great job Jen! I am trying o kick my soda habit too. I usually stop in the AM for a 44 oz soda and fill up at lunch and have at least one more (again - 44 oz) in the evening.... That's like a 2 litre a day! AAUUGGHH!! For the past 2 weeks, I have limited myself to one 24 oz at lunch time. I had BIG headaches at first, but I feel better. In a month or two I will probably switch to a can (12 oz) at lunch. And, lets note - these were not diet. The dietician I work with said I have probably cut 1500 to 2000 calories a day! WOW!
  21. What a difficult decision! SO many good choices. It's a pleasure to have ALL of them on here......
  22. I can understand! I vary from 36DDD to 38DDD depending on the maker of the bra. I have a hard time finding things too. Try Fredericks of Hollywood. They carry a WIDE range of sizes and styles. They don't have a lot of stores anymore, but they have a site.
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