Quote: Originally Posted by Christine well all pregnant women grow differently. Like I have been in maternity clothes for almost the entire pregnancy, where as some women don't even show until about 6 months. I am 4 months and totally showing. TOTALLY agree! I am tall and have lots of room for a baby - so I did not show until I was about 6 months. (except in the chest - that started around month 2!) My doctor even commented about it. I went for my weekly check up exactly one week before my daughter was born. The OB said that if I weren't his patient, he would guess me to be about 7 months along even though I was full term. He actually said that I was "born to breed" since my body was perfect for carrying a baby! Talk about making me feel bad! If anyone other than an OB would have said that - I would have decked them!
As for your friend, I would ask the bridal shop for advice. If you order a regular dress - order BIG as her body will change in lots of places. And, she shouldn't get her shoes too early either - even feet change sizes for some people!